
The Blundering Adventurer

Quick find code: 49-50-947-63609271

Sep Member 2019


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--July 28, 2011--
I logged onto World 31 again to find another Gilded Altar. Unlike yesterday, no one was there! In fact, almost every world was empty... What happened? I ran to the POH Portal, and found a few Gilded Altars. I entered one and started training. Apparently, a system update had just occurred, and I had happened to log on right after it. It's odd, usually updates occur around 3a.m. for me. Over time, more players showed up, and the house I was using got more crowded. Some ignorant player started opening and closing the door leading to the altar, and everyone was getting angry with him. With good reason too; it was incredibly annoying, and the host seemed to not care.
I left that house and went to a different one. This house didn't have nearly the same amount of players, but the host was good at lighting the burners. He was statring to run out of Marrentils, so on my next trip, I brought him seven of the herbs. After a while, I had finally achieved level 70 Prayer! I looked at Piety, lit up. A long, long time ago, I would have never guessed that I would ever get level 70 Prayer, yet here I am. I wonder if any goals I think are too lofty now will ever happen in the future...
It was time to do some staking. I searched for ages to find a match. It took what seemed like forever, but I finally found a match. The duel was close... Too close for comfort. The player had a Vesta Longsword, an incredibly powerful weapon. To make matters even worse, she was a higher level than me. Miraculously, I won the match, and claimed my 1m.
I spent another eternity looking for a match. I found another, and won it. Another player challenged me, but only for 100k. I lost that... But I was still up 1.9m.
I was getting really tired of typing in my message.

06-Mar-2012 00:05:10

Sep Member 2019


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I still had my Hard Clue Scroll from those Aberrant Spectres, so I decided to complete that. Luckily, there were no puzzle boxes. As my reward, I got a Rune Battleaxe, eight Purple Sweets, and 16 Rune Bolts. About 129k in total.
I went to Duradel for my new task. 72 Skeletal Wyverns. I had never fought those before... In fact, I was a little scared to. I remember a long time ago, when I was fighting Ice Warriors, I looked in that cave and saw them. I thought to myself "I'm never going to be able to fight those!". Yet here I am. I needed an elemental shield. I didn't know any sort of strategy for killing these, besides using crush weapons.
I decided to not do my task right then. I headed to the Duel Arena and tried to find another match. Pacho1116 was there, so we did a friendly duel. He won, of course. I tried to find match for a long time. I started getting a little sick of all the rude, ignorant and impolite people. Everyone was calling each other horrible names, only because they are sitting in front of a monitor. Those people should be ashamed of themselves...
I couldn't stand it anymore. All these people thinking it was okay to be so mean to others... I logged off for the rest of the day. It odd, usually those ignorant people don't bother me too much. But today... I just couldn't take it.
Thanks for reading everyone!
See you later!

06-Mar-2012 00:05:19

Sep Member 2019


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--July 29, 2011--
I logged in at the Duelling Arena. I wanted to do a bit of Slayer, and as you might recall, my task was Skeletal Wyverns. I had read up on them, and apparently you needed either some sort of Elemetal Shield or a Dragonfire Shield. The Dragonfire Shield was the best option, and TheSpiffiest had told me that he would lend me his, even though they are not lendable. TheSpiffiest wasn't online though, so I asked my clan.
Obviously, asking someone to trust me with a Dragonfire Shield is a lot to ask for, but I had a feeling that someone would trust me. I was wrong. People seemed to be suspicious of me, thinking I was going to scam them or something! A small debate started, discussing if I was trustworthy. I couldn't believe this! I've known these people for nearly a year, and haven't given them any reason at all to think I would scam them. I was genuinely surprised, I'll admit. If I scammed someone... I would lose my rank in Mining Golds, get kicked out, my thread here would get trashed, and worst of all, I would lose all my friends! Of course I wasn't going to scam him...
In the end, no one would trust me with a Dragonfire Shield. I was shocked (still am) about that. So I made my way over to Shilo Village to skip my task. I started lagging really badly. My new task was 76 Black Dragons! Hopefully they will be easier to kill now that I have access to them inside the Evil Chicken's Lair.
I ran to the Shilo Village bank. 0DarkKnight happened to be there! I talked with him. He wanted to do something, but I had a Slayer task to do! I Home Teleported to Lumbridge and ran to the shed. I had forgotten my Lunar Staff, so I ran back to the bank, grabbed it and ran back. Inside Zanaris, I realized I had forgotten a Raw Chicken... I Home Teleported again, and killed a chicken. I finally entered the Evil Chicken's Lair!
I remembered that I would be needing multiple trips... So I would need more Raw Chickens.

