
The Blundering Adventurer

Quick find code: 49-50-947-63609271

Sep Member 2019


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I continued to kill the beasts, and after banking once, I was really beginning to want to camp at the Corporeal Beast with WeLoveCorp. I know I wouldn't get a drop very often, considering how low my LSP is and how high everyone else's was, but there's no other way to get your LSP up anyways!
I killed on and on, and saved one level 48 player from demise! After a while, I aldo achieved level 89 Constitution! Only one level to go until I get to see what it looks like when my lifepoints reaches 900! To my surprise, Eternum logged on for the first time in nearly three weeks! We chatted quite a bit; we had a lot to catch up on! It was soon time to log off though... So I said goodbye to my friends and logged out.
I still had my Hypercam out, so I decided to tape myself writing this very entry. My goal? See if I could figure out how to fast forward the video! I messed around with it for quite a while, and finally, after looking for ages, I found out how! It was in the Video Effects interface, and was called "Speed Up, Double". I could apply this to the video as many times as I wanted, and it would speed the video up! My mission accomplished, I finished writing this entry and was done for the night.
Thanks for reading!
Good night!

06-Mar-2012 05:52:40

Sep Member 2019


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--December 15, 2011--
I logged in today to see that my clanmate, Gerroff, had been recruited as a Player Moderator! Kudos to him! I was still in the Living Rock Caverns; time to work on that Living Rock Creature task! I had only been in there for a few minutes though, until a System Update timer started! Due to living in Canada, I don't generally get to see these timers as they normally occur at about 4:00am. I continued to slay, and as the timer counted down, I realized that I wouldn't be able to finish my task in time.
I had heard plenty of horror stories about players dying due to updates, so I made sure that I was in a safe place. I had run out of food, so I began to make my way to the Grand Exchange via Minecart. The timer struck 00:00 right when I arrived in Keldagrim. A few minutes later, I logged back in and headed to the Grand Exchange to pick up some more food.
I had been browsing the forums as usual, and I had come across a really nice thread called "The League of Santas" (14-15-944-63445548). In this thread, players asked for a present for the holidays, and the owner would try his best to buy it for them. Perfect! I had wanted to buy a player a gift for a while... I just didn't know who, and I didn't know what. I made my wish: A Whip Vine! As I stood at the Grand Exchange, I saw the perfect gift that somebody wanted: A Robin Hood Hat. It was the perfect price! Not too cheap, not too expensive. I looked through the thread to see who had asked for it and saw that Filthy Water had wanted it. Coincidentally, he happened to be on my Friends List! I decided I would surprise him with it. He was actually online at that very moment, so I hopped worlds and bought a Robin Hood Hat for 5.2m. My cash had been wounded, but in the longrun, 5m isn't that big of a deal

06-Mar-2012 05:52:51

Sep Member 2019


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I PMed Filthy Water then. Time to surprise him! He wouldn't be suspecting this! I PMed him, only to find out that he was actually standing just a few squares away! I asked him to follow me to the Fountain. I escorted him there, where I wished him a very Merry Christmas. And then, I traded him.
At first, he declined the trade, perhaps out of shock, or because he didn't want to take something that valuable. After explaining that I had seen his wish on the thread, I gave him his present. He was so happy! It does the heart good seeing another player happy! You should try it too; Simply buy a gift of decent value and give it to a random player, with a "Merry Christmas!". They might just decide to pass on the good deed!
After posting on the thread to let the owner know that I had given Filthy Water a present, the owner PMed me, thanking me. As it turned out, he was working on buying me a Whip Vine! For the first time, good natured actions paid off!
I finally returned to my task of Living Rock Creatures. I didn't have too many to go, so not long after I arrived there, I had finished it. I returned to Kuradal for a new task: 163 Hellhounds. I seem to get Hellhounds quite frequently... That's okay though; it only takes one clue scroll to make a bank!
I started my task, chatting with Russian Yava, a clanmate who happened to be in there at the same time. Unusually, it took me about 30 kills to get a Hard Clue Scroll.... A bit more than normal. I headed off on it right away, and after a ton of Coordinate clues, map clues and a Wilderness clue, I received my reward of 14 Sharks, a Rune Platebody, a Black Dragonhide Body and four Meerkat Pouches.
I returned to the Hellhounds, ready for the next adventure. This one took a long time to come. I was there for quite a while, and I even had to bank once! But after 70 kills since the last clue, I got my next one! Again, I headed out on it.

