I headed back to the Gargoyles, and finished off the one I had almost killed. I slayed tons of Gargoyles, with no significant drops. I banked, and returned. This time, clanmates Tankerchief, Kairayn, Gerroff and Russian Yava were all in the dungeon! Russian Yava was killing Steel Dragons, while Tankerchief was killing Blue Dragons. Gerroff and Kairayn were both killing Gargoyles with me! I chatted with them while I slayed, and again, I got no significant drops. After spending thirty minutes checking clan ranks to promote members, I killed a few more and banked.
When I returned, Gerroff was logging off, as was Kairayn. I was all alone! I continued to kill the Gargoyles, and received a Dark Mystic Robe Top! With only four kills to go, I left to bank. I had tried to finish the task, but I was all out of food, prayer points, and more importantly, health! I thought I was going to die whilst passing the Blue Dragons! Normally, I protect myself from the dragonfire with a Protect from Magic prayer!
I came back and finished the task easily. I returned to Kuradal for my third task today: 185 Living Rock Creatures. I could protect some miners! I first teleported to Lumbridge to restore my Prayer Points, and then to Falador, where I started my task.
It wasn't long before I achieved level 84 Strength, and more unexpectedly, 118 Combat! Only two levels to go until I can join WeLoveCorp! I continued to slay the Living Rock Creatures, only stopping to invite a few new members to Mining Golds here and there. Tankerchief arrived soon after, but it was time for me to go. I had no more food! I travelled to the Grand Exchange via minecart and deposited my drops while withdrawing more food. Joshyway had just gotten Waterfiends as a task for the first time, so I lent him my Saradomin Sword before I logged out.
Thanks for reading!
Good night!
06-Mar-2012 06:01:57