CLAN UPDATE IN PROGRESS: Citadel plot xp rebalancing
feedback on the idea.
Quick Summary Points:
Read the quotes below for confirmation and more detail.
- There is no intention to reduce the xp given by any plot
- All plots should take around the same amount of time to cap on
- T6 Firemaking plot will not be graphically reworked, but the xp may be increased
- Woodcutting, Firemaking and Summoning appear to need an xp increase
- Smithing, Mining and Cooking seem to be ok as they are
- Crafting plot xp is unlikely to change
- Clan ring xp will also be changed according to the xp increase of some plots
- There are no plans to add in an extra fealty star
- Skilling at the citadel in groups already gives more resources/second than skilling alone
11-Nov-2013 17:30:38
Original message details are unavailable.
Hey guys,
Thanks for the responses! First of all, we're not looking to reduce any particular skill plot at all, I was just offering it as a suggestion. Tweaking/rebalancing doesn't necessarily just mean putting numbers up.
Getting to the cap should take roughly the same time for every plot give or take 10 minutes, that is assuming full attention. Of course some plots will feel like more work because it requires more attention or clicks but there is very little overally difference.
I also think there's a sliding scale. Whilst some people are saying that they would like it to be a shorter amount of time, if their time at the citadel was more rewarding then I think the amount of time wouldn't be that much of an issue. Of course, we're taking all of the feedback but this is one of my observations both personally and what I can gather from people.
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