
The Blundering Adventurer

Quick find code: 49-50-947-63609271

Sep Member 2019


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I headed back to the Gargoyles, and finished off the one I had almost killed. I slayed tons of Gargoyles, with no significant drops. I banked, and returned. This time, clanmates Tankerchief, Kairayn, Gerroff and Russian Yava were all in the dungeon! Russian Yava was killing Steel Dragons, while Tankerchief was killing Blue Dragons. Gerroff and Kairayn were both killing Gargoyles with me! I chatted with them while I slayed, and again, I got no significant drops. After spending thirty minutes checking clan ranks to promote members, I killed a few more and banked.
When I returned, Gerroff was logging off, as was Kairayn. I was all alone! I continued to kill the Gargoyles, and received a Dark Mystic Robe Top! With only four kills to go, I left to bank. I had tried to finish the task, but I was all out of food, prayer points, and more importantly, health! I thought I was going to die whilst passing the Blue Dragons! Normally, I protect myself from the dragonfire with a Protect from Magic prayer!
I came back and finished the task easily. I returned to Kuradal for my third task today: 185 Living Rock Creatures. I could protect some miners! I first teleported to Lumbridge to restore my Prayer Points, and then to Falador, where I started my task.
It wasn't long before I achieved level 84 Strength, and more unexpectedly, 118 Combat! Only two levels to go until I can join WeLoveCorp! I continued to slay the Living Rock Creatures, only stopping to invite a few new members to Mining Golds here and there. Tankerchief arrived soon after, but it was time for me to go. I had no more food! I travelled to the Grand Exchange via minecart and deposited my drops while withdrawing more food. Joshyway had just gotten Waterfiends as a task for the first time, so I lent him my Saradomin Sword before I logged out.
Thanks for reading!
Good night!

06-Mar-2012 06:01:57

Sep Member 2019


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--December 22, 2011--
Hello! I logged into the icy Grand Exchange. Boy, did it look cold there... I would hate to be there! I looked outside my own window and saw an icy rain pelting the glass, while the wind turned the falling water to a nasty angle. Looked like I had more in common with the Grand Exchange than I thought...
I equipped my armour and travelled to Keldagrim via the minecarts. From there, I departed to Ice Mountain, where I entered the Living Rock Caverns. I still had quite a few Living Rock Creatures to slay... they are pretty easy to kill though, so I took to the forums. I banked once, returned, and continued the mindless slaying of the monsters. Finally, after ages, I completed the task. Let's hope for something fun!
I travelled got Kuradal and got my new task: 47 Black Dragons. It had been a while since I last had these guys, and I had improved my melee a lot... This might not be so bad! I was right near the Fairy portal anyways, so I hopped in and arrived in Zanaris. I only had two Raw Chickens for the altar... I'd have to make each trip count! I gathered the items I would need and ran to the altar, where I offered my Raw Chicken. As soon as I entered the chamber, I realized I had forgotten my Antifire Potions! There goes the whole "efficiency" plan...
I returned again with the last Raw Chicken, and started slaying. I had my Brackish Blade this time. This way, I could train Strength while using stab. Another player came in after, and I watched as she hit 600s on the dragons. It reminded me of Labas Utak, a friend I had a long time ago... He hasn't logged in for ages, so I'm starting to think he quit. Perhaps some day, I'll be able to melee like they did...
I banked once, and returned, forgetting to bring another Spirit Terrorbird.

06-Mar-2012 06:02:17

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Luckily, I received a Hard Clue Scroll before I had to bury any bones! Off I went! After enduring two puzzle boxes, my reward was just the normal Treasure Trail junk... The highlight being 21 noted Mahogany Logs. I returned again to the Black Dragons, this time remembering a familiar.
47 Black Dragons is a pretty short task, and before long, I had finished it. No Draconis Visage for me Oh, and some people have asked why I never show Treasure Trails on my Adventurer's Log. It's simply because I do so many of them, my "real" achievements would never show!
I travelled back to my master and the next task: 149 Living Rock Creatures. I felt like cancelling it... But I had an awful feeling that if I cancelled it, I might get something worse. So, I stuck with it. I got my gear again, and headed into the heart of the Living Rock Caverns. This time, I wasn't mining each and every corpse. I wanted a new task!
A while later, with 97 creatures to go, the Mining Golds Citadel build tick sounded. Time to cap! I exited the caverns and and travelled to the Grand Exchange. I had been monitoring the price of Gold Ore for weeks, and now that it was beginning to fall, I decided it was time to sell. I loaded my 69,000 Gold Ores into the Grand Exchange and sold them for 16.2m! I have a 50m cashpile now! Only 90% left towards my Elysian Spirit Shield...
I teleported over to the Clan Camp and started my work. Usually, I cap on Fridays, but because it was one day earlier, everyone was at the Citadel! I hadn't seen so many players there before! I started at the Minions, and then moved on to the Timber. I had only gathered about 600 resources when I was invited to a Bandos group by Tankerchief. I entered his Friends Chat, and saw lots of players... I don't normally go to these events, so why not spice it up a bit? I would go!

