
The Blundering Adventurer

Quick find code: 49-50-947-63609271

Sep Member 2019


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--December 10, 2011--
I logged on today, fully clothed and ready to start my long task of 229 Aberrant Spectres. Yes, this was going to be a long task. I teleported to Edgeville, withdrew a bunch of Prayer Potions, set my Quick Prayer to Protect from Magic and teleported away via the Fairy Rings. I accidently teleported to the Ancient Caverns, due to me travelling there so often... I teleported back, then travelled to the correct location, which was just west of Canifis. From there, I ran north to the spooky Slayer Tower.
Man, am I grateful that I can use that shortcut! I remember having to run all the way around that tower, but now, I can just climb a ladder! So I clambered up the ladder, and found the nearest Abberant Spectre. I started attacking it, and watched my prayer slowly drop. Good thing I was wearing my Proselyte!
There were a few other players there, but not too many. It was time to slay! Just as I thought, it was a long task. I could kill the ghosts easily, but they were very spread out, making the task last a lot longer than I would have liked. I didn't pick up any herbs; instead, I picked up good seeds, like Snapdragon seeds, Fellstalk seeds and such.
I was pretty happy about how slowly I was using Prayer Potions-- By the time I had killed 60 ghosts, I had only downed six Prayer Potions! I stayed there for a long time, and saw many players come and go. With only 40 of the things to go, I got my first Hard Clue Scroll of that task! It was time for some Third Age!
I left right away, and started the Treasure Trail. About ten minutes later, after buying a few extra Mud Pies (I accidently smashed one into the face of a Double Agent), I got my reward near the Observatory. Again, nothing too spectacular; the highlight was 73 Guthix Arrows. In total, I gained about 164k!

06-Mar-2012 05:45:52

Sep Member 2019


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After taking a quick detour to the Varrock church to replenish my Prayer Points, I returned to the Grand Exchange. There, a massive emote party was going on! I joined in, showing off my amazing Divine Power emote. Someone else there was using the Tornado emote, and everyone else was using Storm. It was pretty cool; a ton of players started playing along, and soon, the entire Grand Exchange was one massive storm cloud!
I left that after a while, still marveling at how much I like the Divine Power emote. I travelled back to the Slayer Tower, where I finished my Aberrant Spectre task. I was alive! I ran back to the Fairy Ring, and teleported directly over to the Ancient Caverns. I got my new task: 149 Living Rock Creatures. Hm, this could be fun!
I teleported out to Lumbridge, where I gathered my gear. To Falador! I ran through the winding tunnels of the Dwarven Mines, and found myself sitting in the Living Rock Caverns. Home sweet home! I ran to the active rock and started killing the monsters. It was taking a lot longer to kill the beasts than I previously remembered... Maybe it was just because I had just come back from the easy Aberrant Spectres.
After I had gone through an entire inventory of food, I was quite disturbed to see that I had only killed 50 of the behemoths! I banked at the Grand Exchange, and headed back for round two. Although the task was incredibly slow, it was really good experience, and it was cool to see my old Mining friends again. I stayed a bit longer this time, and I managed to leave with only 17 kills to go. Even better, I was 8000xp away from level 80 Slayer! I'm pretty excited about that!
Thanks for reading!
Good night!

06-Mar-2012 05:46:01

Sep Member 2019


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--December 11, 2011--
The last day of the weekend... Luckily, come Friday, there will be no more school for two weeks! I logged on, inside the Living Rock Caverns. Time to kill some Living Rock Creatures and defend those miners! I met More2Eat there (a clanmate), and showed him my awesome Divine Power emote. Man, I loved it so much! Here's the plan: On December 28th, I'm going to get 10k Loyalty Points. Then, due to the Christmas special, I'll get to pick up an extra 500 points every day from December 26th to January 6th! Once I hit 12k points, I'll buy Infernal Power, and then come January 28th, I'll buy Tornado! I can't wait!
I began killing the Living Rock Creatures. I didn't have too many to go; only 17! Pretty soon, I had completed my task, and gained 90 Slayer points! I had completed my 130th task in a row! I headed out to the minecarts, and ran over to the Fairy Ring in Edgeville. Off to Zanaris! I ventured through the Ancient Caverns, taking a bit of damage from those evil Waterfiends. I got my new task: 149 Hellhounds. It seems like I get that task a lot... Oh well, I might get an awesome clue reward!
I headed back to the Zanaris bank, where I stocked up on Monkfish. Back at Kuradal, I headed into the dungeon. There were quite a few players there already and as I was about to hop worlds, a few of them left. So I stayed, chatting with the slayers there. One player, who was attempting to max his account out, asked me for Mining advice. I told him all about the Living Rock Caverns, from the Mining Golds Friends Chat to what sort of gear he would want to use. No clues so far...

