
Friends List: Clan Indicators

Quick find code: 86-87-427-65923881

Lady Spyra
Jan Member 2005

Lady Spyra

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If this would have privacy settings that are toggle-able by the individual, such as "on", "friends only", "off", then it sounds like a decent idea to me
Proud Member of Surreal
Proud Penguin Herder - W71 Penguin Whisperers
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17-Oct-2017 21:17:45

Not a Puppet

Not a Puppet

Posts: 1,364 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I agree, hovering over to see the information would be better. Plus like Spyra mentioned, it should factor in examine settings ideally. If someone has theirs set at off for whatever reason it shouldn't be showing the hover when the info wouldn't appear on examine.

I don't think it's an issue for most people, but if you're in a large clan it can be very easy to get lost where you know someone from. With stuff like the compare option, I'm not super hopeful about something like this, but I do think it'd be a nice change.
I'm in no condition to post. Wait a minute - I don't have to listen to myself! I'm drunk

Leader of The Freakshow !

20-Oct-2017 05:43:15

Aug Member 2009


Posts: 3,334 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The banner would also help prevent those clan scammers with their lookalike names. Support for a hover option. Instead of a banner I would also support just a clan name. Dedicated Feline Enthusiast
Proud owner of Clowder Community clan - open to all friendly P2P individuals!

20-Nov-2017 10:59:43

Sep Member 2010


Posts: 3,919 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
So this is back now huh?

I support the idea under the following variable discussed:

ALWAYS enabled. Nobody can "block"/hide the clan they're in.
For obvious reasons. First, there's no logical need to.
Second, technical limitations cut down on getting it.
Third, keeps "ID theft" from being an issue.
Fourth, helps identify potential recruiters you're already in a clan.

Hover info.
No flags (for now).

Things can be resized, but maybe players don't want to just for clan flags.
Now, if it were in a hover, perhaps more reasonable,
but still depends how much time to render. So, string text is more than adequate.

HOWEVER, if the clan name were "selectable" and brought up their clan's info dialog box that's another story entirely...
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16-Nov-2018 20:35:31

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