--December 16, 2011--
Ding dong, capping time! The Mining Golds citadel had once again turned to a new Build Tick, and it was time to gather resources! I teleported directly there, myself all fitted out with my Octopus. As usual, I started out at the Summoning plot. After I had gathered 235 Minions, I went on and started the gathering of the Timber. This part always took a long time, but today, it seemed sort of relaxing. What a welcome change! I got to sit back and relax, while chatting with my clanmates. At one point, an enormous argument broke out, and the entire Clan Chat was muted to prevent further fighting! After that was all cleared up, everything returned to normal.
fohx came by later on to cap with me. Now that capping is a requirement for Mining Golds for a few weeks, I see many more players at the Citadel. It's great; most of these players do not talk a lot in the Clan Chat, so it's great to meet them! After a long time of cutting roots, I finally capped! Another guilt-free week! Even better is the fact that school is now out for Winter Vacation! Two weeks of relaxation!
With capping done, it was almost time to log off. I still wanted to work on my Slayer task a bit though. Who knew, maybe I would get a Clue Scroll! I geared up for Hellhounds, but as I was gathering my equipment, I realized that I had no Amulets of Glory! I had used them all up! Thankfully, Lion 0fJudah, being the nice person he is, volunteered to recharge my 56 amulets for free with his familiar. I met him in the Lumbridge Basement, and traded him the 56 amulets. Twenty seconds later, he returned them to me. Thanks!
I headed off to Edgeville with my newly charged Amulet of Glory. I travelled to the Hellhounds, where after greeting a fellow clanmate, Evil Stew, I continued my task.
06-Mar-2012 05:55:00