Perhaps if it involved only lending items, or swapping certain items in some way, maybe.
Full on clan banking the way I've seen it discussed, with skilling supplies and other consumable items, would open too much potential for scamming, theft or just plain greed. I truly don't see a fair way to implement a full clan bank, even with limited access.
In the past I've held a tab in my bank for "clan items": unwanted items donated by clan members, usually when they did bank cleaning. This included basically anything in my bank as well, though the clan never realized it.
Members had only to look over the list on our clan forum and let me know what they wanted. If something needed wasn't on the list, I'd sell some useless items for the cash to buy what they wanted from the GE.
Though most were pretty good about taking only what they needed, there were a few bent on cleaning out smithing or herblore supplies, rather than taking a portion and leaving some for others. It became a chore to try to limit people on what they could take out fairly or get people to reciprocate by making donations.
I've since done away with the clan bank and just try to help my clan get what they need. Sometimes it's advice on money making, sometimes it's buying stuff off GE for them, if I don't have what they need. While we don't have any greedy clan members left at this time, there is one that will take full advantage of every opportunity he gets. Also, every time we get a new recruit, it opens the potential for a clan bank to be abused.
14-Feb-2018 12:16:06
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14-Feb-2018 12:23:08