
Zakus journal

Quick find code: 49-50-99-55886783

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
* This is the area this story starts in *

`¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ __(¸.• The Witching Hour Inn

In the shadow of a large mountain there is a small village. Past the village at the base of the mountain is the Witching Hour Inn. This Inn looks normal, it has a thatched roof, stone walls, and is of medium size. There is a stream nearby that leads to a large pool with a few other pools below it with small waterfalls leading to them from the pool above. The forest surrounding the mountain and the Inn is beautiful and has many wild animals. This may seem like a perfect Inn, but if you think that, you are wrong. Every night at midnight you are not aloud out of your room, and that is for your own safety, because every night poltergeists, goblins, ghouls, and a whole assortment of different unpleasant things enter the Inn. The only night’s it is safe to be out of your room is on the night of the Spring Equinox and the Autumnal Equinox.


*These are the current areas in the story *

In the Inn-

Great Hall (basicely a living room)
Dining Room
Rooms (second floor)
Bar and small Pub
Training Room
Ball Room
Wine Celler

Outside the Inn-

Mountian (dangerous)
Stream and pools
Fighting Hollow
Small Farm
Storage Barn



Light or darkness (The story)


Light or darkness 2 we return


Light or darkness 3




Mazchnas son ( Bios accepted )


*Need to put this one here for the momment lol*



Midnight- Witch

Lore- Dragonkin/trouble maker :P

Xenos- Half demon with very little control.

Lea- Assistant to the inkeeper.

05-Mar-2008 06:12:18 - Last edited on 12-Apr-2008 06:36:43 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Awesome people list

Blackriku - Your my best friend.. Ive known you for about two years you seem so much wiser then me even though ur 3 years younger then me. And i feal i can trust you with anything. And thats after i swore idd never trust another person again. You are like the friend i thought idd never have.. No matter what happens unless one day you wanted nothing to do with me ill keep in touch with you and even if you did hate me i would still try my best to be there if you needed me because you have always been there to listen to me and you make eveything okay lol and your ALOT of fun.


If i had a theme it would be this song i heard called i tried so hard/in the end




Gokustick500 - I ran into you after blackriku showed me light or darkness.. I couldnt really relate to you like i could with blackriku and since you and chrisn44 know each other in real life its kinda like the four of us after awhile split apart. But your cool in your own way.. You were a great bad guy with hyro and a great team mate when he became good. And we had alot of fun in the good old days :D

Chrisn44 - I think we ran into you a little later on in light or darkness.. Correct me if im wrong lol. Anyway at first i didnt really care about what you would write since you just seemed like hyros toady to me :P but later on i thought your writeing and storys we very good and it was fun hanging out with you in runescape. The coolest thing about you is your always there when the others are gone. And your always willing to help me out with things like keeping threads alive.

05-Mar-2008 06:12:25 - Last edited on 31-Mar-2008 08:01:52 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

By the way For all of you lock happy crazy form mods out there i got permission from all of the guys im nameing and the ones i dont are loooong gone


Deadly1317 - I havent seen you in ages but you always were my rival.. You were such a good pker i was always jealous of you :P Later on it seemed like you fell apart and you couldnt pk or anything anymore.. I know you dare play runescape now pking is gone.. But i had to put you on this list ^_^

Qiute- You were a very good friend for a decent ammont of time you reminded me very much of blackriku but then one day it seems like you snaped and went psy** on me.. Your the guy that made me never want to trust anyone again.. And somehow blackriku managed to open me up again.. But i had to put you here for all the good times we had..

Rich hot14 - Your kinda anoying.. but i think you desseve a spot on my list lol you have been such a loyal fan of light or darkness and you can be funny sometimes. And im sorry if im rude or dont hang out with you enough.

Chocobroco- This guy plays surmantis in the story im gonna write.. Hes a awesome guy and for some reasson likes stress lol O_o i haven known you for awhile choco and you should be on this list Surmantis has always been there when zaku has been in trouble and over the time ive known you you were always there for me..Zaku and i both would gladly sacerfice ourselfs protect you And im not sure how the future will turn out for us since But your a really good friend.. If worss comes to worss things may end up like it did with Qiute.. But no matter what i will never forget you being there.. Im sorry i have had to throw on you all my troubles i just thought i could trust you. But its turning out to be a mess.. I care nothing for myself now all i want is you to be happy.


Eveything with *555* at the starting and end is something i would say or do


05-Mar-2008 06:12:38 - Last edited on 15-Apr-2008 06:43:46 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name: Zaku auki

Age: Looks 13

Gender: Male

Race: Demon

Appearance: He has red skin and a 3 foot long aarow tip tail but no horns the iris of his eyes are red.He has long white hair and some black torn pants and a long sleved shirt thats also black. He stands about five feet tall and is oley about 120 pounds so hes not very heavy.

Alignment: Good

Weapon(s): He has a three foot long holy staff that he lost when he defeated his brother but his mother gave it back to him in another inn. He rarely will use it in combat it offen just helps him with his healing and holy related spells his main weapons will be shown later on. He carrys five vials of water on a belt he wares.