06-Mar-2012 00:05:32

Sep Member 2019


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0DarkKnight was going to train Strength, and I would let him borrow my Saradomin Sword... For the low, low price of ten Raw Chickens! I ran to the bank, and was surprised to see 0DarkKnight there again! He asked if we could hang out after I was done my task.
I'm honestly just not that kind of person. I love chatting with people over PM or Clan Chat; I just like to get experience while I chat. That's why I don't normally just 'hang out' with players. Evidently, he thought something was wrong with me. He told me to come with him so that I could seek professional help from a therapist.
I teleported to the Clan Camp and entered his Citadel. He ushered me to a tent, where I was offered a seat. He told me he would go and get a therapist. He walked off, and soon, Dr. 0DarkKnight returned. He say down beside me, and we had a discussion about my "obsession" with Slayer, and the importance of hanging out with friends. After a lengthy discussion, our time was up. Dr. 0DarkKnight got up and walked off. Soon after, 0DarkKnight returned.
I suppose some people may feel insulted about how I play Runescape. When I play this game, I don't like to waste any time at all, an to accumulate as much experience as I can. Hence the reason why I don't like to just "hang out". 0DarkKnight felt insulted... I honestly didn't know what to do. I hate it when people are mad at me, but I just didn't feel like hanging out. 0DarkKnight walked away in resignation. I didn't know what to do. I decided to log off and go for a bike ride.
After my bike ride, I logged back on. I PMed 0DarkKnight right away. All of a sudden, he was right beside me, in the Lumbridge Castle Cellar. I followed him, and he guided me to the Varrock Clothing Shop. Makeover time! Unfortunately, I had actually spent a long time choosing an outfit before, and I honestly didn't want to change my outfit. I tested out different clothes, but decided that my previous outfit still looked best.

06-Mar-2012 00:05:41

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My reluctance to change my clothing didn't make 0DarkKnight any happier. I followed him, and we killed a few Varrock Guards. He starrted walking away, and I followed him. I followed him through the Barbarian Village, through Falador, past Port Sarim, down Mudskipper Point and to the Fairy Ring, where he teleported away. I sat there, wondering what to do.
Ironically, I decided to work on my Slayer Task. I killed a bunch of chickens this time, and collected the Raw Chickens. I camped at the Black Dragons for a while, and collected all the Black Dragonhide and Dragon Bones. The only rare drop I obtained was a Loop Half of a Key.
Walwb wanted to go bot killing in the Wilderness... But I actually felt like going PKing! If you remember, I had tried it a long, long time ago... So it was time to try it again. I equipped some basic items and entered tthe Wilderness! I found someone who was six levels higher. I challenged him.
He had a Dragon Scimitar, while I was using an Abyssal Whip. My health dropped quite low, and at one point was at a mere 7hp due to his Korasi Special Attack. I started wishing I had brought a Korasi... Unfortunately, in the end, he defeated me with a 329 hit with his Korasi. Well that was my fix for a while. I guess I'll stick to staking.
I had read in my Clan Forum that one of the clanmates (Pombyr) enjoys rock climbing, like me. We started chatting about it. Rock climbing lingo is a little odd, so everyone else in the clan chat was a little confused. I found out that Pombyr had been to a few of the same competitions as me! I fact, I had actually visited his home gym before! He said that me may some day come to my home gym... It would be pretty weird if me meet up
That was basically all that happened today! I won't be playing Runescape at all for the next few days, or until Monday at least. I'm going on a three day hiking trip!
So I'll see everyone on Tuesday!
See you in a few days! Bye!

