I didnt get involved enough with the clan meet last year as i should have, was hoping to get more involved this year, ah well, was cool seeing people though. Hope you guys manage to arrange that again.
I can make at least the weekend, although ideally I can get more out of my airfare and stay in London for a couple of more days
However, I don't start work until June so I can't ask for time off just yet :s
How long are most people staying in London/Europe for, and whence are you flying? I'll be coming from California!
You should still have a right to book time off when they agreed you on. Not sure how it works but in England if I got confirmed for a job I would tell them about my holidays already booked. They cant take back their offer
I guess perhaps it is different over there
clan EternalBlaze-
All welcome to join! Social clan, no req!
Dave Mercer
Furthermore best airport to fly to is Gatwick airport or Luton airport. Both are reasonably close to London.
Ooh, thanks for the advice, Dave!
And I know I can get time off, but since I'll be new, I don't know if it's unprofessional to request time off so early >.< I'd have to talk to my manager, and since even by June, September is still so far in advance, it should be okay. I also might be on a time sensitive project, who knows...