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/ / \ Clue analysis of the week - v164 on Penguin Locations thread is updated on post 2.6 / \ \
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This week is the time to check Morytanian clues: wether we still have "near the dungeons of Daemonheim" in Haunted Woods, wether there is a new clue for area east of Meiyerditch and if Port Phasmatys has lost its own "near the city of ghosts" clue.
There is just one roamer again, Barbarian Outpost. Its spawn area clue is "between Fremennik and barbarians" but it will very fast get on Kandarin clue area "somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin".
Barbarian peng will most likely get stuck in Seers area traps on its way south. Seers anvil will be the first choise and if peng passes it there are Seers churcyard, Catherby docks and Keep Le Faye special by its routes south and east.
If Barb will roam over White Wolf Mountain its location may be difficult to determine using just clues.
From this weeks closed area penguins Draynor Manor may hide a roamer on "in the kindom of Asgarnia", "in the kindom of Misthalin" and "near Port Sarim" clue areas. Also Brimhaven may hide a roamer on coast south of Rimmington (where banana smugglers dwell) or on Mudskipper point (deep in the jungle) dependin on its own wanderings on Karamja. Mort Myre and Port Phasmatys penguins may hide a roamer at Temple of Paterdomus and by river east of Digsite (where bloodsuckers rule). And finally Wildy penguin will hide a roamer by the Wilderness wall and behind Black Knights Fortress (in the Wilderness).
Team Penguin
19-Oct-2011 18:30:37
- Last edited on
19-Oct-2011 18:46:46