A little girl is lost in the woods and sees an owl in a tree. She asks the owl "do you know where my mommy is?" The owl simply turns its head 180 degrees and flies to another branch and not replying to the girl's question, since owls are unable to speak any of the thousands of our human languages.
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.
Three men walk into a bar..
..you would've figured one of them would've seen it
- Ornery Onions -
Prioritizing inclusion, friendliness and offering a helping hand to those that need it.
Hey diddle diddle
We're all on the fiddle
And never get up until noon,
We only take cash
Which we carefully stash,
And we work by the light of the moon.
- Ronald Dahl
St Ives
As I was going to Saint Ives
I met a man with seven wives,
Said he, "I think it's much more fun
Than getting stuck with only one"
- Ronald Dahl
17-Nov-2014 01:25:46
- Last edited on
17-Nov-2014 01:26:55
Lady Deluxe
2 ducks walk into a bar.
Bartender says "Sorry, we don't serve duck here"
One duck turns to the other and says "oh thank god, I couldn't eat another bite, I'm still stuffed from all of that chicken"
* sniffles *
* sbos *
Why can't we live in a world where the only jokes told are knock-knocks, Seinfeldian observational comments, and Thok's awesomeness?!?!?