
How do YOU run your clan?

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Strawberrys said :

Communicating on "groupme" sounds great - calendar to keep you up to date with clan events, allows you to communicate with clan members, and, most importantly allows you to turn such notifications off.

However, do you ever find that using such a device causes security issues (like sharing inrl personal information?)

The app has you register both your phone number and an email. You can use either of those one things to add people to a group. All of my admins+ are required to use it. The information is exchanged over teamspeak, if they are uncomfortable with sharing a working email, or their number with me. I have them create a new email to register with groupme. Its like a business email for the clan.
Owner Of Prestige Legion
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18-Apr-2015 19:09:07



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4.1.1) The council. It's the highest rank in the clan for security reasons.

4.1.2) I never rank up admins with the intent of them being temporary.

4.2) These questions do not apply as I view the idea of ranking based on XP as ludicrous.

4.3.1) Someone I haven't seen in ages.

4.3.2) Members who have declared inactivity (meaning they intend to return at some point) are given a pass. Then I check RuneClan.

4.3.3) Council members get ranked down to General. To hold the privilege of council you should be doing all the work the rest of the clan is. Those who declare inactivity otherwise are not punished at all. The rest are kicked if I don't recognize them.

4.4.1) New comers. When I do sweeps, I don't want to mistake a new member who may have just joined as an inactive. I don't need diversity. Honestly, it feels like the clan system has too many ranks. In every clan I've seen only 5 ranks (at most) mean anything significant.

4.4.2) We use Google Docs to discuss and vote. We have a meeting start time where people are expected to show up. We discuss and then leave for the day. After that, whoever missed the meeting can come in and add. We continue adding and voting until the week is over.

4.4.3) Points are based off recruiting and capping. If someone steals credit for another recruit, the real recruiter is going to speak up. I do surprise cap inspections without notifying anyone that they are happening. Sometimes I do it on all members, and other times I only do it on members who say they cap consistently but I haven't seen cap in ages.

As of now I have never caught anyone abusing this system.
Runescape doesn't need a needs a villain. An all encompassing force of evil that will remain ever-threatening and use chaos to make the peoples of Gielinor tolerate each other, grow strong together, and fight side by side against this evil. I am that villain.

19-Apr-2015 06:57:24 - Last edited on 19-Apr-2015 06:58:17 by Hazeel

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Other questions 1/2:

How do you handle the Administrator rank?

-In my clan the rank of admin is one of the ranks of being in the admin+ team and is not avatar only but when the permission rewrite happens this is what i'll be turning it into.

Who do you give it to?

-All my admin+ ranks have access to it and you have to meet my Standards and Criteria to become an admin (check previous post for more detail on this) however in the event an admin is not on or cannot take one out we make a temp admin (someone from the rank of general)

How to trust temporary-Admins not to do any mischief within the CC?

-I wouldn't be making someone like that an admin in the first place, a temp admin in my clan is someone who would be a next in line for admin rank and there is an agreed list of people who can be made a temp admin, this ensures there are no rouges, also have broadcast on so you know if something is changed.

How do you handle a XP-based Ranking System?

-N/A (not my clan's ranking system)

How to get clanmembers to cap, attend events, etc if the only criteria is XP?

-N/A (not my clan's ranking system)

How do you reward your clanmates' activity, friendliness, effort, etc if the only criteria is XP?

-N/A (not my clan's ranking system)

How can you trust your ranks with powers (seeing which guests join/leave, kicking guests, etc etc) and TEMPORARY ADMIN if they only their rank based on XP?

-My ranking system is not based on xp as I feel that is a dreadful way to rank, mine is based on you as a person, your characteristics, and so forth. I trust my admins becuase to become one you need to be in the clan a while which is long enough for me to judge you and know if you can be trusted with the power to kick and so forth.

Additionally in my clan we have a list of protocols to follow before kicking clan members/guests/deranking etc.
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19-Apr-2015 12:08:50 - Last edited on 19-Apr-2015 12:27:54 by Ignore List

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Other Questions part 2/2:

How do you handle inactivity?

-People need to tell us if they will be inactive and we'll write it down or change their job title to "On Vacation"

What is your definition of inactive?

-Without letting us know and inactive for 6 months with no xp gained

How do you run inactivity sweeps?

-Using RuneClan you can set it so you can see if someone has gained any experience between a certain period, and if they haven't gained any experience in 6 months then kick

What punishment do inactive players get?

