I'd like an option where clan XP attainment is never lost.
-If you've been a part of a clan, and left for that time, then return later, it's still that clan in which you earned the experience. When you go to the "clanmates" page, you once used to have 'XX experience' listed there, and so it's just holding onto something which was already there.
Clan leader must check an option which either: Disables all members from doing so, or enables all members to do so. The recruit then has the option to accept or reject the offer to return with their old experience, and also have a 7 day reset period after joining.
That's probably a
less practical
way of doing it and I don't think many individuals would agree. This system could, therefore, be tweaked a little, and I'll give a bit of insight behind the idea:
Currently, I've been busy with real life events for a good few years now. The clan has been up and down a bit, but we're not really open at the moment. I'd like to take the opportunity to branch out and join a new clan, find out what I can do, what I can offer and how the more modern clans operate, as it's been a while since I've really spent time around the clan scene and it's definitely changed over the past few years.
I will then jump back into my current clan (it's currently without operation so there's no issue here) and begin a new leadership adventure once more.
, it would be a shame to lose a symbol of the dedication I've put into my current clan, considering that I am not giving up on it, but I do want to take the time out to develop a new vision of what I want the clan to be and how I can make it special.
Perhaps players can join a second clan on probation, whilst owners are still aware of their current allegiance to another clan. The issue with this, though, is inter-clan related conflict and unfortunately you can't find a corner of the internet which isn't rife with bad apples.