Now every time I criticise, I offer another option.
"Spotting problems is easy. Leaders talk about solutions."
The problem:
People accidentally leaving their clan because there is a leave clan button close to a leave clan chat button, & overlapping a leave group button.
The Solution:
(& I can't bold, highlight, underline, emphasize that word enough) remove the leave clan button that is being accidentally used by a few.
Add a worded option accessed via the cog, as suggested in my previous post.
I'm yet to hear why the proposed idea directly addresses the issue better than this.
This way doesn't introduce all the extra mess along with what should be a simple change.
I'm 100% with Cuddlebucket on this.
- Extremely long work around to a simple resolution. FFS.
You don't want to make it more difficult to leave a clan also if someone is that unhappy by hiding the icon so they have to ask someone where it is. Makes more sense they can teleport to the scribe.
The legendary mistake of holding down the 1 key to quickly leave a group has claimed many victims, resetting that players clan experience. Although I do see it as something that could be improved I also feel like it's us, the player bases fault for not taking the time to read or take care which tab we're in.
One of the problems I potentially see is players newer clans having trouble with wanting to leave and figuring out the new system. Is it a complex one? No, not exactly. However if they were having to ask for assistance on how to leave in their own clan (that they'd like to leave) I don't see the clan in question giving a favorable or helpful response.
In the end it's hard to say if its an actual problem that should be addressed with valuable development time or just a nuisance clans can endure. I'm unsure of how late into development stages this actually is as I'm very tardy on my reply. I can't help but lean towards the thought of development time could perhaps be used for something more beneficial to clans.
Mod Shauny, I fully support your idea of teleporting to clan camp then talking with scribe and leaving the clan. Great idea which gives somone a few more seconds to make sure their decision was correct.
Thank you for all your hard work.
Fealty Stars Clan
Founding Owner, 20/04/2012