I found that players could kill Small Scabarites quite quickly in Uzer. So I headed over there. Now I had thought they were talking about the Ruins of Uzer, and when I went down there, all I found were ghosts. So next I tried the Pyramid in Missing My Mummy. There, on the lower floor, I found the Small Scabarites. They were only level 42, but I wanted to get the task over with anyways.
There weren't many of these scabarites around. There were only five of them in the accessible area, but I discovered that if I ascended the stairs back up to the ground level, then descended them again, the scabarites would respawn instantly. I was doing this when Fire Typhoon unexpectedly logged on! It had been a long time since I had spoken with him... And, well, I missed him. I had so many things to tell him! I had gotten a Korasi, Barrows Gloves, so many levels... But he told me that he had been keeping up with my blog! That really made me happy. That meant that even though he quit, he had such a great friendship with me that he had been following what I had been doing.
We chatted for a while, catching up on things. He was actually on vacation. According to him, the only reason he still logs in occasionally is to talk with me.
I finished my task and Home Teleported, still talking with Fire Typhoon. I had actually obtained an Easy Clue Scroll from the Small Scabarites, so I went ahead and completed that. It was pretty amazing how quick and easy they are compared to their Hard counterpart. In total, I only got about 31k in loot. It was now time to recharge all those Amulets of Glory. Lucky for me, there's now a bank in Burthorpe, so I didn't have that far to run. I chatted with Fire Typhoon while I did this, and it made the chore seem to go by a lot faster.
Soon though, on my last load, Fire Typhoon had to leave again. I said good-bye, and he logged off. I hope some time he'll log in again... And if you're reading this Fire Typhoon, you had better do it!
06-Mar-2012 00:02:37