1) How did you first find out about clans and how did you become involved with your current clan?
-I found out about clans via. RuneScape website and I joined couple but got bored and decided to make my own.
2) Do you doubt on your abilities from time to time?
-Sometimes I actually do.
3) Are you able to control your anger when a member does something very wrong?
- Most of the times I can.
4) Have you ever had a dream about your clan?
- Too many times.
5) Would you ever join a clan again as a recruit?
- I actually have done that when I returned to RuneScape after 3 year break.
6) Do you talk with members using other sites/programmes (aka skype, facebook, etc.)
- We use discord.
7) What are your clans requirements for new members?
- We do not have any requirements, we're a chill community clan.
8) How does your clan handle ranking?
- You can check out our Ranking system QFC:
Our Admins uses a coded Google Sheets to keep track of each clan members points.
9) What kind of events does your clan like to do?
- We don't do a lot of events.
10) Does your clan have a clan citadel? (If so, what tier?)
- Yes we do have a Citadel it is Tier 5