
The Blundering Adventurer

Quick find code: 49-50-947-63609271

Sep Member 2019


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I found that players could kill Small Scabarites quite quickly in Uzer. So I headed over there. Now I had thought they were talking about the Ruins of Uzer, and when I went down there, all I found were ghosts. So next I tried the Pyramid in Missing My Mummy. There, on the lower floor, I found the Small Scabarites. They were only level 42, but I wanted to get the task over with anyways.
There weren't many of these scabarites around. There were only five of them in the accessible area, but I discovered that if I ascended the stairs back up to the ground level, then descended them again, the scabarites would respawn instantly. I was doing this when Fire Typhoon unexpectedly logged on! It had been a long time since I had spoken with him... And, well, I missed him. I had so many things to tell him! I had gotten a Korasi, Barrows Gloves, so many levels... But he told me that he had been keeping up with my blog! That really made me happy. That meant that even though he quit, he had such a great friendship with me that he had been following what I had been doing.
We chatted for a while, catching up on things. He was actually on vacation. According to him, the only reason he still logs in occasionally is to talk with me.
I finished my task and Home Teleported, still talking with Fire Typhoon. I had actually obtained an Easy Clue Scroll from the Small Scabarites, so I went ahead and completed that. It was pretty amazing how quick and easy they are compared to their Hard counterpart. In total, I only got about 31k in loot. It was now time to recharge all those Amulets of Glory. Lucky for me, there's now a bank in Burthorpe, so I didn't have that far to run. I chatted with Fire Typhoon while I did this, and it made the chore seem to go by a lot faster.
Soon though, on my last load, Fire Typhoon had to leave again. I said good-bye, and he logged off. I hope some time he'll log in again... And if you're reading this Fire Typhoon, you had better do it!

06-Mar-2012 00:02:37

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I travelled to Shilo Village again, and got my new task. 163 Black Demons. Now I knew how bot infested the Taverly Dungeon was getting, so I decided to go to the Black Demons in the Brimhaven Dungeon. I headed over there, forgot my hatchet, and travelled there again. It was a little saddening to see all the bots making their way through the dungeon. But I still trust Jagex that they are trying their hardest, so really, there is nothing I can do about it.
I had been asking my clan if I should just scatter the Infernal Ashes, bank them, or leave them. Most of them said to bank them, so I had brought along a Spirit Terrorbird. I entered the Black Demon lair and was immediately bombarded with attacks from Wild Dogs. Curse those things... There was one bot there, but surprisingly, I was actually managing to get the Black Demons before it did. I had only killed about twenty or so when I ran out of inventory space for all the ashes. I teleported out and banked. This time, I didn't bring as many Prayer Potions.
I entered the lair again, and this time, there was another player. He started talking to me, grateful that I wasn't a bot. I did this many times; Filling my inventory (and familiar) with Infernal Ashes, banking, and returning. TheSpiffiest was chatting with me, and he said that my current levels would probably be good enough to go staking with. I had 86 Attack... Pretty good for my level. There was still something I was missing though. Chivalry.
I actually calculated the bonuses of Chivalry, and I was astounded! Now I really wanted it. I did a few more runs of Black Demons, got 72 Slayer, and finished my task! Now it was time for the quest "Holy Grail".
I started the quest. It wasn't long or difficult, but the graphics of some of the NPC's were just awful! In no time at all, I had completed it.
Next up was King's Ransom.

