Annie is so happy that he finally agrees with her about helping hope. She looks at her master and says,"i think that might work. what is a wave of adrenaline?" She felt tired but ready to help hope.
Annie repiled in her mind to kairi,"thank goodness she final come down.I think me and dal needs you to teleport us. We want to help you and hope."
28-Nov-2013 23:37:08
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28-Nov-2013 23:44:41
(Kairi kisses Hope's forhead and gives her a cup of warm milk and slowly leaves her room and makes her way down to the control room and twists a few things and teleport beam is now in front of Annie and Dal)
Annie says in her mind to kairi,"thank you." She and dal sees the teleport beam and goes in it to get teleported into Kairi's stards. She feels so happy that she is back in the stard and can help kairi to care for hope. Then she says to kairi,"hello. It's good to be back here. What do you want me to do to help Hope?"
29-Nov-2013 03:53:32
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29-Nov-2013 04:09:58
((did Dal stop rping since i dont rp alot and its just us 3?))
I gave hope some warm milk so she might go back to sleep but you can go up to her room now if you wish, she might be asleep but i dont know. Tip toe up.
Annie repiled in a calm voice,"Ok, I will see her. I promise I will be very quiet." She goes down to hopes room. She opens the door and quietly goes in not sure of she is awake or asleep.