
Necromancy Feedback

Quick find code: 74-75-500-66291795

Roddy Piper
Jan Member 2011

Roddy Piper

Posts: 13,751 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I finished the 30k grind to fight Necromancer and I wish I hadn't done any of it. I probably should have read the guide instead of winging it.

First because the fight was so disappointing. Seemed like a cool idea of army vs army. But none of that matters, it's a DPS race. I'm not sure the final stage qualifies as combat but luckily I had a defense cape and tons of food while I waited for the battle to end.

But the worst part is the aftermath. Now I am left with 5k more souls to collect and some random wobbly cat is exploring the grid.

Can't even make this stuff up. I should have gone straight to 99 and never looked back.

17-Aug-2023 20:18:39

Feb Member 2019


Posts: 105 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
to be honest eery single thing is amazing about necromancy apart from rasials drop rate mechanism

Let me start saying im no stranger to the grind, im an ironman on page one of runescore high scores.

500 kills and only gloves makes me legit want to quit rs, as i died about 50 times to learn this boss (being an older and less capable player) burning through my supplies, and i am beginning to fee like its all for nothing at all, as i see players walking around with full log with less kills than me

edit: 666 kills in and no weapons and only gloves, i feel my mental health is really starting to suffer with this boss, as im currently in line for 4,700 kills for log, and yet what really else is there to do? rituals are fine, but once u have you 35,000 souls and enough impure ess, they are redundant, as u may as well afk monsters for XP, so all necromancy is at this point is afk abyssal beasts, or drive myself insane repeating Rsial over and over and hoping ofr a differnt result (a definition of insanity i hear)

18-Aug-2023 00:32:58 - Last edited on 19-Aug-2023 04:09:01 by Necrotising

May Member 2014


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It would be quite nice if the Special Attack ability on the Action Bar showed its cooldown visually. This is extra important with Necromancy because the Death Grasp ability is such an important ability to use on Cooldown for damage. Watching the debuff bar for a 30sec timer is kind of bad design in my opinion. It's an ability, it has a timer, so.. not sure why this is necessary.

It would also be nice to be able to see necrosis similar to how we see souls above our head. Honestly, the way they implemented the soul icons I feel like they should incorporate more throughout combat. An easy, visual way to quickly tell what abilities are ready without having to stare at your bar. This allows you to stay focused on whats going on in combat and enjoy more engaging encounters. OR maybe if it would be too much to add that all under the adrenaline bar.. maybe allow us a customizable box of "TRACKED" big buff icons which you could move anywhere? This list would be static, and you could ensure, that, for example, your overload is always slot 1, bone shield always slot 2, etc. The main gripe I have about the current buff bar is that every buff I gain can mess up the order. Why do I need to look through a long list of randomly arranged buffs to see "8 stacks necrosis"?

18-Aug-2023 01:59:42 - Last edited on 18-Aug-2023 02:05:52 by Yuipster

Oct Member 2018


Posts: 119 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If glyphs can't be interacted with during a ritual, why have them a clickable option on the screen? Just to add irritating difficulty when trying to click on distractions by having a boatload of clickable tiles under your feet? Just remove the option so that the board is clear for interaction with distractions. Distractions seem designed to make sure skillers are staring at their screen like zombies (ha ha) during their gameplay.

Let's face it, rituals are a grind, and making them only worthwhile with 100% concentration to hit those distractions (which are where XP comes from) is mind-numbingly boring. Saying this skill is "skiller-friendly" seems to mean "we provided a training method that will turn you into a drooling idiot because we spent all of our brain cells on making things varied for bossers."

I mean, thanks for providing me a way to train the skill, since I don't like bossing, but it's repetitive in the extreme. Arch was far, far better, even though you were also essentially doing the same thing over and over. At least you were not standing in one place for hours (days? weeks?) on end.

18-Aug-2023 11:28:29

Roddy Piper
Jan Member 2011

Roddy Piper

Posts: 13,751 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
One bad thing about the combat is the food is too punishing. Losing adrenaline to heal is basically sabotaging your own efforts. Can't really do anything when taking damage and that has always been a problem with this game. That's why Cryptbloom is so popular. Personally I think magic is weak and ineffective, but it's hard to argue against the playability of damage reduction.

The Saradomin Brew/ Blubberfish method is just silly no matter how you look at it.

