
How to keep a clan alive?

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Aug Member 2007


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I went back to basics.

Our community was formed from friends, so we opened our doors to friends.
From having more friends around, we started to do more events.
Eventually some friends and former members rejoined.
As the community grew, we attracted new friends from other Clans.
From these new friendships, alliances and teams were born.

I've seen a lot of former members who opened new Clans. I've simply been trying to convince them to rejoin whether its as a Clan Friend or Member once again. Time will tell what they decide to do. In the meantime, I continue to bombard them with spam inviting them to events. I figure eventually they'll come to the realization that if they're doing events with us all of the time, they'd rather rejoin the Clan.

It's that time of year we need to rotate our leaders anyway, so I need new faces to run things. Recruiting is the only way to keep things going. :)
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28-Oct-2016 11:23:17

Mar Member 2018


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Lie, cheat, corruption, steal, be rude, dont care about rules is the easiest way for that is the way of the world and the internet.

For those of us with morals its an uphill struggle.
. .•*(¸.•*´(¸.•*´+`*•.¸)`*•.¸)*•.

28-Oct-2016 12:33:20 - Last edited on 28-Oct-2016 12:33:43 by Scret

Sep Member 2010


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Fire Hawk154 said :
Salcos said :
You have to evolve with the game. Shape your community into what you want it to be from the start

Do what your best at and don't try to become a different clan. You can open to multiclanners and recruit people from likeminded clans.

That doesn't help, and is also underhanded. It brings people in, but it also leaves people vulnerable to being persuaded to leaving.

I'm a clan loyalist. If you're in the clan a year or so, and you leave, then guest in your previous clan- that's just terrible character and poor taste. Disloyalty is a turn off. They do nothing for a clan by guesting. You don't know if the reason they do is nefarious or not either.

Alot of 'remnant' off-shoots have been born out of my clan. At least four have tried their own hand at clanning. I always hope the best for them, but ultimately we're still around and two I know of have failed miserably on their own. I digress, staying alive isn't easy to do.

Our clan has always done EVERYTHING. We had/have a max Citadel, existed 15 years, etc etc... But it wasn't all my effort alone, but I got it started. Nobody can argue I wasn't a success, even if they try. Without me, they never would have been there, but without them, it wouldn't have had the TYPE of successes its had. The leader makes the clan, maintains the atmosphere. Some will respect you for it, others will not either. But those that agree stay, those that don't will cause issues and ultimately ditch you all.

The player base is shrinking, there's no huge number of in-flowing players. The game itself is just attracting only so much interest. And people becoming increasingly volatile and jaded with clans not matching their personality, it's hard to focus on numbers. I'm focusing more on just loyalty and such now myself.
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02-Nov-2016 02:45:54

Dave Mercer
Aug Member 2011

Dave Mercer

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Maintaining a positive clan is most important.

People will leave if the clan is a negative atmosphere.

To be an effective leader you should understand the different styles and use the one best suited for the situation.

Maintain healthy relationships with other clans. Sometimes events with other clans shows popularity and your members will feel more proud to be in your clan.

Staying singular may result in members feeling your clan is unpopular amongst the runescape community.

Maintain good relationships, have a laugh and don't be a boring kill-joy

Don't treat your clan like it's a job. You're not getting paid neither are your helpers.

Maintain a healthy amount of recruitment for active players to benefit your clan. Relationships are most important.
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All welcome to join! Social clan, no req!

09-Nov-2016 17:03:49

Iron Faery
Jul Member 2007

Iron Faery

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My clan, Kirstunael is now over 10 years old.
It was created at Edgeville and old wildy before Jagex released fc or cc features.
So we had only private chat and public chat back then.

But we had Skype beta version and we made group calls for pk. Offsite forums and website.

Fighting together, saving each others lives and property at wildy made us good friends with strong trust and team sprit. I didnt allow rudeness, insults, trash talking, swearing or anything like this around me though it was common at pk community. Also people had pure and maxed clans back then but we decided we'll accept anyone who is good teamer, intelligent, supportive, we even accepted low lvl beginners and peaceful skillers who spent time catching fish and cooking to us for pk trips. Grand Exchange didnt exist yet.

Wildy trips were our main activity but we recruited all nice players who wanted to join. Smart and patient player can make any kind account, train any kind lvls but when the person doesnt fit and doesnt want to improve there is nothing to fix.

So my suggestion is: Do not look at lvls, wealth or achievements or skills or even activities so much. Look at personality. Find something to do together. Make it regular. Activities where people risk to die make them better friends and teamers, more loyal and dedicated. But it can be any activity people like.

Remove all people who got bad attitude. Mercilessly, if they doesnt change. Inactive players you can keep but toxic ones you cant. Or elsde your clan can be active but it breaks apart someday. Be sure all your core members respect each other.

And now - be ready for changes, be ready for the updates. How most of clans I knew while this 10 years died?

