
Penguin & Ghost Clues

Quick find code: 75-76-470-58336674

Sep Member 2005


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/ / \ Clue analysis of the week - v153 on Penguin Locations thread is updated on post 2.6 / \ \
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This weeks penguins give us a variety of many roamers but also some closed area penguins that will cause trouble regarding clues they may activate.
From the five roamers four are from west and one from the middle.
Either of the Feldip penguins (bush and rock) are likely to be found from Oo'glog boulder trap (near some ogres), but there is a chanse that Observatory starts roaming south and pushes the one in the trap out. Also Witchaven may roam south but it is more unlikely situation.
All of the western ones and also White Wolf Mountain may end in Seers area traps (somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin), Catherby dock (near a mountain of wolves) or Keep Le Faye special (on coast west of Ardougne).
White Wolf Mountain is the penguin most likely found on Death Plateau (where Imperial Guard Train) or on area east of Draynor Manor (in the kingdom of Misthalin), but it is also possible for Witchaven and more southern penguins. With three 1 point rock penguins only way to define wich is where is to reset them.

Gnome Stronghold peng is the one with most umbrellas. All of the clues it may activate may also hide a roamer. Specially if it happens to be on the southeast corner or by east fence or in the tortoise pen it will hide penguins in Kandarin area and Seers traps.
Also Elf penguin may hide roamer if any of them heads towards Piscatoris and hits the mountain wall on west of three lakes.

Only clues that are plain clear are for Neitiznot penguins and Sophanem. There are no possible umbrellas hiding them.

Team Penguin

05-Aug-2011 18:56:10

Sep Member 2005


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/ / \ Clue analysis of the week - v154 on Penguin Locations thread is updated on post 2.6 / \ \
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Just 1 open area roamer this week but lots and lots of trouble with closed area penguins.

Digiste from the far east will most likely get stuck in the area east of Draynor Manor (in the kingdom of Misthalin)on many wolrds. It may also head more west and try Death Plateau (where Imperial Guard train) or cross White Wolf Mountain and find Catherby docks (near a mountain of wolves) or Seers anvil and Seers churcyard (somewhere in the kingodm of Kandarin) or also further south Keep Le Faye special (on coast, west of Ardougne). It is possible, but less likely, for it to head all the way to Feldip hunter area and settle in Oo'glog boulder trap (near some Ogres).

If Digsite peng will go through Taverley gates it is pretty easy to find using clues as on west there aren't any confusing umbrella clues.

But on east, almost every clue the roamer peng is activating, may also be activated by closed area penguins
-- Lumbridge peng may hide Digsite in Misthalin (in the kigdom of Misthalin), in Asgarnia (in the kingdom of Asgarnia) and in Port Sarim (near Port Sarim)
-- Mort Myre peng may hide Digsite by river on east edge of Disgsite and at Temple of Paterdomus (where bloodsuckers rule)
-- Wildy penguins may hide Digsite at the Wilderness wall (in the Wilderness)
-- Musa Point peng may hide Digsite on coast south of Rimmington (where banana smugglers dwell)and on Mudskipper Point (deep in the jungle)

The only clue from east that is defenitely activated by Digsite is "near the mud skippers" wich is a tiny clue area on coast se from Rimmington and sw from Skppy.

Team Penguin

13-Aug-2011 18:23:53

Sep Member 2005


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This week could be the time to test again the possible morytanian clue activated by desert penguin.

It would need to have Digsite trapped on Misthalin area (east of Draynor Manor) or further west and Morty peng trapped in Undead farm's farm shop behind npc.
And of course it would require desert herded to the area north of Uzer, north of 0'48'' south and east of 31'43'' east.
It could be good to test also on both sides of border 31'43''/31'45'' east.

Lets see if it is poissble to arrange this.

Team Penguin

13-Aug-2011 18:44:36



Posts: 1,746 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The other day, a friend and I were expirimenting with the Lumby peng and its clues. We held it west of the gate due east of Lumby. I got a southern desert clue, then a northern Desert clue about 4 clues later. About 30 minutes later, I found desert in southern Polliniveach.
Just passing this on =) Feel free to expiriment with this further, if it hasn't been explored yet. We are pretty sure Lumby triggered it, but we don't know for certain.
Happy spying and ty for all the help your thread has been for me thus far.

16-Aug-2011 05:15:37

Sep Member 2005


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Nice, thanks Sam!

It is possible for southern desert to get down from northeast of Shantay pass (northern desert clue) to Polli and south of it in 30 minutes...
it is also possible that Lumby penguin activated northern desert clue.

