Some ideas for an update:
Other gods for your chapel
It might be nice to have more options than Saradomin, Zamorak and Guthix, it could be cool to add gods as Seren, Zaros, Armadyl etc. , now runescape has entered the age of the return of the gods. This could make your own chapel and f.e. WORLD 31 Gilded Altars much more fun.
More/other styles of walls to buy at the Estate Agent
It might be nice, now with the rise of Prifddinas, to be able to get sort of the same walls like the elf city (white,with the twirls etc.), just like the possibility to move your house to Prifddinas you would need level 75 construction to buy this style (cost 1000K??).
The come of elvish stuff in the Construction skill could mean an addition to the economy, since you'd need some kind of crystal for f.e. a crystal dining table (where you replace the mable with crystal), crystal teleport portals, a repainted painting of isafdar, the possibility to get a painting of the clan leader you support in Prifddinas (you'd need to get this in Prifddinas not in Fallador) and many other possibilities...
New Servants
The maximum level to have the best servant a.t.m. is level 50, the come of new servants in Ardougne would create the possibility to raise this max level to 75, this servant will f.e. cost 20.000-25.000 gp/payment he/she/it will be able to bring/get 28 items to the bank and teleport back in 3 seconds. The servants should also be able to **** next to their master when they get stuck in a corner while following their master. This would save some time.
Rug/ wall decoration/ curtains color
There should be the possibility to recolor the rugs/ wall decorations/ curtains in your house, you would do this at the Estate Agent and it would cost you 2.500 gp for a normal color or 5.000 gp for a color you choose yourself (like you do when choosing the color of your clan vexillium). This will give the players the chance to really personalise their home
14-Dec-2014 19:53:58