I say that method should be removed entirely and let all the players deal with adrenaline loss from food. See where that leads us. A better place for sure.

18-Aug-2023 12:41:40



Posts: 27 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It's been mentioned, but I think it needs repeating: Necromancy needs some changes to work with Legacy.

Not even major ones. I get that we won't have access to the combat abilities. That's no problem (as long as they aren't required for area tasks). But we should have access to Incantations. Unless I'm missing something, you can't even cast City of Um Teleport in Legacy. Please add Incantations as another sub-tab under "Powers" (where the Magic spells are found). It's a simple solution and will make Necromancy far more appealing to older players (like me).

18-Aug-2023 16:06:41

fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 40,607 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Another thing I've noticed - it seems impossible to get the Adrenaline Bar above 30% ish using Necromancy Abilities.

I may have something on there that's constantly triggering but I haven't worked out what it is yet.

Normally I'm all for a simple interface but it would be great if the Rituals Interface showed how many source materials you have stored... maybe an "input" box just above the Output Box.
Who's the cat that won't cop out when there's danger all about?

18-Aug-2023 16:35:37 - Last edited on 18-Aug-2023 16:43:44 by Rooh

Dec Member 2011


Posts: 690 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Original message details are unavailable.

basic, soul sap and touch of death add adrenaline, finger of death and conjures remove it mostly. finger of death cost can reduce if you can be bothered to watch/manage necrosis stacks.

I thought there was supposed to be a combat tutorial element to this update? But I haven't seen it.

Can we get more than just poison and stun abilities and could stun maybe be more meaningful when you're already in combat.

was playing final fantasy X2 recently which has, itch, death, petrify, pointless, poison, silence, sleep, slow, stop, haste, curse, dark, doom, beserk, confuse.

Rs has not alot? and a bunch of half done or ignored combat that was given up on.

Also I hate boss content can we have some normal monsters with no mechanics, not had any in ages and the aesthetics are getting old, really don't want to play anymore.

18-Aug-2023 17:12:51

May Member 2022


Posts: 20,258 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
well it looks like jagex are going to hide pets soon which is good because this is ridiculous

also got some guy whos decided to spam a teleport with a massive dragon over and over in the middle of the ritual site now completely covering half the site

sorry been busy with work i'll go back through the last few pages now and give an update or respond in the next 30mins or so
When the Full Moon Rises
Blood will rain down
Beware the Wolves Howl, This will be your final sound

18-Aug-2023 22:20:47 - Last edited on 18-Aug-2023 22:41:41 by Werewolf

May Member 2022


Posts: 20,258 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Added the following items

- add a pouch that can hold all the various types of runes or allow them to be stored in the tome of um to save inventory spaces

- Make the glyphs unclickable during rituals

- Add a necromancy tab somewhere in legacy mode so incantations can be useable

Smasherley - I do agree but they can't instance the entire game, I kind of went into the sunken pyramid for most my kills to avoid the crowds during the hype train

Lost Justice - as good as your idea is I don't think it's feasable with the amount of different item's being stored and can quickly get confusing

Roddy Piper - It is but more can be done to improve it further, the list made in this thread could be a good starting point if jagex takes a few minutes of their time to look at it, I try to incorporate everyone's idea's and suggestions into one thread but it can be tricky when 2 different improvements clash with each other , I've yet to meet jack the ghost cat but if you can provide feedback on how to improve jack please let us know and i'll incorporate it in

Necrotising - It's all down to rng there will probably be someone out there with 300kills and nothing to show for it and others with full t95 and 30kills, It just boil's down to luck

Yuipster - Jagex are already looking into this and mentioned it in their week 2 update

Oshtur - if you can make a post on how legacy can be improved overall rather then just listing what the problems are then i'll incorporate them into the thread, from what i can see incantations just need runes, Adding necromancy to the minibar at the bottom could also add functionality or adding it as a tab on the magic book, i'll let you think on it and if you can post a list of 6 or 7 items that can improve legacy gameplay i'll incorporate that into the thread, Added the problem i see

Rooh - I find Bloated to train adrenaline and had to remove it from my action bar it's already listed

"- Add a global cooldown on abilities"
When the Full Moon Rises
Blood will rain down
Beware the Wolves Howl, This will be your final sound

18-Aug-2023 22:57:05

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