Glad so many are in and finding it a joy. Myself with a 2 year old laptop, windows 10 and ultra fast broadband I was expecting an easy ride ( don't have problems downloading or viewing non Jagex stuff). Sadly not to be - just over 5 hours of loading so far and I am at 49%. The good News is that if it stops, freezes the computer or you accidently shut it down (as I did twice) it springs back to where it stopped.
The bad News is that already I have had clannies posting "time to stop this game" as they can't get in. For those that were using client it is fine - it is still there and working fine, easy to redirect them back to yesterday's way. But for those using browser, let us just say grrrrr some are not going to work so hard to have a little bit of fun.
19-Apr-2016 02:42:33