06-Mar-2012 00:05:55

Sep Member 2019


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Hi guys! Thanks for the bumps! So you're probably wondering "Grim, what are you doing back?". Well I'll let you know.
Part of my hiking trip involved an eight hour canoe paddle. Well we reached this part of the trip and started paddling. The winds were starting to pick up though, and the waves were getting progressively larger. I was actually forced to strt bailing water out of the boat while others paddled. Then, a stormfront appeared, and I decided that it was just too dangerous. There was already water starting to pour into the canoe, so we turned around. Good thing we did too. As we reached our launch site, the storm really hit, and the waves became huge. We surely would have capsized.
So, now I'm back early! I guess I'll go on the trip another time when the weather isn't quite so awful.
But now, I've got some warm fresh chocolate chip cookies to hand out...
So... Thanks for those bumps! I appreciated it!
Here you go, ExtremeGame, and you, Speed Ninja, of course you get one as well, Edmyg, and oh! Joshyway, it seems that you get the one with the most chocolate chips in it!

06-Mar-2012 00:06:15

Sep Member 2019


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--July 31, 2011--
I logged on and decided to finish off my Black Dragon task. I grabbed my gear and headed down to the Evil Chicken Lair. There was a player there with a Dwarf Multi-Cannon, so I switched worlds. There was only one person here, so I stayed. My Brackish Blade was actually surprisingly effective against these dragons, and its Special Attack was pretty cool.
I was getting really close to level 87 Attack! I was also getting really close to finishing off my task though. I started chatting with the player there to help pass the time. After a few trips of banking, I had finally finished my task and achieved level 87 Attack! Now I wanted to go duelling...
I headed to the Grand Exchange to buy some of the items I had lost while dying the other day in the Wilderness. That's when I noticed those two pairs of Drgon Platelegs in my bank. If you remember, a long time ago, I recieved them as a drop from an Iron Dragon Slayer task. Well I really have no use for them, so I decided to give them away.
I was looking for a very specific type of player: Preferably full rune, low level, and not begging. I looked around the Grand Exchange and saw a player who met the criteria. His name was Biger26. I ran over to him, and without saying a word, sent him a trade request. I put up my Dragon Platelegs and accepted both trade screens. He immediately started thanking me, telling me that I had just helped him immensely. That felt really nice. But then, of course, another player came by and started begging me for something. Wll in my books, begging does not make you a deserving player. I ignored him.
I rebought my gear and headed to the Duel Arena. Then I noticed that I was really close to level 84 Constitution! I was only about 1,900xp away. I Home Teleported to Lunar Isle and killed Suqahs until I had reached the level. Unfortunately/fortunately, that boosted me to a combat level of 111!

06-Mar-2012 00:06:29

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I headed off to the Duel Arena with my newly aquired extra ten lifepoints. After a while, I had accumulated 660k in winnings. The two players I had beaten were angry... Very angry indeed. I switched worlds to avoid the spam. I couldn't find another match though, so I headed to Shilo Village to get a new task. 136 Hellhounds!
I headed down into the Taverly Dungeon, forgetting my Dusty Key again. Luckily, I now knew where I could get another. After my sixth kill, I got a Hard Clue Scroll! Usually, I wait until I need to leave before I do my clue, but this time, I left right away. I wanted to get as many clues as I could out of this task.
I finished my clue and recieved a reward of 87k. I headed back and after killing many, many more, I recieved a second clue! I completed that one for a measely reward of 47k... Not very good at all.
It was time to get off though, so I logged out. I only have three more levels until I hit level 90 Attack! That will be pretty cool!
Thanks for reading, and see you later!