06-Mar-2012 06:02:33

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I spent some time getting requests from the players who were already there. They mostly needed War Tortoise Pouches, so I bought three. I grabbed a Super Set, some Prayer Potions, Rocktails, and some God items before I teleported off to Trollheim.
I ran to the God Wars Dungeon, and ran to the Bandos side. I turned on LootShare and started getting my Kill Count! Luckily, a player had taught me to only target the low level Goblins, so I got my Kill Count quite fast. I opened the door and waited outside the boss room. When the fight had ended, I entered and distributed out the pouches I had. As soon as the bosses spawned, I realized that I had made a mistake. I should have brought Karils to protect myself from the Magic! It was too late now though; I was here to stay.
The kills went by fast with my group. Tankerchief was tanking General Graardor, while the rest of us dealt the damage. It was fun! I really do enjoy bossing in big groups, I just don't like the preparation, nor do I like doing it in small groups. I was beginning to really regret not bringing Karils. The mage was ripping through my armour, and I was going through food fast. Buddy Rich had brought a Fruit Bat though, so I began collecting fruit to add to my food reservoirs, along with random sharks I happened to get as a drop.
I think the reason I was having so much fun was because I was actually getting drops! Usually, one player gets every drop, while I get left out completely. But here, I had received Ourg Bones, coins, Coal, Adamantite and all sorts of things. All of a sudden, we each got a 500k split for a Bandos Hilt drop! It had been worth the time to come! Just thinking about doing this at WeLoveCorp made me want to go even more! It will be so fun!
I managed to wait a few kills before I had to teleport out. No food and low health can do that to you I teleported to the Grand Exchange and sold my drops. That was all for today!
Thanks for reading!
Good night!

06-Mar-2012 06:02:42

Sep Member 2019


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--December 23, 2011--
As you might know, I enjoy watching Chris Archie's videos on Youtube. Well, yesterday, he released a video about money, and how he merched Partyhats. For some reason, that really inspired me to start merching again. So as soon as I logged on, I started searching for some potential items. The items I used to flip a long time ago seemed to no longer work well, so I had to look for better options. After about five minutes of searching, I found a couple of items! They would make about 300k per flip; not bad! I set them up and headed off to the Mining Golds Citadel to finish capping.
(Please don't PM me asking what I'm flipping. It's a secret! )
I arrived at the Mining Golds Citadel, where I resumed gathering Timber. I had only gathered about 1000 resources though, when Legendary138 finally logged on! I PMed him right away; I didn't want him to get away! I met with him on his world, at the Grand Exchange fountain. For some reason, I pictured him being a lower level than I... He was level 126! Nevertheless, I gave him the Berserker Ring, told him all the contributors and wished him a Merry Christmas. He was very happy! I tended to my items in the Grand Exchange and PMed Tankerchief. He had been planning another Bandos trip, and I wanted to go again!
As it turned out, they were all getting ready to go as we spoke! I got some items ready to go, and this time, I brought more food and less Prayer Potions, along with a Karil's top. I teleported away to Trollheim, and made my way to the God Wars Dungeon. After walking past the wolves, I descended down the cave entrance, and into the God Wars Dungeon. I headed straight to the Bandos area, and started killing the Goblins. There was one other player there trying to get a kill count, so I had to compete a bit with him. It took a while, but I finally had 40 Bandos kills! I struck the door and ran to the Bandos Boss room.

