
Prestigious Signature School 2

Quick find code: 55-56-26-64916570

Nop Rs

Nop Rs

Posts: 14,357 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sorry for being vague about the text part. What I meant that was your signature didn't connect to the text like this:

...¸‹ *³^¸
¸´....[text here]

but instead was like this:

....',......[text here]

Does that make sense? Again, that's more of a personal preference, it doesn't have to connect with the text; but the text just looked isolated and disconnected from the rest of the signature. Y'know what I mean? :P

Anyway, you've got the same "issue" (not really an issue but w/e :P ) going on here with this sig. (r)

Well, let's look at the mirroring…

;;;:;:::.:.. . ¸‹*ˆ ˜`“*«;*˜¯ ` ˆ°* ¬ „¸ . ...::; ‡híš Šîgñá†ùrê ;::... . ¸„ ¬ *°ˆ ´ ¯˜*;»*“´˜ ˆ*›¸ . ..:.:::;:;;;
;;::.:.. . ¸·´ ­ ¸· ‘˜`ˆ ›¸ `‘ ¸ ..:::;:::.. ; ­ ; .. Κ Pêrƒéç†Ìý Mírròrêd .. ; ­ ; ..:::;:::.. ¸ ‘´ ¸‹ ˆ´˜‘ ·¸ ­ `·¸ . ..:.::;;
;:.. ¸„¬‘ ­ ¸‹˜ . .:.:;:.:. . `¬¸`·.,¸¸,‹'¨ ¸‘ . ..: Áñd Κ Ñô† Áƒràïd :.. . ‘¸ ¨'›,¸¸,.·´¸¬´ . .:.:;:.:. . ˜›¸ ­ ‘¬„¸ ..:;
;::. ¸¸„•° .. ..:.::;;;::.:.... .. ¯-_¸¸,. · ' . .. ..:.:;; ؃ ‡hé ‡ë׆ ;;:.:.. .. . ' · .,¸¸_-¯ .. ....:.::;;;::.:.. .. °•„¸¸ .::;

Looks good to me :P

¸¸„•° I'd recommend using a slightly higher symbol than ° or using a symbol lower than •
¸·´ either change this to ¸´ or make ¸„¬’ longer, like: ¸„¬ ´
¯-_¸¸,. · ' I think this needs to be push over to the right slightly in order to match up with the transition on the left side

Nice job :)
OSRS Newb Help Initiative ',
¸.‹ *³ˆ;'°*• .„¸¸¸,.'
ˆ.,¸¸„:‹ "¨,¸¸,.‹´

06-Jan-2016 19:50:02 - Last edited on 06-Jan-2016 19:51:19 by Nop Rs

Nop Rs

Nop Rs

Posts: 14,357 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name: Nop Patar
Which student is to complete this? Jokku
Line 1:
Line 2: I am text
Line 3: I am not lonely
Line 4:
Do you want Normal, Clean, Messy, or Leet text? Clean
What browser are you using? (IE, Firefox, etc) GC
How many lines do you want the signature to be? (1-4) 4
Do you want it Shaded, Alt Spaced, Regular, or Character Reduced? Your choice
Extra Notes: Make the text all nice and intertwined with the rest of the signature. If you still have no idea what I'm talking about, then just say :P
OSRS Newb Help Initiative ',
¸.‹ *³ˆ;'°*• .„¸¸¸,.'
ˆ.,¸¸„:‹ "¨,¸¸,.‹´

06-Jan-2016 19:53:35



Posts: 35,046 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I would understand if all of my signatures were like that, but this is not the case, so I don't think it's an issue. I like being able to do art without any restrictions, and if the text had to be connected every time, designs like this wouldn't even be possible (without adding something extra):
­ ° * • ¸·“˜`°•¸ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ¸.,¸ˆ°*¬ ,¸
­ ¸ · ‘` ­ ­ ­ ˜ „ ­ ­ ­ ­ ¨;·¸¨ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ `‘¸ ­ ­ ­ ­ ¨;
;´ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ¸° ­ ­ ­ ;´ ­ ­ ­ ­ `› ,¸¸,. ·' ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ¸'
˜‹,¸¸,. · ‘ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ `*‹„¸¸,. ‹ ¬ „¸¸,‹°

Especially when the text is on all 4 lines, it would be very restrictive if the text had to be connected. Just my opinion, assuming I understood what you mean now :P

07-Jan-2016 12:06:42

Ruby Inferno

Ruby Inferno

Posts: 8,850 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I seriously need some practise with the new font... Need to come up with new things to make as borders.
¸°ˆ ›,
¸• ¨¨°¸

¸*ˆˆ*+;„¸¸,.`-'´ ., ¸¸ .'
¸‹*ˆˆ*›. ,¸ ¸,.'