06-Mar-2012 05:53:22

Sep Member 2019


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I was heading towards White Wolf Mountain after completing the dreaded Haunted Woods emote clue, when Lion 0fJudah started asking around for some duels. I hadn't duelled in ages... I wanted in! I finished the White Wolf Mountain emote clue and got my next clue. Against all odds, I got the Duel Arena coordinate clue!
So I teleported to the Duel Arena and got ready for a fight. I kept the Clue and Spade in my inventory though; I would need those! I met with Lion 0fJudah and DivineFury soon after. After multiple failed attempts to get my next clue (forgot the sextant, then dug in the wrong spot, then Lion 0fJudah killed me too fast), I finally got my clue! But I wasn't going to stop there! I wanetd some duelling! So I started duelling Lion 0fJudah. He had Soul Split on, so it seemed only fair that I could have Protect from Melee on. I killed him! In fact, I managed to defeat him the majority of the fights we were in! The again, he was testing out Dharok's, and I'm sure that if he had used his Chaotic Longsword the entire time, I would have been beaten.
I started duelling DivineFury then. I don't know what she did to her Chaotic Rapier, but it was deadly! She hit 200+ after 200+, and I was dead before I knew it! We duelled a few more times though, and I eventually ended up beating her. She then brought in her Ranged setup. This was pretty easy to defeat; My full Verac's hit through it easily! After waiting for her to buy two Handcannons, I duelled her once more and beat her. Then, we tried one more all melee one, which she killed me easily in. I wanted my casket now, so I thanked her for the duels and headed out.
A few Puzzle Boxes later, I claimed my reward! The highlight of this trip was 53 Zamorak Arrows. Right then, another System Update timer started! It was time to log off though, so I said goodbye to my friends and clanmates, and logged off for the night.
Thanks for reading!
Good night!

06-Mar-2012 05:53:32

Sep Member 2019


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--December 16, 2011--
Ding dong, capping time! The Mining Golds citadel had once again turned to a new Build Tick, and it was time to gather resources! I teleported directly there, myself all fitted out with my Octopus. As usual, I started out at the Summoning plot. After I had gathered 235 Minions, I went on and started the gathering of the Timber. This part always took a long time, but today, it seemed sort of relaxing. What a welcome change! I got to sit back and relax, while chatting with my clanmates. At one point, an enormous argument broke out, and the entire Clan Chat was muted to prevent further fighting! After that was all cleared up, everything returned to normal.
fohx came by later on to cap with me. Now that capping is a requirement for Mining Golds for a few weeks, I see many more players at the Citadel. It's great; most of these players do not talk a lot in the Clan Chat, so it's great to meet them! After a long time of cutting roots, I finally capped! Another guilt-free week! Even better is the fact that school is now out for Winter Vacation! Two weeks of relaxation!
With capping done, it was almost time to log off. I still wanted to work on my Slayer task a bit though. Who knew, maybe I would get a Clue Scroll! I geared up for Hellhounds, but as I was gathering my equipment, I realized that I had no Amulets of Glory! I had used them all up! Thankfully, Lion 0fJudah, being the nice person he is, volunteered to recharge my 56 amulets for free with his familiar. I met him in the Lumbridge Basement, and traded him the 56 amulets. Twenty seconds later, he returned them to me. Thanks!
I headed off to Edgeville with my newly charged Amulet of Glory. I travelled to the Hellhounds, where after greeting a fellow clanmate, Evil Stew, I continued my task.

