
Friends List: Clan Indicators

Quick find code: 86-87-427-65923881

Aug Member 2007


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I was just reading this and thought to myself...
yep... back in the olden days we just used SwiftIRC with the RuneScript bot
it was pretty simple to use the !clan command
which would tell you all of the RuneHead Memberlists someone was on
And you could see people in different kinds of clans, teams, country lists, etc.

Luna Kitten said :
I think some people won't want their clan to be shown. This is why some people have their examine info hidden and why they hide their info on runemetrics/runeclan as well.

Sure you might not see a reason why someone would want to hide the clan that they're in, but it's none of your business. If you want to know what clan they're in when it's hidden, you can ask them.

I think that some individuals might not want others to know what clan they're in because their clan gets harassed a lot by spammers or perhaps people spying on them trying to crash their events. This is why most PKers turn off private chat when they go into any sort of PVP but then turn it back to on or friends after they're done with the event.

I also think that some clan leaders might want everyone to know who their members are and what rank they have. Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are.

In order to avoid things like "stealing members" from other clans, it's always good to know at least if someone is a member of another clan. Sure you could ask them, get to know them, etc. But being able to search before you even talk to someone new, you might avoid wasting your time.

It's also useful for diplomacy to know what clans people are in. Say for example, there were a bunch of individuals from 1 clan being toxic in-game. You could try to reach out to the leaders of that clan reporting the issue to them and there is a good chance of getting them to stop.

I honestly don't know why some people try so hard to "hide" their clan or whatnot. You can always ask other people, check Discord Mutual servers, etc. and find out.
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13-Jul-2020 16:37:23

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