Construction needs a rework. I believe with the rework, the skill should get a boost to 120.
Construction was originally intended to be a money sink skill. Rework it, make people burn money again. There is tons of content that could be added, and a complete overhaul of the skill is the only way to really do it.
The skill as it sits now does not serve any purpose. It can be leveled for free, removing that money sink aspect of it. Nothing in the house is actually useful, meaning you don't have any motivation to spend money to build stuff.
The only thing the PoH is used for today is the One-Click Teleport location for Hardcore Ironmen. They do this because the PoH is a safe death, so if they die after teleporting, it is a safe death. The addition of the PvM Hub will remove any last usefulness of the house. I am just assuming here, but I expect that 1 or 2 people might use their PoH to recharge Prayer and Summoning points.
Firemaking is a more useful skill than Construction. It is literally more lucrative to burn than it is to build.
I fully expected a Construction rework and boost to 120. Instead we got Farming and Herblore. That is great and everything, but Construction needs a rework the most. How much money can be pulled out of the economy with such an update?
I already leveled to 120 because I really thought that Construction was the next 120. Make this skill useful again!! It has been my favorite/most desired skill since I started playing RuneScape and saw Carpentry in the skill list.
30-Nov-2019 19:31:21