-If you are inactive but let us know we only change Job title so you do not get kicked, when you are innactive for 6 months its a straight kick

Miscellaneous questions:

What do you use the Recruit rank for? Is it for inactive players? For new-comers? For muting purposes?

-For new players and once they have been in the clan for 1 week they are ranked straight to sergeant.

Do you feel like you lose some ranking system diversity by forcing the Recruit rank to only be meant for these cases, as if it's not even an actual rank?

-Nope, each clan to their own, and what they perceived each rank to mean and how it is to be used.

How do you handle Meetings / Clan Councils / Voting sessions? How to make sure everyone gets their say and vote, despite timezones?

-This is an interesting one. So I'll break it down:

Clan meeting: Some will miss it so we have a thread in the clan forums with minutes so they can give their opinions, If a vote is required and the person is unable to attend the meeting we'll give them a TLDR and they just tell us how they wish to vote.

Clan Council: All done in Admin+ Skype group.

If you use a points-based Ranking System, how can you know people won't lie in threads such as ''Post if you capped''?

We don't use the ranking system but basically people will post and an admin will need to verify it
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19-Apr-2015 12:27:27 - Last edited on 19-Apr-2015 12:29:25 by Ignore List

May Member 2010


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A nice thread. Apologies for the delayed response. I've been preoccupied with school and the clan has been in a slump. I'll answer best I can however.

1.1 We push for simplicity. We also constructed our rules and processes from scratch in a sense. We try to decrease the formalities as much as possible and only add when there is a significant value added benefit for the clan. Looking at things marginally definitely helps.

1.2. Skype, Watsapp, google docs, teamspeak, facebook (in order of popularity).

1.3 We record ranking points related statistics via designated threads. The exception is runeclan as a proxy for monitoring activity when in doubt of those in hard to monitor timezones.

1.4 We sustain our points system by sustaining confidence in its accuracy. If you mean finding time to do it effectively, it certainly helps that we have a small clan and clan members willing to post points related reports.

1.4.1 We manually enter the data from into a google spreadsheet. This is updated and published on our offsite at weekly intervals. We confirm by having the host of events post who all attended an event (only recording attendance of the event with the exception of sinkholes requiring full attendance). This is integrated and we generally use an honor system as it comes to this. We routinely check online for citadel caps and activity as well. It is the responsibility of the clan member to report that they have recruited a new clan member.
-RawPrecision of The Kustion Elite

13-May-2015 03:26:41

May Member 2010


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2. I reduce the weight by delegating special responsibilities to trusted clan members and through the use of the points system.

2.1 Yes

2.1.1 To expand on 2, we try to share technical responsibility where the strengths of someone else would exceed mine. (Example PvM where I am not the best in the clan at or most knowledgeable in the area). I try to be honest with my abilities and encourage others to do the same for continuous improvement.

2.1.2 We used to look at performance in related events and ability to adapt in testing circumstances. Now we ask that new admins post an application that was devised using a set criteria. We experimented plenty on this. It's clear that they need to spend time absorbing our philosophies regardless of qualifications. Trust is highly important. We advocate knowledge and skill diffusion. If someone has to leave, other clan members have to pick up the slack. Many times this falls on me, but it's something we're working on. We don't promote someone unless the role is unable to be serviced by already high ranking clan members.

2.2. N/A

3. It is mostly via ingame and Skype. Our offsite is for safe documentation and detailed information posting.

3.1 Yes both official and offsite.

3.1.1 We compliment it with the offsite. Skype group

3.1.2 We try to set a standard for trust and safety with proper information. Still only a small group are able to overcome the fears however. Invisionfree forums have some useful admin features for monitoring to the needed extent. Rules relating to the offsite are established and enforced. We haven't had trouble on there though. The host for the forum board give excellent tools for this as well. Myself and a clan member with more technical knowledge in the area.

3.2 Skype, Teamspeak and Facebook

3.2.1 To offer a variation needed for effective communication.

3.2.2 We have someone tasked with supervising each and keeping them updated.
-RawPrecision of The Kustion Elite

13-May-2015 04:24:17

May Member 2010


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4.1.1 As said in section 2, we try to have everyone build their strengths in one area and expand that area of the clan. We depend heavily on each other and suffer when someone doesn't do their duty. It was similar to a technocracy, then we moved towards a democracy and currently towards more central command with the slump we're experiencing. The administrator rank is mostly for supervising the chat in this sense and promoting a positive atmosphere.

4.1.1 We have official and temporary admins. These temporary admins are based on our avatar rotation system that allows star rank limited avatar usage.