06-Mar-2012 00:02:51

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Again, this quest wasn't difficult, but was instead quite long. It took me a while to complete it, and when I did, I reached the 210 Quest Points milestone!
The unfortunate reality was that I still had to complete the Knight's Training Course to have access to the new Prayers. So off to that I went. It was fairly easy... More of a nuisance than anything. Before long, I had my brand new Prayer, Chivalry!
Now it was time. It was time for the master to train me to become a pro staker. I was nervous, I'm not going to lie. He showed me many new tips and tricks, most of which I had never considered, or wasn't even aware you could do. I had improved dramatically; that much was for sure. In fact, I was actually getting TheSpifiest closer to death than usual by the time I died.
I invited lilmk to come and duel me. He arrived, and I duelled him. With all the new tricks up my sleeve, I defeated him. We had a rematch, and I beat him again. But then he wanted to battle me with no armour... that didn't go over so well. I didn't really expect to beat him either. I have a very low Strength level for my level, and besides, duelling with full armour is the only way I know. So, yes, he beat me in a no armour fight. Then we did a boxing match. I beat him in that.
TheSpiffiest wanted me to try a few duels in a staking world to see what a duel is like with a lot of lag. We hopped over and tried a few there. I had duelled a few random players, and those few players I duelled, I had beaten.
My training had ended. TheSpiffiest gave me a few more pointers before I hopped worlds for one more match against lilmk. I won that match, and it was time to go. I deposited my items and logged off.
Tomorrow, I may try staking if the Clan Citadels do not take up most of my time. I'm both excited and nervous... But more scared than anything. TheSpiffiest beats me every time... How will I fair against the world? But then I remember that he is one of the best.
Thanks for reading!

06-Mar-2012 00:03:03

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--July 26, 2011--
Clan Citadels were released! I logged on and right away, I wanted to see Mining Golds' Clan Citadel. I headed straight to the Clan Camp, and entered the portal. TheSpiffiest metted me inside, and guided me to the Woodcutting tree. I was a little confused... About everything really. What were these Clan Rings? Why am I cutting this tree's roots?
It was pretty refreshing though to actually see the player's avatars in-game, instead od simply seeing a line of text. Some people I assumed were level 130+, but actually turned out to be only level 90 or so! I started chopping away. You needed 100 roots to be cut to obtain a Clan Ring, and according to everyone else, these clan rings were pretty good.
As I chatted with other clan members, I started understanding how things worked. We had to cut these roots for resources, which the Admins can use for building upgrades. Each player had a maximum of 1,000 resources they could gather. After I got 100 roots, I went inside the Clan Citadel and got my Clan Ring! I was a little confused about how it worked though. I charged it at the tree, but I wasn't getting any extra experience. Others explained to me that it gives an amount of bonus experience outside of the Citadel for that skill. So now I have a Woodcutting Ring
After I had cut 250 roots, I had decided it was time to give staking a go. I was scared. No, I was terrified. I don't think I had ever been so nervous in my life. I was literally shaking. I tried using the excuse of "It's just pixels", but deep down, you know it's more than that. I started out with a 100k stake. My very first battle soon arrived. My opponent was in full Bandos!
The maatch wasn't even close. I obliterated him, and won the battle easily. I was still shaking. I claimed my 100k reward in awe. I had won! That definitely boosted my confidence. I decided to do another 100k stake. This way, if I lost it, I wouldn't be down any amount of money.

06-Mar-2012 00:03:30

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I finally found another opponent for a 100k stake. I obliterated him as well. I was up 200k now. It was time to stake it! I found another opponent after a while. We were staking 200k. I destroyed him and claimed my 200k prize. I was still nervous though... Now I was up 400k! I decided to go for a 500k stake. If I lost this, I would be down 100k from when I started. The battle started! I was really scared. But I cleared my mind and focussed on the battle at hand. Again, I won by a landslide. I was up 900k now!
Before I started staking 1m, I wanted to make sure that the 1m I would be staking would be from other players, and not from myself. So, I staked another 500k. Again, I won. I was feeling a little too confident. I was expecting these players to be much, much harder to kill. Well, I was up 1.4m now, so it was time to stake the big 1m! I was pretty scared. What if the players who stake 1m are so much better than others? After a long time, I found a battle.
This battle was close. He was hitting on me quite hard, and he was also a higher level. In the end though, I won. I was shaking. My health was at 130lp; Much lower than normal. I was up 2.4m now! I hadn't anticipated how difficult it is to find a match though. I would be sitting there typing the same message for ten minutes before I would find a match.
It really dissappointed me how rude people are at the Duel Arena. Every little thing you do, people call you names, hate on you, everything you can imagine. But it doesn't get to me. I know that they are simply upset because a player who is a much lower level than they are beat them. Essentially, I broke their dignity.
I started another 1m stake. I won this one easily. The player then PMed me afterwards, calling me names, swearing at me, and laughing at me because I used Prayer. Again, I had damaged this player's pride. I didn't reply to him at all.

