--December 10, 2011--
I logged on today, fully clothed and ready to start my long task of 229 Aberrant Spectres. Yes, this was going to be a long task. I teleported to Edgeville, withdrew a bunch of Prayer Potions, set my Quick Prayer to Protect from Magic and teleported away via the Fairy Rings. I accidently teleported to the Ancient Caverns, due to me travelling there so often... I teleported back, then travelled to the correct location, which was just west of Canifis. From there, I ran north to the spooky Slayer Tower.
Man, am I grateful that I can use that shortcut! I remember having to run all the way around that tower, but now, I can just climb a ladder! So I clambered up the ladder, and found the nearest Abberant Spectre. I started attacking it, and watched my prayer slowly drop. Good thing I was wearing my Proselyte!
There were a few other players there, but not too many. It was time to slay! Just as I thought, it was a long task. I could kill the ghosts easily, but they were very spread out, making the task last a lot longer than I would have liked. I didn't pick up any herbs; instead, I picked up good seeds, like Snapdragon seeds, Fellstalk seeds and such.
I was pretty happy about how slowly I was using Prayer Potions-- By the time I had killed 60 ghosts, I had only downed six Prayer Potions! I stayed there for a long time, and saw many players come and go. With only 40 of the things to go, I got my first Hard Clue Scroll of that task! It was time for some Third Age!
I left right away, and started the Treasure Trail. About ten minutes later, after buying a few extra Mud Pies (I accidently smashed one into the face of a Double Agent), I got my reward near the Observatory. Again, nothing too spectacular; the highlight was 73 Guthix Arrows. In total, I gained about 164k!
06-Mar-2012 05:45:52