06-Mar-2012 05:55:00

Sep Member 2019


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After killing about thirty Hellhounds, I received a Hard Clue Scroll! Yahoo! Time for some real fun! The first step was a coordinate clue, which led to a small island filled with Ogres. After wandering around trying to figure out how to get there, I got my next clue. With this one, I had to dig next to the gate in the Varrock Bank basement. I travelled there and got my next clue.
The next two clues were the ones that I love: Map clues! These clues are really easy and fast; you don't have to bring anything, you don't have to fight anything and they are within running distance of teleports! The next clue after those was a Banana Plantation emote clue. Standing in the Banana Plantation brought back some seriously newby memories from years ago...
I'm sure everyone has tried it at least once: Getting rich off of the Banana Plantation. 30gp for every crate filled? That was crazy money! I remember running back and forth, filling those crates and being so proud of myself when I reached 500gp. Things have definitely changed...
I finished that clue and was onto the next. This one was a Puzzle Box from Oziach in Edgeville. Because I do so many Clue Scrolls, I've developed a pretty efficient method of completing Puzzle Boxes. A few minutes later, I had solved it! For some reason, I figured that listening to my music might add some luck as I opened my casket, so I plugged in my ear buds and opened the casket. The reward wasn't that bad, either! It consisted of a Rune Full Helm, a Rune Pickaxe, two Rune Platebodies, 18 Mahogany Planks and 15 Purple Sweets. It totalled to about 309k! This was my best reward for quite some time!
I sold my loot on the Grand Exchange and said good-night to my friends and clanmates. That was all for today! Thanks for reading!
Good night!

06-Mar-2012 05:55:09

Sep Member 2019


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--December 17, 2011--
Hi everyone!
I logged on today happy that the pressures of capping were gone. I had about 240k until level 90 Defence... Let's see if I could get that in one day! I still had a few Hellhounds left to kill, so I geared up and headed out to Kuradal's dungeon. Inside the dungeon, at the Hellhounds, I was the only one there. I started killing the dogs, eager for the task to be done with. I wanted something new and exciting! But five kills before I finished the task, I got a Hard Clue Scroll! I started leaving, but then turned back. Did I really want to leave with five kills to go? Then again, I really didn't want to be stuck with two clue scrolls... I decided to risk it and kill the remaining Hellhounds. Luckily, I didn't get another Clue Scroll. Task complete! Let's hope for something exciting!
I exited the cave with my clue and got a new task from Kuradal. Just as I wished, I got something new and exciting! 189 Mutated Jadinkos! It wasn't time for that just yet though; it was time for a Treasure Trail! I set out on my journey and a while later, I claimed my reward... Of eight Purple Gnomish Firelighters
I did a bit of research on the Jadinkos. Apparently, I only had a high enough level for the Jadinko Baby, which did not drop the Whip Vine. I had never been to the Jadinko Lair before either; I love new experiences in Runescape! It reminds me of way back when when I didn't know where anything was. Apparently, I wouldn't need a lot of food... Itw as my first time though, and I didn't want to risk anything. I headed to the lair with ten Monkfish.
I found the lair after a bit of hunting, and entered the cavern. Wow! The graphics were great, and the hanging vines really added a special feeling to the cavern.

06-Mar-2012 05:55:18

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I started attacking a nearby Mutated Jadinko Baby and got a couple of interesting drops. There were these Mutated Vines and these berry-type objects that I had no idea what they did... They were worth next to nothing though, so I let them be. After a couple of kills, I realized why I wouldn't need food here. The Jadinkos dropped their own food! That was nice, but there was one problem; It took forever.
For every five kills I got, it felt like ten, and for some reason, it felt like it was going by agonizingly slow. Thankfully, 80 kills in, I got a Hard Clue Scroll! I teleported out and banked all my drops and items. These Jadinkos seemed to drop a lot of Magic, Mahogany and Yew logs! I headed out on my Treasure Trail!
A while later, I claimed my reward on the Ogre Island just east of Jiggig. I opened my casket and came face to face with an Armadyl Page 4! It was only worth 234k, but this was the sign of greater things to come! I packed up and headed back to the Jadinkos. A clanmate happened to be there now, and I chatted with him. He was training Firemaking there, and so he would occasionally come into the same room as me to chop vines. A while later, I got a second Clue Scroll! I headed out. Maybe I would get something really good!
A ton of coordinate clues later, I got my reward, which included 70 Zamorak Arrows! Not bad! I returned to the Jadinko Lair for a third time. This time, I only brought three pieces of food. The Jadinkos dropped so many fruits that I wouldn't even have to worry about food! Soon, I finally finished the task! I returned to Kuradal and got a new task: 183 Gargoyles! I went back to the Zanaris bank, and while I was there, I decided that I wanted to give out another gift to a player. I looked through the "League of Secret Santas" thread and found a good gift. A player named Keywork wanted a full Ancient Ceremonial Set! I added him. He wasn't online yet, so I headed to the Gargoyles.