Personality: He is not very aggressive. he would rather talk then fight.he can be shifty but is normaly is kind

Powers: He has amazeing self control and can turn water into ice and use the ice as weapons. other powers is unknown at this time

Short History: His parrents were demons But they killed each other by blessing the water they drank evey 100 years in honnor of the demon lord. He and his brother lived however but his brother would offen take out his anger on him and hurt him.. He one day ran away and left his brother. Now he searches for anwsers that have been trobleing him for a long time. his eyes seem inocent and full of sadness. Later on he ran into a inn where he met a man called surmantis. Surmantis could of killed him but he listened to him and later they became good friends. He looks up to him like a father unlike his real demonic father zazek he cares about surmantis and will do eveything in his power to protect him. Later he finds out his mother was a defeated angel turned into a demon by his father. But she finaly had the will to bless his fathers water turning it holy and killing him. But his father made her water unholy hopeing to remove her holy soul but it killed her. Zaku drank the holy water and was not effected since he had a holy soul like his

05-Mar-2008 06:12:44 - Last edited on 20-Apr-2008 15:21:06 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mother he lived. His brother drank unholy water and it made him stronger and darker.

Other: Zaku offen wares black robes with a hood and a mime mask when hes in areas that are not demon friendly.


Name: Surmantis Gale

Age: 45

Gender: Male

Race: Myrklidden

Race Description: Myrkliddens are humans but for the small difference that the clder it is the less emotions they have and the warmer it is, the more emotions they have.

Apearance: Surmantis has a thin face, dark shoulder length hair, and and dark eyes. He is seldom shaven, but it looks kind of okay on him. His body is very wiry.

Clothes/Armor: Surmantis wears a long black cloak with four secret pockets in it, and dark brown clothing also with it's share of pockets. He wears worn boots and has a few odds and ends in his pockets.

Personality: Surmantis as mentioned above is as emotional as theclimate allows, but hot or cold, Surmantis cannot see Evil done, and will always go very far out of his way to stop it.

Powers: He's just another Joe.

Weapon(s): Surmantis wears at his right side a long rapier, coated with silver(for use against supernatural beings), two long daggers, one hidden inside his cloak, and four explosive vials, and four smoke vials, which he uses as grenades.

Pet(s): Surmantis has a pet raven, named Raven, for lack of a better name. He has a silver whistle to call him with.

Short History: Surmantis comes from beyond the lands of Ice and Snow. He came to wander these lands before settling down to own an Inn, but after a while demons attacked and burned it down, so Surmantis is again a wanderer.

Other: Surmantis is left-handed.

05-Mar-2008 06:12:49 - Last edited on 18-Mar-2008 05:13:12 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zaku walked into another inn. Since he loved to travel he offen ran into villages and he learned many things from them. Inns offen had the most crazy things going on. He knocked on the door.

After one more knock zaku could sense souls in there and not just the liveing ones. He opened the door and looked arond sillently makeing omost no noise at all.

A man called lore laughed. "Whatever you say... to bad now I'll have to figure out the hard way. The man said quietly still puffing smoke out of his nose.

Zaku went to the nearest person he could see. " Does this place have any books? He said emoteionlessly.

The innkeeper whos name was Maluena tacked a paper to the wall so everyone could see, it was The Rules of The Inn. On the paper it had a few rules.
'Everyone must go to their room's by 6:30

No fighting inside
Anyone who disobeys the first rule I am not held responsible for what happens'. Maluena smiled at the rules and turned back to face the front.

"Yes, there are a few in the Great Hall" she said to Zaku.

Lore walked up to the rules that had be tacked on the walls, he read it once or twice and then scribbled something on the bottom in his own writing.

'Beware of Dragon'

Lore smirked and walked upstairs.

A girl called lea walked back out to the front. "Hey." she said to Maluena, she felt like she knew her already, it might just have been because she was so nice. She spotted the list of rules. "Why 6:30?" she asked her curiously wiping her hands on the aperon she had found in the kitchen,

Maluena crossed out what Lore had written and turned to Lea.
"I'll tell you if you promise not to tell anyone" she replied.

Zaku heard and pretending to still be looking arond listened.

05-Mar-2008 06:12:55 - Last edited on 06-Mar-2008 05:29:39 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Cross my heart." Lea said smiling and leaning in closer to hear.

Maluena looked around then sighed.
"Every night, monsters break into the Inn, the only safe place are the rooms which have been enchanted, the only nights that are safe are the nights of the Equinoxes, also there are a few poltergeists" Maluena explained so only Lea could hear.

Lore leaned on the rail of the balcony and watched the two girls talk. ~Don't tell me, I want to make this as hard for you as possible.~ Lore smiled. ~Lets see how many, 'missing patrons' it takes to get her to tell me.~ Lore thought maliciously.

Lea nodded "How long has this been happening?" she asked.