06-Mar-2012 06:02:55

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I hopped worlds, and turned on LootShare. After waiting two minutes, I entered the Boss Room! Tankerchief was the tank again, and we all lined up against the wall. I had borrowed Gone Huntin's Dragon Claws; Now I could see how awesome they were! And were they ever! I could deal quite a bit of damage in those two Special Attacks! I received a drop here and there, usually an Ourg Bone or some coins.
We had been there for a while, and still nothing... A lot of Snapdragons though. We did another kill, and General Graardor dropped a Bandos Hilt! That's two for two! We each received a 500k split! We went back to the wall, celebrating our victory. My Special Attack bar had just filled up, so I took a sip of a Super Strength and Attack potion, and equipped my Dragon Claws. The boss spawned, and we all rushed at it, me with my Dragon Claw special attack. I think I dealt close to 600 points in damage! All of sudden, everyone was celebrating again! We had just received a split of Bandos Tassets! I claimed my 2.5m split, very grateful that I had chosen to come.
A few kills later, a three-man team dropped by, trying to crash us. It was quite a struggle; these players were nearly maxed, and had Overloads, Recover Specials, and Pack Yaks. Although they did manage to get a few kills, the Mining Golds team was getting the vast majority. The things people were saying was ridiculous. Insults flew back and forth about the most irrelevant topics. I kept my mouth shut, not wanting to enter any arguments.
After an hour, the crashing team finally left. Victory for Mining Golds! I was running pretty low on supplies though, so after a few more kills, I teleported out. That was enough Bandos for me for one day! Including yesterday, I had profited about 3.7m. Awesome!
I travelled back to the Mining Golds Citadel. Maybe now I would be able to cap!

06-Mar-2012 06:03:07

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I went to the Timber plot, and the Mining Golds owner, Zetris, was there giving out presents! He gave me what he gave everyone else: A Kingly Imp jar! I wasn't supposed to open it until Christmas though... I'll have to wait! I gathered timber with lots of clanmates. In fact, I think it was the most clanmates I had ever seen at the Timber plot! A while later, I finally capped at 2350 resources gathered!
I had been checking the "League of Santas" thread, and there were a few gifts that I could definitely give out. Jimix76 wanted a set of full rune, so I purchased that from the Grand Exchange. Klay044 wanted 500 Coal, along with 200 Iron ore; Lucky for him, I happened to have that lying in my bank! I met with Jimix76 first, and gave him the full set of Rune. Next, I met with Klay044 in Lumbridge, and gave him his minerals. Both were very appreciative
I tended to my items again, and headed to the Living Rock Caverns. I had some unfinished business there! I entered the caverns, and started slaying. It was a little boring, but I was so close to level 85 Strength! Soon, I levelled it in front of clanmate Jetship! Five more levels until I could start training Attack again!
I banked once, and then returned to finish the job. Finally I was done! I returned to the Grand Exchange to bank. As I was there, a very wealthy looking player PMed me, asking if I could answer a few questions for him. He wanted me to go to the Fountain with him. I'm always suspicious of random players PMing me, so I banked my full Bandos. No one was going to be luring me! As soon as I got to him, he asked me where all my armour was. He wanted me to go back and get it... That was enough for me. I told him to forget about it, and I left him.
Time for a new task! I spoke with Kuradal and got a new one: 114 Desert Strykewyrms! I headed off for Al Kharid! I evidently wasn't paying attention very well, as I was repeatedly getting hit by the strykewyrm's special attack...

06-Mar-2012 06:03:16

Sep Member 2019


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I banked once, and tended to my items. When I came back, there were tons of players there, slaying! I had no idea where they had come from, but they seemed to be everywhere. I had about 60 kills to go, so I got cracking.
A while later, I received a Focus Sight! The trip had been worth it! I continued to kill the beasts. A player ran by, and I clicked to see who it was. It was Anthien! We chatted for a while and caught up on what we had been up to. We ended up adding each other, and shortly after that, I achieved level 90 Constitution! Boy, it was weird seeing 900 Lifepoints...
My task going to be close; I had five kills to go, and I only had 230lp left! I made sure that I wasn't hit by a single special attack, and I ended up completing the task with 150lp to spare! I teleported straight to Edgeville, and ran to the Grand Exchange, where a different player tried to lure me over to the Fountain. I'm not sure what this lure is (Not the Ice Plateau lure, as the first lurer had told me to have Assist "Off".), but I wanted no part of it. I told her that I had no interest in it.
I tended to my items again and got my next task from Kuradal: 188 Gargoyles! I was just about to enter the Blue Dragon section of Kuradal's Dungeon when Lion 0fJudah PMed me. He wanted a Fletching assist! I turned around and met him at Kuradal. 30,000 Fletching experience for me! That done, I travelled back to the Gargoyles. Miraculously, I had actually remembered a Rock Hammer.
Lion 0fJudah had been pestering me all day about it, so I finally decided I would do it. I'm going to be getting a Bunyip! All the other slayers seem to have one, and it's effect seemed pretty useful. I continued slaying the Gargoyles, and got a Granite Maul! I killed a few more before logging off for the night.
Thanks for reading!
Good night!

