I only read page 1.
Did anyone else mention sap/resin? Not every tree has valuable sap/resin, but several certainly do. Maybe a rare chance for amber too?
Also, what about nuts/seeds/fruits? Obviously we don't chop fruit trees unless we're clearing our fruit tree patches, but is there a particularly good reason why this is so?
Roots? We already collect these from our player-grown trees, why not from normal felled trees? What is so magical about our plot-grown ones that lets us gather the roots?
Insects? Seems weird but there could certainly be uses for them! If the tree you felled happened to be infested with termites it could reduce your lumber yield but provide sawdust and if there was some point to collecting the termites maybe those too. (farming? feed for chickens etc?)
02-Sep-2021 03:28:54