Keeping drop rates secret is a good suspense factor and that creates excitement.
Knowing that you only have a 5% chance to obtain an item means that a player would know that by killing 20 monsters - he has a chance of getting that 1 item. This loses some of that excitement factor, and if the chance of getting that item is very low, then it also brings down the player's hopes of getting one.
But if one doesn't know the chance (and lets assume Wikipedia doesn't exist), he is going to keep killing as many monsters as possible to try to get it. - no matter how long it takes and when he does, it would give him a big sense of excitement and relief.
Wikipedia is the only reason I'm 50-50 on it because it already gives an estimate of the drop chance so I'm kinda "meh whatever?" on the update
Really curious to know what the drop rate for Corrupted Gem is on/off task.
We are aware that on task its a 1/5000 from corrupted scorpions/scarabs however we have no other information on any of the other creatures drop rates for this item on/off task.
Mod Timbo
one of the reasons that has been given out repeatedly in the past was the feeling of excitement and mystery about when you got a drop - not knowing exactly when you were 'owed' a drop.
Isn't that a good enough reason to continue keeping it a secret? Now you are going against what was the original thought, and are actually ruining the game experience.
I don't see why we need this. The only thing you achieve by telling people they have a 1/5000 chance of getting a drop, is a lot of rants from people who didn't get the drop after 5000 kills.
This game has become more and more about dry calculations rather than playing a fun game.
28-Mar-2021 11:37:04
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28-Mar-2021 11:55:06
For you maybe, I enjoy the game and when I've reached 5000 kills with no drop, the excitement factor increases. Without knowing that number, I personally lose interest early in the grind. If you take the numbers as, "I'm guaranteed a drop after x kills," then you are ruining the game for
. If other people around you are complaining, you could be supportive and encouraging or simply not talk to them.
I call b.s. when and where I see it , flat out the reasons for the drop rates "secrecy" is jagex wants us ( the player base) to grind incessantly because we are paying one way or another for our ability to do so !!, other than the rampant blatant and ultimately abusive toxicity towards one another you honestly should turn that vitriol towards jagex!! Whom is not actually "rewarding" you for your efforts or you continued support/patronage which ultimately pays their egregious salaries. I say this will open candor As I flat out don't believe theses alleged rates one iota or the insular fact that more rates have not been properly reveled as promised with full transparency especially considering this post was started a full 4 years ago from my time of currently writing this now ... also as to jagex clamming drop rates don't change that's also complete bs as they constantly change them explicitly to keep them from being disclosed to the larger playerbase as a whole .. the same way that intrinsic itms like the lotd really dont actually improve "luck" as there is no visible "luck mechanic or modifier which is active or visible to the general player/
all the supposition .guess work , estimations ect iin the world cant change this intrinsic fact unless we see the unaltered "code" and can compare it to active current code for the game !! as without it your personal mileage varys far too greatly
the true bottom line is jagex honestly only cares about the bottom line nothing more
the true bottom line is jagex honestly only cares about the bottom line nothing more
Try being a Dev of a game with millions of players with a vast diversity in opinions like yours. Bottom line is, happy players means continued support. If they ignored the majority for the sake of the few, players would lose interest. I know a few games that only cater to the "elite" players because they're the bulk of the continued support, and other games that cater to their massive child population. Being a Dev is about catering to their audience, any big company would tell you that.
Jagex has done things for the 'elite', such as bring back 2007scape (now known as OSRS), to keep them happy with the game they grew up on and love. The OSRS Devs work with their playerbase to ensure content is satisfying, fresh, and old school. There has been several ideas that OSRS Devs pitched, and they got shot down by the players. It's rough for them because they can have really cool ideas to add, but the 'elites' don't like it.
Bottom line is: Jagex does what they can to bring new and fun content to their players. Sometimes they fall short of expectations, sometimes they excel a bit too well (nerfed). That's the life of a Dev, can't win them all. Do the best to keep the playerbase happy while trying to come up with new innovative ways to engage the players.
I dropped out of Game Dev school because I realised how hard it is to create exciting game content without over-complicating it. There's more to it than meets the eye.
06-Jun-2021 01:45:44
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06-Jun-2021 01:48:08
Kai Okt Il