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Another thing I've noticed - it seems impossible to get the Adrenaline Bar above 30% ish using Necromancy Abilities.
I may have something on there that's constantly triggering but I haven't worked out what it is yet.
Normally I'm all for a simple interface but it would be great if the Rituals Interface showed how many source materials you have stored... maybe an "input" box just above the Output Box.
bloat is the adren killer, get that off your revo bar asap
tbh, with necromancy, u want skeleton as an optional first ability, but other than that just the two basics (soul sap and touch of death) and the "basic" attack for bossing, and activate the rest manually
for multi target afking, try the simple "scythe, soul sap soul strike" set up, nothing else on revo or bar to activate manually at all, with blood siphon thrown in after scythe if your having trouble surviving. Its counter intuitive, as with the other skills you have like 10 things on the bar for maximum dps, but with necromancy less is often more
not 100% best single target afk revo bar, but its probably like "soul sap, soul volly, touch of death, death finger" and nothing else
all the other abilities are situational, like bloat, or for burst damage bossing , like skulls and death form
19-Aug-2023 04:15:39