Dear Blasty,
In my overall anticipation to see your tracker further evolve, I've found myself contemplating your roadblock in regards to Clan Members changing their Usernames.
I would like to direct your attention to RuneTrack, which provides a similar function to your tracker, and the issues that this website still has in regards to players changing their name.
If a player own's one account named "Player 1", and another account named "Player 2", they may easily send a request to account support asking to switch the names between the two accounts. The implications this has on RuneTrack is, one day a username that was being tracked may have a very small amount of Xp, and the next day that username could be leading for the year in overall Xp Gain. If a person owned two accounts within one Clan, the same implication could easily befall an automated tracker you could implement. Ideally you would want Jagex to (for our convenience sake) implement registration numbers for each acc in the game(that couldn't change), which would be displayed in areas such as the Clanmembers List. Probably wont happen.
When I check the tracker you have provided us everyday such as I do;] I find that most username changes stick out like a sore thumb, they typically carry over the same rank they had before. For the not so obvious Name Changes, I log into a F2P account in game, and add everyone listed as a "leaver". If upon adding I see that they have changed their account name, I check to see if that changed name is among the Clan Members on the "Joiners List" Voila! Another name change tracked.
So what I'm getting at is adding a function to your tracker to track a name change would be redundant. I point back to RuneTrack, which lets users anonymously input any recent name change they are aware of. I suggest making it the responsibility of the users of your tracker to manually input a name change. I'm not sure how you would have to code it, but this may be a simpler approach.
Founder of Level IIIs. Pm me anytime on my other account, 'Prodigy'.
17-Jan-2014 04:23:53