06-Mar-2012 00:03:41

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0DarkKnight wanted to duel me now, and show me around his Clan Citadel! I teleported to the Clan Camp, and entered his citadel. I don't know if it's just me, but every citadel I see, they all look the same! I honestly couldn't tell a difference between his and Mining Golds'; apart from the banners of course.
I entered his battlefield. This was huge! I ran for ages, trying to find him. Finally, he found me, and we started duelling! I killed him, and waited for him to run back to me. We started uelling again. I was already at half health, and for both battles, he was using prayer and I wasn't. So on this second battle, he beat me. Now there were all sorts of odd NPC's flooding the battlefield. I just wanted to duel! I exited the Battlefield.
I thanked him for showing me around his citadel, and left. Time for more staking! I staked another 1m, and won. I tried to find another match. This battle was close. He had a Vesta Longsword, arguably one of the best weapons in the game. He was hitting incredibly hard, but I was damaging him quite nicely as well. When his health got down to low, he used the healing prayer, and his health shot back up. I did the same. Finally, I could use my Korasi Special Attack! I clicked the special button... and I had already died. My first loss... It didn't feel good, but at east it wasn't my money I lost. It was someone else's
So far, I had staked my 1.9m into 4.3m. Pretty good so far! I found the biggest part of staking was choosing your opponents wisely. I think I turned down almost everyone who challenged me, simply because they had 99 Strength. One player I duelled, was lagging for most of the fight, so I didn't even have to do anything! I just sat there with auto-retaliate on and killed him without even taking a single hit! As always, players were harrassing me. It was quite annoying... I loved the players who tried to talk you into duelling them.

06-Mar-2012 00:03:54

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I mean, if they were going to do as bad as they thought they were going to, why would they be trying to talk me into it?
Lion OJudah wanted me to check out his Clan Citadel, so I teleported on over. He was there with a friend, and they were both chopping wood. I chatted with them for a while, and then challenged Lion OJudah to a duel! A player wanted to join Mining Golds though, so I headed off to the Duel Arena right away to check and see if he met the requirements. Unfortunately, he didn't. I hopped worlds to meet with Lion OJudah. He beat me everytime, although that was no big surprise. He's almost maxed in combat, after all. We did a few battles, but it was time to go back to staking. I hopped worlds over to a Duelling Staking/Friendly world. I had met up with TheSpiffiest a few times on these worlds; he was duelling too!
I didn't lose another battle all day. I was winning tons! One player who was about level 90 was staking 250k, and his rules happened to match mine. I started duelling him. Right away I knew what had just happened. He was trying to scam me! He had switched the "Drinks" option to 'on', and now he was using potions! He laughed at me with a big "Ahahahahaha". That laughter soon turned to disbelief though, as I hit him really hard, repeatedly. His last words were "lol gf me".
I was a little shaken by that whole experience. Sure, I had won, but it really taught me a lesson. Always check the rules over!
I duelled more, but it was getting increasingle difficult to find a match. I was hopping worlds over and over, to no use. By the time I had logged off, I felt pretty accomplished. I had staked my 1.9m into 7.3m. That was a profit of 5.4m! Pretty good, if I do say so myself. If I can continue to make 5m+ per day, I'll be rolling in the money!
That was all for today! Thanks for reading!
See you later!