06-Mar-2012 05:55:26

Sep Member 2019


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I started attacking one, and was wondering why it wouldn't die... I had forgotten my Rock Hammer! It had been so long that I had completely forgotten about those! I ran back to the Zanaris bank and withdrew. I ran all the way back, and started killing the Gargoyles. It wasn't a particularly entertaining task, but there were lots of other players there I could talk with, so it wasn't all that bad. After getting a Dark Mystic Robe Top and a lot of runes, I got a Hard Clue scroll, the fourth today! After ages of emote clues and Mort Myre Swamp coordinate clues, I got my reward. Nothing too great here: The highlight was 6 Bandit Camp Teleport scrolls. Suddenly, Keywork logged on! I quickly bought the Full Ancient Ceremonial Set and looked at what world he was in. World 172... Mantismaniac was on that world too, so I asked him how to get there. Apparently a new dicing substitute had been made in the Burthorpe Games room, and world 172 was the Global instanced world.
I teleported over with my Games Necklace and headed in. I found Keywork! But no sooner than I had spotted him, he logged off... I'd have to wait. So I returned to the Gargoyles. I got another Dark Mystic Robe Top! Ages later, I finished the task. This was it! Next task, I would get level 90 Defence! Right then though, Keywork logged in again! I left the cave and quickly got a new task: 197 Black Demons. This time, instead of going to Keywork, I PMed him. He was in a bit of disbelief; It seems that players don't actually expect to get the item that they wish for for Christmas! I met him at the Grand Exchange fountain. There, I traded him the Ancient Ceremonial set. He was so happy! He thanked me profusely, and added tons of "" everywhere. Mission accomplished.
Now it was time to get level 90 Defence! I geared up again, packing Prayer Potions and Infernal Urns. I teleported to Falador, and just as I was about to run to Taverly, I remembered I needed a Dusty Key!

06-Mar-2012 05:55:35

Sep Member 2019


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I grabbed the key and ran to the Taverly Dungeon. I ran around the dungeon, yet another reminder that I needed to get 80 Agility... I started attacking the Black Demons. I had just about killed the fist Black Demon when I realized that I hadn't enchanted any of my Infernal Urns! What to do... A player came up to me and asked if I could assist them with 93 Smithing. I didn't, and as they were about to leave, I considered asking them to bring me seven Air Runes. That seemed a bit much to ask though, so I teleported out myself and got the runes.
I headed back in, and was soon back at the Black Demons. I set my Quick Prayer to Protect from Melee and started attacking them. 30 kills in, I finally achieved level 90 Defence, along with a combat level of 117! Only three combat levels to go until I could join WeLoveCorp! I continued to kill the demons until I had to leave to invite Nimbus to Mining Golds. After that, I was off to meet Mai Key.
Mai Key, a longtime Mining Golds member, was going to leave the clan, delete his friends list and start over. Remember that argument yesterday? Well apparently things were worse than I thought, and Mai Key was even considering quitting... I met him at the Grand Exchange, where I talked to him. He gave me his Secret Santa's gift, and said good-bye. I'm sad to see him go... He was extremely nice, and everyone at Mining Golds is going to miss him.
I banked at the Grand Exchange, and noticed a player very upset. Apparently, he had just lent out his Amulet of Fury to a player "Until Logout", and after the player logged out, he didn't get the item back. Unfortunately, this seems to be a bug that's been going around. I warned him and everyone around him not too lend items out for a while, and then gave the poor player some advice to make money. I felt like giving the player my Amulet of Fury, but I think I had given out enough. The Robin Hood Hat, the Ancient Ceremonial Set... I had done my duty.
Thanks for reading!
Good night!

06-Mar-2012 05:55:43

Quick find code: 49-50-947-63609271 Back to Top