All started when our beloved Jmods became Zombies 2010, but what we didnt know, the disease traveled thru Space and Time and now resides in Runescape, but hidden in small groups of blood cells among man.
Another time and place in space, hidden history among the Socerers and their Schollars, forbidden magic lost years ago, few older than time itself remember the horror within the books, les we know it thru campains of the magic weilders, rock creatures unable to be killed, only the powerful of creatures survived, or ones that hid under the ground.
Make your Destiny with Alpha Base, save the World.
Commander Dark-Stryke /Stryke (Pure Human-Commander)
Guthix SS4 / Guthix (Vampire werewolf hybrid, Leader of the Shadow warriors and the underground werewolves)
DarthCarn / Carn (Exiled Archangel - 100% Carn)
Kalle Knigti (Revenant)
Jay Jamius / Jay (He's unknown!)
Rahl V Randy/Richard Tragon ( Wizard/Angel)
Kairi1987 / Kairi (45% Panther, 45% Vampire, 10% alien- type TL)
Kalenakeeper / Kalena Keeper (Human- Mechanic)
Callum 2a / Arty (Human)
ID o c t o r / Doc (Alien)
Rogaen / Davreen
Ahzoh Aviansezr Gladyrius (Psy**cerion) (((Extra-Dimentional being)))
John Roaldyn / John (Human)
Vex Forest/ Vexed Forest / Vex (Fairly INSAIN Sorcerer)
Ob1ac (Warlock)
Darth pwns /John (Human)[Werewolf vampire seeker]
Annie1227/ Annie (Human/ Elf)
SabreJ6 /Jace Sabre(Elf)
Aranyra/Arany (Elfpyre)
Trenton683 / William Halt (Human)
Dalnius / Jarock Talon (teacher)
Erus Cress (unknown so far)
22-Feb-2013 17:56:33