Clan Banking, something I have thought would be a great addition to the game, seen it done on other games with certain ranks only able to withdraw, or even a clan store, where you can set price ect to sell to Clan members, not sure how it would work on Runescape tho.
Lady Shyauw - Anzac Gods - 01/20/2018
"Clan Bank" Is it possible to upgrade the bank inside the citadel or to add a new offical "Clan Bank" with its own bank space (seprate to the clan leaders bank) . It would be avaliable for everyone to view and add items but not withdraw. with the clan leader being able to add/withdraw items and add tabs to the bank. With the clan leader being able to give permision to certin high rank people to retrive items from the bank within the clan setting permission. There should be an option within the banking system for people to donate items to the clan bank. There should be some kind of safe guard so that not even the clan leader can't take the clan bank and run off with the contents off the clan bank.
Mod Shauny - 01/22/2018
@Lady Shyauw - Anzac Gods A "clan bank" would be a little out of the question sadly
And more recently from the Game Jam thread:
. . . and what about a clan bank?
Clan Bank isn't really technically possible, not for this anyway
I think items should only be "Lendable" using it, and only if they Cap.
Why? Abuse. Too many people joining high level clans only to pilfer the coffers.