Having banned trust trading in clan Due to Lio scams
keeping track of who gives what to who is a way of double checking identity .
and everyone can see transactions .
even screenshots if needed .
I want a clan bank and a clan junk / equipment hire shop in game both are not possible in game so my vote is yes to rewrite .
l also want to nuke citadel and build my clan shop / bank and clan halls in a p.o.h village .
sadly jagex
keeps saying No.
But we all understand that No means wait and see if it gets voted in /or not we will do a ninja fix some day so just wait 10 years
Mod Matthe said:
I am sure we have answered this one before and made clear this is not possible under current technology. We would have to rework substantial parts of the Clan system to make this possible.
Thank you for the response Mod Matthe, I honestly found the month we had devoted to clans disappointing and believed that during that time we would of been given more updates such as developing our own ranking systems based on clan functions, as well as clan bank. I understand it would take a lot of reworking but wasn't that what the entire 'month' was for, and during that month we only received ninja fixes and one minor update. I believe clans are one of the most undervalued resources in Runescape and personally is one of the major reasons why I keep my own membership.
0 Gainz | Grinding for 120 all stats | Completionist
Proud Owner of
| Runescape's
Australian Clan
15-Oct-2016 14:35:31
- Last edited on
15-Oct-2016 14:36:56
0 Gainz
0 Gainz
Mod Matthe said:
I am sure we have answered this one before and made clear this is not possible under current technology. We would have to rework substantial parts of the Clan system to make this possible.
Thank you for the response Mod Matthe, I honestly found the month we had devoted to clans disappointing and believed that during that time we would of been given more updates such as developing our own ranking systems based on clan functions, as well as clan bank. I understand it would take a lot of reworking but wasn't that what the entire 'month' was for, and during that month we only received ninja fixes and one minor update. I believe clans are one of the most undervalued resources in Runescape and personally is one of the major reasons why I keep my own membership.
Reworking Clan code has the potential to be an absolutely huge task. Enormous. Bigger than Elf City. That makes it a very difficult project to resource - the value in a project of that size has to be well understood and justifiable compared to other content. The size of that project makes those arguments much harder. I believe though that the move to an Expansions model next year probably makes that more feasible than the current 3 month sprint process has in the past, as there is not time in those 3 month cycles to do the amount of work required for a rework.
Sadly the clan rework did not fare well in the player survey we are basing 2017 content on - you and I might agree that Clans are really important to the game, but it seems most players would rather skill reworks or new quests.
Mod MattHe |
Former Community Manager, now in Events & occasional Lore Monkey
Mod Matthe
but it seems most players would rather skill reworks or new quests.
I think we've all already had this conversation about pairing background coding up against "eye-candy" type of content (Like the
City of Menaphos) in polls. It isn't fair, and you cannot justify comparing apples to oranges in a poll.
@Lisaa_RS - Followed by @Runescape
- a 9000+ Member Discord Community | https://discord.gg/fashionscape
Quoting doesn't seem to be working for me but here is a quote of Mod Matthe,
'Sadly the clan rework did not fare well in the player survey we are basing 2017 content on - you and I might agree that Clans are really important to the game, but it seems most players would rather skill reworks or new quests. '
Thank you for the reply,
That seems rather a huge coding project, perhaps 'selling' a clan rework to the Runescape community to include things such as clan citadel battles and what not, by doing this it might increase the support around it, if simply worded as 'clan rework' versus well as above ^ Menaphos rework it is hard to vote past Menaphos.
Hopefully we get our chance again to vote for a clan rework,
Otherwise by what you are saying Mod Matthe clans are just going to slide down into the outdated pile, never to be revisited.
0 Gainz | Grinding for 120 all stats | Completionist
Proud Owner of
| Runescape's
Australian Clan
20-Oct-2016 05:39:02
- Last edited on
20-Oct-2016 05:40:11
0 Gainz
There were lots of "less than glamorous" updates in the survey including a whole chunk of quality of life reworks - the Clan rework failed to gain player support in the survey against bank or agility reworks too. To borrow
's anaology: while it was compared to oranges, the clan rework was also compared to other apples and still did not find enough support. I can assure you it makes me just as sad as I would guess it makes you.
0 Gainz
- adding further content to the rework irritatingly just makes the job bigger, and even less likely to be achievable development and schedule wise. We do regularly have discussions about what we would or would not include in a Clan rework and produce internal pitches, but currently we have not been able to find the right solution.
Mod MattHe |
Former Community Manager, now in Events & occasional Lore Monkey