4.1.2 We try to ensure that these clan members have our philosophy to allow the honor system to work and no mischief to occur. We have yet to have anyone kick someone wrongly.

4.2 Does not apply

4.2.3 We try to limit power as much as possible and share knowledge on its benefits/drawbacks. We give more delegating responsibilities (the power/authority that goes with it) as the clan member go higher in rank. I could go into the psychology of why there wouldn't be power abuse, but I don't think it's the point of the thread.

4.3 We handle activity by trying to have a solid foundation of active members with a positive attitude. I would define inactivity as not being in the scope of clan matters. We remove inactives when they fall under the lower points threshold each week. Otherwise, inactivity has a penalty that would cause a fall in rank eventually.

4.4.1 It's for listed inactives and the clan members that are not eligible for higher ranks because of their standing in ranking points. It would help for more ranks to be available, but it's a necessary drawback for now.

4.4.2 We try to have a time that is viable for all clan members. We also open decisions for feedback after via the clan forum.

4.4.3 Random checks (haven't found deviations from them) and pushing to have integrity as the norm.

Hope this helped with an extra perspective.
-RawPrecision of The Kustion Elite

13-May-2015 04:33:25 - Last edited on 13-May-2015 04:41:05 by RawPrecision



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After leading clans for 8 years and going trough every possible option from forcing events and punishing inactivity to what it is now , laid back , i can stade a few things.

I am a dictator :
only leader and my decisions are final (ofc i'll listen to or ask advise at a few people that i know for years and trust but at the end, the decision is mine).

No set events :
Forcing people to go to events they don't want to go to will get them to turn pm etc off so they can do what they want anyway. Or they will log in late for the event etc.

Ava out as much as possible :
I have a fair amount of admins and higher that can take ava out . They know how to set citadel resource gathering etc, in case i'm not on.

Ranking/kicking :

Nobody changes ava, ranks,settings or kicks people except me.
One indicator for me to when to kick people is when they end up on the ignore of one of my coordinators, that's never a good sign.

Once so often , I do a clean-up from inactive people/accounts keeping in mind some people play or have more then one account.

Recruiting :
people can PM me or we get members by people talking to other members. I don't really recruit on the forums.

Communication :
When something has to be communicated to all, there will be a thread made on the clan page forum, we don't use off-game tools anymore. All the daily/normal stuff is discussed in cc .

As said, WOF is 8 years old, so I guess the system works,

13-May-2015 07:36:27

Dec Member 2012


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1) How do you get organized?
I tend to talk to my admin team on skype to organise events or points and things.

1.2) What sort of apps/programs do you use to run the clan more efficiently?
Skype is a life saver for organising and we also use spreadsheets for event competitions, i've also looked into using runeclan's website.

1.3) What sort of clan-related statistics do you keep track of? And how?
Points, we update them weekly, we use our forum to keep track of who has gained what points.

1.4) If you use a points-based system, how do you sustain it?
We ask all clan members to post events if they host or to post capped, we have a lot of templates for them to use on our recruitment thread so its pretty easy. We have a an admin team who purely works on the points, they each take it in turns to update the points weekly.

1.4.1) How do you fill out all of the data?
Using templates located on our thread. How do you confirm who has been to which event? And what classifies as attending? The whole event? Half of it? Showing up at the end?
Well it depends what kind of event it is, if its a minigame you have to play the whole game or if its a skilling event you have to have attended for at least 20 minutes.

2) How do you reduce the weight on your shoulders?
My admin team, i often ask them to do things when i'm not able to but a lot of them do it without me even asking.

2.1) Do you share it with others?
Yes, if im stressed about something i will often express my concern in a skype chat.

2.1.1) If so, what and how exactly do you share it?
I'll post it n a skype chat.

2.1.2) If so, how do you select those you want to share tasks with?
anyone willing to help really and if i think they will be up to the job How do you trust them?
I trust them like they are close friends What if there's no one qualified for it? (E.G. Recent mass exodus of clan ranks)
I'll try and do it myself

A perfect community, Built together through peace and growth

13-May-2015 15:23:49

Dec Member 2012


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MsGenesis said :
1) What if there's no one qualified for it? (E.G. Recent mass exodus of clan ranks)
I'll try and do it myself

2.2) If not, what else?
I'd ask the clan co-owner who is my boyfriend in real life, he's often busy with things in real life but i'll "ask" him to help me out.

I'll probably finish the rest of this when i don't have to be at work in the next hour or so :P enjoying doing this and its been interesting to read how others manage their clans :)

A perfect community, Built together through peace and growth

13-May-2015 15:25:21

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