06-Mar-2012 06:07:42

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--December 24, 2011--
Christmas Eve!
I logged on today, really excited for the Mining Golds Corporeal Beast event! I asked my clan when it was; It was happening right now! I PMed a couple of friends to try and borrow a Zamorakian Spear, but no one seemed to have one... I resorted to buying one for myself, at least for today. I set up my flipping items and teleported off to the Corporeal Beast! The lag was incredible! I had to switch over to Minimum detail because of it.
I had some horrid flashbacks to the last Corporeal Beast event I had gone to... Six hours with no drop... I pushed those out of my mind hurriedly. That wouldn't be happening today! The first couple kills went by without any drops for me, but after five kills, I received 13 Crimson Charms! A few kills after that, I received 13 Blue Charms, and then 13 Green Charms! I banked, praying that my clan didn't get a Sigil while I was gone.
I came back, and a few kills in, I got 383 coins. Right after that though, I got a 2500 Pure Essence drop, followed by another 13 Blue Charm drop! Yes, I could tell WeLoveCorp was going to be fun! I banked again, and returned. The number of clanmates was dwindling, and the kills were getting slower and slower. I decided I wasn't going to stay for the entire event; I wanted to get some Slayer done! I received another 2500 Pure Essence drop, and a few kills later, a Mystic Robe Top! I was done. I had profited about 400k!
I sold my loot and tended to my items. It was time to finish up that Gargoyle task! I got my Slayer gear, sold the Zamorakian Spear, and headed into Kuradal's Dungeon. There were three other players in the Gargoyle enclosure, and I talked to them while I slayed. Pretty soon, I achieved level 82 Slayer! One player there was quite rude... Luckily, the other players thought so too, and we simply ignored her.

06-Mar-2012 06:08:04

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I looked over to where one of the players had been and saw a grave! That player had been wearing full Bandos and Dharok's! I was pretty sure he'd manage to get to his grave, but I blessed it anyways. I know I'd be grateful if I looked at my screen and saw a 60:00 timer on my grave! A few minutes later, he came back and thanked me for the blessing.
I didn't receive any good drops... Besides two Ferocious Ring drops, that were one after the other! I finished up the task and returned to Kuradal for the next assignment. 173 Hellhounds! I logged off for a bit of a break.
When I logged back on, MIKE, a Mining Golds Overseer, was hosting a hide and seek! It had just ended though... I decided to start my Hellhound task. I was chatting away with a player who had complimented me on my Mining Cape, when I received an Ancient Effigy! A few kills after, I received a Hard Clue Scroll! I said good-bye and embarked on the adventure. The reward was the typical Treasure Trail junk... Worth about 65k.
Just then, MIKE hosted another hide and seek! If I found him, I would win 5m! I had pretty much every teleport available in my inventory, so I decided to try and win. His only hint was "Near a mountain with trolls.". My first thought was White Wolf Mountain (no idea why), so I used the Gnome Gliders to glide to the top of the mountain. I didn't see him there, so I teleported to the Troll Invasion. I ran around there for a bit, with no avail. Where was MIKE?
I opened the World Map and looked around for any place that Trolls resided. It seemed that Trollheim and its surrounding mountains were the only places... With every minute passing, someone could have won! I had already checked quite a lot of the eastern side, so I teleported to my house in Relleka. I ran east, to investigate the western side of the mountain range. I ran around and still couldn't see him! Where could he be... No one had won yet!

06-Mar-2012 06:08:17

Quick find code: 49-50-947-63609271 Back to Top