06-Mar-2012 00:06:40

Sep Member 2019


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--August 1, 2011--
Today was all about Slayer! I started out by killing more Hellhounds, eager for another clue scroll. I still had 53 left, so I was fairly sure I would get one by then. Contradicting my prediction, I didn't...
I got a new task; 170 Dust Devils. I actually like these tasks, although don't really know why. I actually managed to complete the entire task on one inventory of food! I think that's a first for me. I got one rare drop: a Dragonstone.
I headed over to Shilo Village again to get a new task. 76 Black Dragons. It seems like the dragon days are making a comeback. I had a different setup this time though. Normally, I have Prayer Potions and Monkfish with me, but this time, I had Prayer Potions, Antifire Potions and Super Attack Potions. That Super Attack Potion worked wonders! It was really odd seeing my Attack level boost up to level 105. With this new strategy, I was killing the dragons fairly quickly! As usual, I banked almost every single Dragon Bone and Black Dragonhide. I only recieved one rare drop. A Tooth Half of a Key! After a long, tedious task, I had finally completed the Black Dragon task. I'm sure that at some point throught all my dragon tasks, I may get a Draconic Visage... I can only hope. On that Black Dragon task, I had reached level 73 Slayer! 73 Slayer had been a goal of mine for a very long time... I had set that as an objective since I was only level 56 Slayer. I really wanted to fight a Jungle Strykwyrm... Not sure why. I set my new Slayer goal to level 80.
I went to Duradel for a new task. 136 Dust Devils. More of them? Oh well. I headed over to the Smoke Dungeon again. They seemed to be hitting on me more frequently than normal... So I didn't manage to finish the task in one run. n fact, I logged off with about 50 left.
Fire Typhoon bought his membership again! I knew he couldn't quit! And, of course, he changed his name to PvM Paladin.
See you later!

06-Mar-2012 00:23:02

Sep Member 2019


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--August 2, 2011--
I started today with my Slayer task of Dust Devils. I managed to finish the task without getting extra food! I teleported to Ardougne, and started chatting with Cat in a box. Pretty cool name, right?
While in Ardougne, I decided to go see how many Penguin Points I had. I only had 10... But that was enough for 59 Farming! I redeemed my points and reached level 59 Farming. I can't wait until level 62; I can then plant Snapdragons! I might have to start actually training Farming at some point though
I arrived at Shilo Village and got my new task: 160 Fire Giants. I headed over to the Smoke Dungeon and started. I got a rare drop! It was a Dragonstone. I only had about 30 to go when I had run out of food. My prayer wouldn't last that long either, so I tried prayer flashing. It was pretty hard, but I managed to do it successfully a few times. When I had 16 left, I had to go get more food. I teleported to Ardougne, ran to the Shantay Pass, withdrew food and went back to the Smoke Dungeon, where I finished my task.
PvM Paladin wanted to go Dungeoneering on Floor 32! I hadn't been Dungeoneering with him for a long time, so I accepted happily. We did a medium dungeon, and we were flying through the rooms! I was keying (of course) and I was managing to open the doors fairly quickly. It was the bosses that gave us some troubles... The first boss was a Hobgoblin Geomancer, and we killed him without any deaths.
The next boss, on floor 33, was an Unholy Cursebearer. I died once on him. On floor 34 (I just unlocked it!) we came across Bal'lak the Pummeler. I died once on him, although PvM Paladin died multiple times.
I had reached level 68 Dunegoneering! I was at my maximum floor, so it was time for me to leave. I said good-bye and exited the dungeon.
My new task from Duradel was Waterfiends. I usually cancel them, but I was curious. I decided to give it a go. I was using my Saradomin Sword for this, along with Protect from Missiles.

06-Mar-2012 00:23:17

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