Max guild already has an altar incredibly close to a bank. Why not take the extra step and make summoning and prayer points restore constantly while in the guild, similar to player lodge tier 2? It would make using chronicle absorption really nice and restore people's points without making that extra click to walk up the stairs.
Feonix ironman clan
(1k total, IM and HCIM only)
Expand the Guild, Upstairs for Completionists for better improvements.
Max Guild Dungeon
Max Guild Max Chair
Citadel Teleport
Dungeoneering Teleport
Ports Teleports
Lookout upstairs
Banners can be moved outside of the Max Guild for more space to put things
Premier Club
I would love to have a robust glass machine much closer to the bank in a place like the max guild. It can accumulate very fast if you mine it every day but melt and blow it seperately.
I think I speak for almost every max guild user out there when I say the top area of the max guild should act as a bank space and allow you to swap prayers and spell books, it should heal you, and you should also be able to press bank or exchange without running all the way down stairs.
Could adrenaline crystals be added as a toogle option on the Max Guild's Throne of Fame IF it has already been unlocked in the PVM Hub as a way to keep max guild relevant? This would require no graphical updates, no new unlock mechanic, only a toogle option, and it would not undermine the grind for unlocking PVM Hub content (would provide more incentive in fact).
Could adrenaline crystals be added as a toogle option on the Max Guild's Throne of Fame IF it has already been unlocked in the PVM Hub as a way to keep max guild relevant? This would require no graphical updates, no new unlock mechanic, only a toogle option, and it would not undermine the grind for unlocking PVM Hub content (would provide more incentive in fact).