The clue border between "in the kingdom of Misthalin" and "in the northern desert" behind Al Kharid bank runs on 25'43''e / 25'45''e. If this border is followed north it leaves the aera just west of Al Kharid western gate on the northern desert clue area as also the most eastern squares in cow field and potatoe field north of cow field.
I have tested some of these areas quite a long time ago, but not necessarily all, and I have been in the impression that the border has been manually made to follow the fence. It is possible though that there has been changes and/or I have made wrong conclusions.
To test this for sure the desert peng should be trapped in Nardah herb shop, camel pen or in swamp or someone confirmign it is clearly on the southern desert clue area.

This is now one more clue to be tested :)

Team Penguin

16-Aug-2011 09:57:03 - Last edited on 16-Aug-2011 09:58:45 by elipile

Sep Member 2005


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(ö)> ..................................................................................................................................................... <(ö)
/ / \ Clue analysis of the week - v155 on Penguin Locations thread is updated on post 2.6 / \ \
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3 roames this week and lots of cloesed area penguins with just one possible clue.
Although 5 of the penguins can only activate one clue, the week is not easy. Gnome Stronghold penguin takes care of that. There are lots of possible umbrella clues.
From the roamers Digsite starts from east, Eagles Peak from north west and Cw bush from south west.
Recent graphical changes have affected the map structure so that we have two new possible self traps for roamers: east of the bridge to Falador Castle (Asgarnia clue)and on hill south of Digsite at blue urn (Misthalin clue). The penguins most likely to be found in those are Digsite. Other likely self traps in east are east of Draynor Manor trap (in the kindom of Misthalin) and Death Plateau (where Imperial Guard train).
Western penguins, if they stay west, may be found in Oo'glog boulder trap (near some ogres), in Seers anvil or churchyard (somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin), at Keep Le Faye (near a coast, west of Ardougne) and on Catherby docks (near a mountain of wolves).

Umbrella clues:
Where bloodsuckers rule (Port Phasmatys) -- at Temple of Paterdomus or southeast of Digsite by river
Near some pointy-eared ones (Elf penguins) -- at the mountain side south of Eagles peak
near a big tree surrounded by small people (Gnome Stronghold) -- west of Gnome Stronghold
in the Kingdom of Kandarin (Gnome Stronghold) -- Kandarin area and in Piscatoris north, east and south of Falconry
north of Ardougne (Gnome Stronghold) -- southwest of Gnome Stronghold
around Ardougne (Gnome Stronghold) -- Ardougne area

Team Penguin

20-Aug-2011 17:45:07 - Last edited on 21-Aug-2011 10:16:36 by elipile

Sep Member 2005


Posts: 7,611 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thanks Bill, I had done my reading poorly and missed the self trap nature of it.

I managed to squeeze in also the Digsite blue urn trap.

Team Penguin

21-Aug-2011 10:12:29 - Last edited on 21-Aug-2011 10:18:14 by elipile

Sep Member 2005


Posts: 7,611 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
(ö)> ..................................................................................................................................................... <(ö)
/ / \ Clue analysis of the week - v156 on Penguin Locations thread is updated on post 2.6 / \ \
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3 roamers this week also, 2 eastern and 1 western. And like last week there are also lots of possible umbrella clues.
Digsite most likely is the one found in the blue urn trap (in the kingdom of Misthalin) south of Digsite. It is also likely to be found in the East of Draynor Manor trap (Misthalin clue) and possibly in the trap just east of bridge to Falador castle (in the kingdom of Asgaria). Goblin peng may also end up in East of Draynor Manor and Falador traps, but it has a chanse to head west and in Death Plateau (where Imperial Guard train) or across the WWM.
Piscatoris is most likely ending up in Seers anvil (somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin), but can also be found in other western self traps: Oo'glog boulder trap (near some ogres), Keep Le Faye (on coast, west of Ardougne), Seers churchyard and Catherby docks (near a mountain of wolves).

Digsite penguin is the one hiddend under closed are umbrella clues untill it roams quite a long way to west.
-- Sawmill peng is always activating Misthalin -clue and hides any roamer on Misthalin area.
-- Canifis peng activates "where bloodsuckers rule" - clue on most of its roaming area and hides any roamer at Temple of Paterdomus and on east edge of Digsite by the river Elid.
-- Wilderness penguins (in the Wilderness) hide any roamer by the Wilderness wall.
Also Musa Point and Central Karamja penguins may hide roamers.
-- on "deep in the jungle" - clue area they hide any roamer on Mudskipper Point
-- on " where banana smugglers dwell" - clue are they hide any roamer on coast south of Rimmington.

Team Penguin

25-Aug-2011 08:39:53

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