Menaphos - Sandstone/Granite to repair roads, walls, and statues (These are IRL construction materials and would make some use they'd be use for repairs around the city)
Ship builing/Dock worker
- Level 1-20 - any dock - repairing the docks. They ain't going to trust anyone that doesn't know how to use a hammer to fix a
boat. Hammer away at some loose/rotting planks and keep the docks safe to walk on.
- Level 20-50
- Port Sarim - Building Rowboats. Not glamorous, but not exactly high on the skill requirements. But, the boats are in demand. Prove your worth by building the simple boats.
- Port Sarim, other Ports - Small Boat Repair. Smaller classes of ships/boats need work and upkeep.
Level 50-75
- Most ports - Intermediate Boat/Ship repair. Getting into the more serious ships that need to get fixed. Think like the Fishing Trawler ... just the boat actually stays afloat afterwards.
Level 75+
- Port Phasmatys - Ghost Ships - Exotic ship repair to repair ships that run on the many ectofunctus' (spelling)
- Karamja Shipyard - The Gnomes started to build a fleet. The ships are fine and can be used. They want to build more ships. Chip in.
- Small Ship building - Take hand yourself at building ships in the same class (or smaller) than the Sarim's Revenge
23-Mar-2021 00:12:02