06-Mar-2012 00:04:07

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--July 27, 2011--
I was ready for some more staking! I advertised myslf for a while, and gt a few challenges, but upon inspection, they appeared to be either pures or to be hiding an extremely powerful weapon. Like I've said before, a lot of staking is choosing your fights wisely.
At one point, a player level 94 challenged me. I couldn't see his avatar though, as he was under an NPC. I checked his stats. They didn't seem all too dangerous. I accepted the $1,000,000 stake. He wanted obstacles in the arena. That is actually pretty common; most players want to escape the lag you experience in the more common arenas. I thought nothing of it. The match started!
Immediately, I knew my chances of winning were slim. This level 94 player was wearing full Torva, along with a Chaotic Rapier; probably the best bonuses a level 94 could possibly have. He started running around the obstacles, evading me, waiting for my prayer to empty. I started turning off my prayer as I chased, and flicking it back on as I drew near. I managed to get a few hits in before he stopped running. This was the exact scenario TheSpiffiest had warned me against. He always said to never duel an opponent whom you can't see; they might be wearing Torva.
It wasn't looking so good. He was hitting accurately, but I was hitting as well, and soon, both of us were driven to use our Redemption prayer to heal us. I had 130hp now. He hit a 110, and I was flashing at 20hp. I didn't want to lose my 1m! I swung my mace, and missed, and he missed with his rapier. Those last few moments of the battle were intense. I had no idea who would win.

06-Mar-2012 00:04:40

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Every miss my opponent made seemed like a miracle, and I knew that with every miss he made, his chances of hitting increased. Suddenly, I hit through his Torva with a 109 and killed him. I couldn't believe it. I thought for sure I was a goner. I claimed my 1m. I was in a bit of shock. Never again would I duel someone who I can't see. I had only won that duel out of sheer luck.
I finally found another duel, and won that one easily. Now, another player wanted to duel me for 300k. I accepted the challenge. It turns out that he had Full Verac's, and was hitting through my armour very accurately. It was a close battle nonetheless. He had 29hp when I died. I lost my 300k... But I was still 1.7m in the profit. I had 9.5m now; enough, I figured, to buy level 70 Prayer. I teleported to the Grand Exchange and put an offer for 1,918 Infernal Ashes.
While I waited for that, I decided to do a bit of Slayer. My task was 196 Aberrant Spectres... Not fun.
I headed over there, and was happy to see that it wasn't crowded like normal. It took me a while to finish my task, but I actually managed to do it all in one trip! I even got a Hard Clue Scroll! Edmyg wanted to duel me now, so I headed over to the Duel Arena. I found him at the altar, and we started a few fights. I won most of them, although he did win one battle. He was using Piety, the prayer I so desperately wanted. That brought up the conversation of Gilded Altars. He actually had one, and would allow me to use it.
I quickly headed to the Grand Exchange to put in a bigger offer for my ashes, so I could buy them instantly. That done, I looked at my spells and realized I was on Lunars... I would have to run from Ardougne! (I forgot about the Port Khazard Teleport)
Finally, I got there, and I started using Edmyg's altar. He was lighting the burners for me, but he could only stay for 45 minutes. That was okay; I had to leave soon anyways.

06-Mar-2012 00:04:51

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I used up quite a few ashes, but then I had to leave. I thanked him (I really did appreciate it, Edmyg) and had to log off.
Later, I hunted for another Gilded Altar. I asked in Mining Golds. Brother Crow, whom I've Dungeoneered with before, offered me his house. He happened to have his house in Relleka as well, making it insanely fast for me to bank. The only problem was, I had to light the burners myself. I did that for quite some time, until I again, had to leave.
Later again, I asked Minng Golds. This time, Yougotsaprob said that he was going to be hosting one on World 31, in Yanille. I headed over there. There were so many people there! And they were all training Prayer! I used his altar for a while, until he had to leave. Then I jioned the main altar that most people were using. His name was Ephixian. At one point, he logged off, so everyone started looking for a new altar. Wiz Brew stepped up. I used his a bit, but he wasn't lighting the burners very efficiently, so I started looking for a new host. Lucky for me, Ephixian had come back! I joined his right away, and got my experience racking up! By the time I logged off for the day, I had achieved level 67 Prayer!
It was time to log off though...
Thanks for reading!
See you later!

06-Mar-2012 00:05:02

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