'., ¸ ,.¬
ˆ ˆ ¬.,¸ ¸,.·´

08-Jan-2016 02:30:08



Posts: 35,046 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Well yea, now I know what you meant by not afraid of text. Look how I changed it, will you accept this? I didn't make any changes to the design except continued the waves to connect to text, but text-wise, not afraid now? :P

¸„ ¬ *°ˆ ´ ¯˜*;»*“´˜ ˆ*›¸ . . ...:.:::;; ‡híš Šîgñá†ùrê ;;:::.:... . . ¸‹*ˆ ˜`“*«;*˜¯ ` ˆ°* ¬ „¸
; ­ ; ..:::;:::.. ¸ ‘´ ¸‹ ˆ´˜‘ ·¸ ­ `·¸ ..:: Κ Pêrƒéç†Ìý Mírròrêd ::.. ¸·´ ­ ¸· ‘˜`ˆ ›¸ `‘ ¸ ..:::;:::.. ; ­ ;
‘¸ ¨'›,¸¸,.·´¸¬´ . .:.:;:.:. . ˜›¸ ­ ‘¬„¸¸ Áñd Κ Ñô† Áƒràïd ¸¸„¬‘ ­ ¸‹˜ . .:.:;:.:. . `¬¸`·.,¸¸,‹'¨ ¸‘
' · .,¸¸_-¯ .. ....:.::;;;::.:.. .. °•„¸¸,.›*“ ‘؃ ‡hé ‡ë׆ “*‹.¸¸„•° .. ..:.::;;;::.:.... .. ¯-_¸¸,. · '

08-Jan-2016 14:16:46

Nop Rs

Nop Rs

Posts: 14,357 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name: Nop Patar
Which student is to complete this? Jokku
Line 1: Na(r)i tiruvantel
Line 2: ar vary(r)uvantel
Line 3: i Val(r)ar tielyanna
Line 4: nu vilya
Do you want Normal, Clean, Messy, or Leet text? Normal
What browser are you using? (IE, Firefox, etc) GC
How many lines do you want the signature to be? (1-4) 4
Do you want it Shaded, Alt Spaced, Regular, or Character Reduced? Your choice
Extra Notes: After this, we'll try diagonal mirroring I think. Ignore the (r)s, damn censor.
OSRS Newb Help Initiative ',
¸.‹ *³ˆ;'°*• .„¸¸¸,.'
ˆ.,¸¸„:‹ "¨,¸¸,.‹´

08-Jan-2016 16:14:18 - Last edited on 08-Jan-2016 16:15:30 by Nop Rs



Posts: 35,046 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
. . . . .. ˆ·¸ . . . . . ¸° . . . ¸¤ . . ;´ /Vai tiruvantel `; . . ¤¸ . . . °¸ . . . . . ¸·ˆ .. . . . .
. . . ˆ*‹¸ . `¸ .. •˜ .. . ¤˜. .. ¸“ .. a­r vary­uvantel .. “¸ .. . ˜¤ .. . ˜• .. ¸´ . ¸‹*ˆ . . .
. . ¯-¸ .. ‘¸ .. °„ . . . . . . . . ¸¹ . . i Vala­r ­ tielyanna . . ¹¸ . . . . . . . . „° .. ¸‘ .. ¸-¯ . .
.. . . . `· .¸`·.¸ ˜- , ¸¸ , ›˜ . . . . . . . . n­u vilya . . . . . . . . ˜‹ , ¸¸ , -˜ ¸.·´¸. ·´ . . . ..

Had some moments with censor x(

Yes I'm ready to try

09-Jan-2016 12:21:05

Do Worker
Nov Member 2023

Do Worker

Posts: 3,157 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
¨`ˆ”°¤ Student Application

Username/Nickname : Do Worker, nickname Worker
Gender : M
Do you have any experience? If so how much? A little bit from the stickied guide, altho I haven't really tried with this new forum font
Any reason why you want to make signatures? Seemed like something fun to try :P
What browser are you using? (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc) Google Chrome
Are · and . the same length for you? (IMPORTANT) Yes
Have you read the rules? Yes
Extra notes :

10-Jan-2016 03:11:18 - Last edited on 10-Jan-2016 03:12:15 by Do Worker

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