I've recently had several members of my clan get hacked in a matter of hours.
They went to a website (which I'm having taken down so no need to post it) that runs a script which installs a Remote Administration Utility on their computer and disables their antivirus. The hacker then either sniffs their packets or installs a keylogger as well as watching their screen for the bank pin.
Afterwards, he hacks them, cleans them out and uses their account to contact some of his other victims.
^ A Good example of why never to go to any other rs site other than Runescape itself. It was advertised as a private server.
At any rate, microsoft has a nifty tool called the Microsoft security Scanner. You download it straight from the web and can run it on your computer. It only works for like 2 days though as they update it often.
It's saved my ass out on site with customers plenty of times.
As for the IRC/voice chat thing, it is very possible. I've known people who got nabbed by the FBI because they bragged about some site they hacked in the wrong IRC, and who have been hacked because somebody ran wireshark while in a skype call with them.
For the IRC its as simple as doing a whois on their username, but that can be thwarted by having a Vhost and using a proxy or VPN.
Skype is simple as well. Just don't call people you don't know...
17-May-2012 19:35:36