Welcome to PSS, Worker!
For your first assignment please make three unique waves, and then extend them. I know the guides are a bit messed up from the font change, so if you have any questions, just let me know. I'll try to update the guides soon.
Example: ¸·*"´¨`"*·¸ and ¸·*"´¨`"*·.„¸¸„.·*"´¨`"*·.„¸¸„.·*"´¨`"*·.„¸¸„.·*"´¨`"*·¸
- – —•— – -
. . . . .. ˆ·¸ . . . . . ¸° . . . ¸¤ . . ;´ /Vai tiruvantel `; . . ¤¸ . . . °¸ . . . . . ¸·ˆ .. . . . .
. . . ˆ*‹¸ . `¸ .. •˜ .. . ¤˜. .. ¸“ .. ar varyuvantel .. “¸ .. . ˜¤ .. . ˜• .. ¸´ . ¸‹*ˆ . . .
. . ¯-¸ .. ‘¸ .. °„ . . . . . . . . ¸¹ . . i Valar tielyanna . . ¹¸ . . . . . . . . „° .. ¸‘ .. ¸-¯ . .
.. . . . `· .¸`·.¸ ˜- , ¸¸ , ›˜ . . . . . . . . nu vilya . . . . . . . . ˜‹ , ¸¸ , -˜ ¸.·´¸. ·´ . . . ..
Nice. I like the spaced out periods and those two ¤s. For some reason that seems to go really well with the Elvish text.
. . ¯-¸
.. . . . `· .¸ I would add a space like this:
. . ¯-¸
. . . . . ` · .¸
¸“ Maybe make this something like ¸' in order to make it slightly more vertical and fit the curve a bit better
Now's lets give this a shot >:]
Name: Nop Patar
Which student is to complete this? Jokku
Line 1:
Line 2:
Line 3:
Line 4:
Do you want Normal, Clean, Messy, or Leet text? Your choice
What browser are you using? (IE, Firefox, etc) GC
How many lines do you want the signature to be? (1-4) 4
Do you want it Shaded, Alt Spaced, Regular, or Character Reduced? Your choice
Extra Notes: Diagonal mirroring. Choose whatever text makes it easiest for you, or no text at all. Keep it relatively simple for this attempt.

Example: ¸·*"´¨`"*·¸ and ¸·*"´¨`"*·.„¸¸„.·*"´¨`"*·.„¸¸„.·*"´¨`"*·.„¸¸„.·*"´¨`"*·¸
- – —•— – -
. . . . .. ˆ·¸ . . . . . ¸° . . . ¸¤ . . ;´ /Vai tiruvantel `; . . ¤¸ . . . °¸ . . . . . ¸·ˆ .. . . . .
. . . ˆ*‹¸ . `¸ .. •˜ .. . ¤˜. .. ¸“ .. ar varyuvantel .. “¸ .. . ˜¤ .. . ˜• .. ¸´ . ¸‹*ˆ . . .
. . ¯-¸ .. ‘¸ .. °„ . . . . . . . . ¸¹ . . i Valar tielyanna . . ¹¸ . . . . . . . . „° .. ¸‘ .. ¸-¯ . .
.. . . . `· .¸`·.¸ ˜- , ¸¸ , ›˜ . . . . . . . . nu vilya . . . . . . . . ˜‹ , ¸¸ , -˜ ¸.·´¸. ·´ . . . ..
Nice. I like the spaced out periods and those two ¤s. For some reason that seems to go really well with the Elvish text.
. . ¯-¸
.. . . . `· .¸ I would add a space like this:
. . ¯-¸
. . . . . ` · .¸
¸“ Maybe make this something like ¸' in order to make it slightly more vertical and fit the curve a bit better
Now's lets give this a shot >:]
Name: Nop Patar
Which student is to complete this? Jokku
Line 1:
Line 2:
Line 3:
Line 4:
Do you want Normal, Clean, Messy, or Leet text? Your choice
What browser are you using? (IE, Firefox, etc) GC
How many lines do you want the signature to be? (1-4) 4
Do you want it Shaded, Alt Spaced, Regular, or Character Reduced? Your choice
Extra Notes: Diagonal mirroring. Choose whatever text makes it easiest for you, or no text at all. Keep it relatively simple for this attempt.
OSRS Newb Help Initiative
¸.‹ *³ˆ;'°*• .„¸¸¸,.'
ˆ.,¸¸„:‹ "¨,¸¸,.‹´
10-Jan-2016 03:45:55 - Last edited on 10-Jan-2016 03:47:28 by Nop Rs