" What type of.. Monsters..? Zaku knew if he was gonna be noisy he should be sillent but he feared the enchantment would not let him get a room and maby he should get out.

Maluena looked around again, then looked back at Lea.
"Since the Inn was built by my father" she replied, then stood up straight and smoothed out the wrinkles in her lilac dress, "But I think that's all I should say at the moment." Maluena noticed zaku and frowned.
"Since you have over heard, you will not tell anybody, if you do you will not stay here.

Lea glared at zaku "Didn't your mother ever tell you eavsdropping was rude?"

Lore walked by them but paid no heed to what they said, he had heard a girl talking about a horse earlier. ~Alright lets see what she'll say after one person has gone missing.~ Lore thought and headed towards the stables.

No she would offen just hit me. Zaku said childishly.

Lea nodded "Good for her, though I'm afraid it didn't do much good, make sure she does it harder next time, strips of old leather, or pitchforks work magically on out of line men." she said smiling.

Maluena looked at Lea.
"Yes there is a cemitary out back" she said.

" Nah.. she wont ever touch me again.. Shes dead.. Zaku said with a careless tone. " Oh and i wont tell a soul i swear maluena.

05-Mar-2008 06:13:01 - Last edited on 03-Apr-2008 02:30:15 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lea looked at Maluena "Then I'm afraid you're in trouble, I'll check it out later." she said. She glanced back at Zaku "Good for you then." she said carelessly.

Maluena frowned.
"It's a family cemitary" she said.

As Lore walked by Lea he purposely poked her in the back and continued walking.

She jumped when someone poked her in the back, and spun around.

Lore laughed and continued walking away.

Maluena sighed.
"Well, the poltergeists arn't the main thing, there more like pests" she said, waving her hand dissmisively.

"Jerk..." Lea muttered She turned back to Maluena. "Family? You have any...not so happy family?" she asked.

05-Mar-2008 06:13:07 - Last edited on 06-Mar-2008 05:56:28 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zaku took out a bag of coins he grabed before he left his brother. " Can i buy a room with this..? he asked Maluena

Maluena thought a moment.
"Hmm, no, not that I can think of, but maybe there was someone burried here before the Inn was built" she said, shrugging, then turned to Zaku, "Rooms are free."

Lore grew a scaly black tail and it knocked Lea to the floor then disappeared. "Watch your mouth girl.

She fell flat on her back "Moron!" she called, going to get up and gasping as she placed her hand in a puddle of blood.

a trail of blood had seemed to lead up to a room. It belonged to someone called Xenos.

Maluena walked over to Lore.
"See the rules? No fighting inside, And if you have a problem with my guests then you can leave or deal with it maturely" she snapped.

Lore swung around and glared at lea, one of his claws had replaced his hand. "You wanna say that again and become like the other ghosts you see or do you want to shut up." Lore hissed.

Lore looked at the inn keeper but didn't say anything.

Lea got up, her hands covered in blood. She looked up the stairs "I'm going to go check it out..." she said starting up them, walking beside the trail of blood.

Zaku grabed a key.

Lea looked back at the jerk lore smiling "Moron." she said continueing up the stairs.

05-Mar-2008 06:13:13 - Last edited on 03-Apr-2008 02:32:21 by Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Maluena put her hands on her hips and frowned at Lore

"I don't want any more fights, if I see or catch word of any fights involving you, you can see just how bad it is to be out of your room at night" she hissed, her cat-like eyes flashing

Xenos hands arms were covered with cuts. ~I knew this would happen..~ he thought. He looked down and the blood became black. He screamed in agony.

A girl named Midnight looked at Lore, "I wouldn't want to threaten anyone here," She warned him, with a dangorous glint in her eye.

"You want to see how bad it is when I'm out of my room... because I'll show you when I bust down that door when nightfall comes." Lore hissed coldly.

Lea knocked on xenos's door, hearing the scream "Hello? Anybody in there? Are you okay?" she asked.

Midnight glared at lore, thinking about turning him into a donky right then and there.

Maluena also glared at lore.
"You can't break it down once it's locked, and I am tempted to lock you down stairs at night, trust me, you wouldn't like it" she said.

The door creaked up, and Xenos was standing, near the window, leaning against the wall. Blood was dripping, a mixture of red and black. His horns were appearing and disappearing. "H-help.." he muttered. Zeria just sat on the bed and watched helplessly.

"How'd you like being a donky?" Midnight asked Lore coldly.

Lore glared at her. "Theirs only one thing that I don't like in this world and you don't have that in this inn because my parents are already dead." Lore hissed coldly and it was so cold you could see his breath for a second.

Lore turned to Midnight. "Try it, right here right now, you'll find dragon scales to be alot tougher than you imagined."

Maluena continued glaring at him.
"You want to know why you are locked in your room at night?" she asked, with a dangerously sweet tone.

Someone called Shade sat in the corner of the lobby chanting quietly as a shadow snake began to form and coil around his arm

05-Mar-2008 06:13:18 - Last edited on 03-Apr-2008 02:36:35 by Hex the wolf

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