10-Nov-2016 08:30:08

Iron Faery
Jul Member 2007

Iron Faery

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Rs released friendchats back then called clan chats. It was a start of many communities. Few months after it update shaked the ground and uprooted most of them.

Old wildy was closed massive amont of RS clans died.
Back then community or skilling clans were very rare, I knew none personally but they existed, like some RS fansite clans. Game had less updates and many fansites for different nations. People had enough time to translate guest guides and stuff. Runecrafters community existed, we just had no touch back then. but as said 99% of clans were just for pk.

So update suddenly killed our known opponents left and right because people were bored and angry and many in quitting mood. Hot blooded pk leaders wanted to riot and quit. Some went to newly created BH and clan wars but BH had constant and annoying updates and clan wars first versions were plain weird, for example you had chance to start a dangerous war and make opponent lose their items yet you had no drops at all from it.

We also had big schock: trade limit. We had clan bank with a lot food, armours, weapons, cash collected for pk.

What kept our clan alive: we had no anger and fights inside clan. Kirstunael just changed focus, we started killing boss monsters like Kalphite Queen, Dagannoth Kings, Chaos Elemental. Looks silly, such a nub bosses? But back then they were strongest, even first Godwars was not released yet.

We did safe clanwars sometimes and more at f2p worlds.

When we heard about Godwars we went there and started trying. Soon we became good there. As said we trusted each other well, risked our lives and property before, so sharing the good loots was smooth and fair. We had years of sucessful regular PvM trips, all active members had best gears.

We made strict joining rules because more people wanted to join than we managed to adapt. For joining people need 7 positive votes posted with the reason, why and any negative vote stops joining.

10-Nov-2016 09:04:46

Iron Faery
Jul Member 2007

Iron Faery

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Jagex hinted they're working on clans area. All the leaders here were very excited, we kept discussing it. we had our imaginations and suggestions. But back then updates often came unpopular and raw. Clan leaders dreamed about clans property, clan banks, private areas, profitable clan only activities...

Official clan chats were released.
Some clans had little trouble: who is the main leader or clan chat owner? They had democracy, elections and such a messy stuff instead of one person taking most responsibility and being accepted by everyone. Fist cc versions were rather rigid. A lot of people ran away because they wanted therir own fancy capes! Pink capes, white capes, rainbow colored, all the nice design ideas they had, so they just made 5ppl clans, sometimes filled with their own alts, for the cape only. Even Kirstunael lost few with this funny confusion and mess, but just a few.

Then citadels came out and all small clans faced a big challenge. Two smaller clans instantly merged with mine for citadel and it was awesome but few more looked up and left. They found Kirstunael clan culture requirements and strict joining rules too harsh. We got zero profanity rule. Events are not mandatory but everyone gets invited.

So a lot of clans died again because their active core members often wanted to explore the new thing but a lot members hated citadels and disagreed enter it's portal, yes even visit and visit count was requirement back then. Clan leaders were deeply shocked too because... remember - we dreamed of it? We kept talking of it? But when it was released it became a chore and trouble and most of our clans or part of old members called it a slavery.

I said I always looked for intelligence and personality, I always wanted to recruit good teamers. But my clannys also were smart enough to be intimidated of citadel requirements. A lot of us said we don't have such a number of players to build it. It was true, we never recruited for size.

10-Nov-2016 09:35:05

Iron Faery
Jul Member 2007

Iron Faery

Posts: 2,474 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Part of my clan said they doesn't want to adapt bunch of strangers for citadel only. Part said, it is something new to achieve. I wanted citadel because I noticed that a lot other clans lost their best people, some joined citadel clans, newly made for getting T7 citadel together.

We lost a few who strongly disagreed but we still started building citadel. It was messy time. I had good hope that citadel gets fequent and useful updates and dedicated a lot love and attention to it. And yes, we made T7 and kept it shiny, we got dragon. The day we finished citadel we had few over 100 people and citadel required I think 50 visits per week? And it was still not mandatory.

EoC came meanwhile, numbers drastically dropped, I kinda begged people to log in and visit citadel. Now I saw it like Trojans horse at my backyard, just because citadel created the need to keep people online but EoC was massively unpopular and it splitted or killed many clans again.

RS changed tons over time, culture requirements were so low around us that my members said we really sound elitist now with no swearing and no bad word to each other or at least not in public, such a nice bunch of people. A lot of us were still the same from old wildy, first Godwars and minigames time. Many got p mod invite over the years because they deserved it.

People grew up, their interests and activities changed too, less or more. Some Pk addicts became skillers and PvM'rs. Some quiet boys grew up surprisingy social and great teamers. Some really modest nice people became co leaders.

That's why I say, focus on personality, make friends, recruit people who make you feel like you'll be friends forever.

A lot of other updates came, warbands almost splitted my clan at the start but I simply banned the co leader who was dragging people to his wbs fc. Over the years I had to a lot nice motivating and heartwarming things but also had to deal with nasty stuff and be simply blunt when needed.

10-Nov-2016 10:01:30

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