Very interested to see AOD drop rates. I'm approaching 1,100 dry on a personal (0 drops in boss log).. These are 7 man teams, and I have missed about 13 drops total. Doing free for all keeps teams, so I hope there are not retardants/reduced rates once a team receives a drop.
Today is the first day for released drop rates and we've decided to put two together to make up for not releasing one last week.
And without a shadow of a doubt, they are some of the most requested drop rates we have in-game. Today we bring you,
Nex: Angel of Death and Telos
Nex: Angel of Death
The amount of players that you kill Nex with has a impact on the drop chance of the unique items but not the cosmetic chests. The chance decreases massively if there are more than the intended group size in the fight.
Chance with 7 people:
chance for a unique item like Wand of the Praesul or Imperium core
chance for a Praesul Codex (only if you failed the unique roll)
chance for an Intricate chest
Chance with 8+ people: (only the top 7 are eligible for unique loot)
chance for a unique item like Wand of the Praesul or Imperium core
chance for a Praesul Codex (only if you failed the unique roll)
chance for an Intricate chest
Telos, the Warden
Whilst looting Telos, your current streak and enrage that you fought Telos at has an impact at the chance of looting the unique items. The higher your streak and/or your enrage, you have a greater chance at getting a unique item. However, at under 100 enrage, you have a 1/10 worse chance for unique items and under 25 enrage, that chance is further reduced by 1/3.
Not only that, the higher enrage and/or streak you are - the greater chance at better regular loot you have too. The higher you are, the greater chance of drops like Onyx Bolt Tips, Uncut Onyxes and Crystal keys you'll have.
Don't forget, whilst equipping Luck of the Dwarves you have the potential to see a different loot list than you would without. The reason for this is that Luck of the Dwarves effectively adds 25 enrage worth of better loot chances and also has a chance to add extra pieces of regular loot too.
One question that we see a lot is this:
"Which is better for me to get a unique drop, a higher enrage or a better streak?"
Streak is a much greater modifier than enrage is in the Telos formula meaning that if you wanted to get unique drops then the best thing to do is to get a higher streak. A greater streak will give you a better chance than a high enrage, low streak kill.
Due to the sensitive nature and volatility of Telos' drops, we won't be revealing the full formula in which Telos determines their unique drops but will instead give a few examples to demonstrate how it works.
We've decided to go with some key milestone examples to make sure they're relatable.
Streak: 1, Enrage: 100 -
chance of a unique drop
Streak: 1, Enrage: 500 -
chance of a unique drop
Streak: 5, Enrage: 200 -
chance of a unique drop
Streak: 1, Enrage: 999 -
chance of a unique drop
Streak: 1, Enrage: 1024 -
chance of a unique drop
If you roll a unique drop on Telos, these are the drop chances for the unique items:
chance for an Anima orb (the next one in sequence)
chance for a Dormant Seren Godbow
chance for Dormant Staff of Sliske
chance for Dormant Zaros Godsword
chance for Reprisal Ability Codex
I hope that you've gotten some insight into the drop rates for these bosses and understand a bit more about them. Next week, we'll be taking a look at
Araxxor, Rise of the Six and Kalphite King!
Mod Timbo and the RuneScape team
Mod Timbo
| Senior Game Designer & Balancer
on Twitter!
29-Sep-2017 11:01:12
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29-Sep-2017 11:48:23
Mod Timbo
Due to the sensitive nature and volatility of Telos' drops, we won't be revealing the full formula in which Telos determines their unique drops but will instead give a few examples to demonstrate how it works.
how about at least give examples of 1-999% / 100-999% / 999%
29-Sep-2017 11:14:54
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29-Sep-2017 11:15:47
Mod Timbo
Due to the sensitive nature and volatility of Telos' drops, we won't be revealing the full formula in which Telos determines their unique drops but will instead give a few examples to demonstrate how it works.
for fucks sake
edit: reprisal was introduced as a dormant, meaning for a sensible drop system, dorm reprisal would be, say, 1:1000, staff/bow/sword would be 1:333, and orbs would be 1:83.3 (so youd finish your items in this completely arbitrary sample size). are orbs still (or were they ever) at what would now be a 4:3 drop ratio to dormants considering that reprisal is dropped as a completed codex?
connoisseur of memes and carbohydrates
29-Sep-2017 11:24:09
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29-Sep-2017 11:39:11