06-Mar-2012 05:46:26

Sep Member 2019


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I was impatiently watching my Slayer experience. I was so close to level 80! I remember I had set that goal ages ago, as a race between Walwb and I. I'm pretty sure Walwb has quit since then though...
Every kill I got gave me 116xp, so although I only had 1400xp left, it was still taking a while. I watched the number decrease ever so slowly; it was painful to watch! But although it was slow, that number did go down, and when I had a tiny amount of experience left, I prepared my QuickChat for my Clan Chat. I killed the last Hellhound... And still had 15xp to go. So it started over, the waiting impatiently and waiting to QuickChat the level. When it finally did happen, I sat staring at the new "80" beside the Slayer icon. I had been working towards that goal for a long time... It wasn't a 99 or anything, but I still felt it was an awesome achievement! And what better way to celebrate than to set a new goal? I put the target up to level 85; Abyssal Demons!
I began killing the Hellhounds again, and a few kills later, I got a Hard Clue Scroll! Time for Third-Age! Luckily, this one had no Puzzle Boxes... Just a ton of Emote Clues. Unfortunately, I had to complete my least favourite emote clue of all time: "Panic in the Haunted Woods with no items equipped." Every time I do it, vampires swarm around me, and I'm forced to kill them all due to the inability to perform emotes while under attack. Sometimes the assault can go on for ages... I was lucky this time though! I got out alive!
At the end of the clue, which ended at the Observatory, I got my reward. 53 Saradomin Arrows! Not too bad; the clue was worth about 153k. I headed back to the Hellhounds, eager for another Clue Scroll. I was there for quite a while, with no clues. It was pretty crowded this time, so I hopped over to a less populated world. Because the Hellhounds were aggressive, I could switch tabs and not have to worry too much about health.

06-Mar-2012 05:46:33

Sep Member 2019


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Fast-forwarding twenty kills or so, I got another Hard Clue Scroll! I ventured out on it. This time, I would get a good reward! Again, I had to suffer through the Haunted Woods emote clue... A while later, I claimed my reward in the Shilo Village bank. I didn't get any Third-Age, but I did get a reward I had never received before! I got a Pirate Hat! I wore it, thinking about it replacing my Octopus...
Haha, just kidding! I would never replace my beloved Octopus! I went back to the Hellhounds again. I noticed that 89 Defence was looming on the horizon. Once I get 90 Defence, I'll have to start training Strength. I really don't like training Strength though... I don't even know what weapon to use! I might just end up using my Saradomin Sword. I think my plan might be to wait until I reach a combat level of 120, then I can join the WeLoveCorp FC and start camping the Corporeal Beast! Maybe I'll strike it rich!
When I had only 50 or so more Hellhounds to go, I got my third Hard Clue Scroll! A few steps into it, I was teleporting to Edgeville when I was stopped by a player. Apparently, he had just come back from an extended break and was wondering what I did for fun. I chatted with him for a while, about the latest updates that he had missed, such as the Polypore Dungeon, the Bot Nuke and many others. I had to leave for my clue scroll though, so I said good-bye and travelled on.
A few clues and a Puzzle Box later, I claimed my reward! I opened my casket and my heart stopped. I couldn't believe my eyes! I thought my luck had all dried up from getting the Fury Ornament Kit, but here, in my casket, were eight Blue Gnomish Firelighters. I sold my amazing reward for a huge 1.4k.
That was all for today! Thanks for reading!
Good night!

06-Mar-2012 05:51:04

Sep Member 2019


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--December 12, 2011--
I logged on at the Grand Exchange. I only had five Hellhounds to go until I could switch to a new task, so I geared up and ran through the shortcut separating the Grand Exchange from Edgeville. I ran to the Fairy Ring and teleported away to the Ancient Caverns. Inside Kuradal's Dungeon, I met my twin! "Tipsy Blonde" was her name, and she wore an almost identical outfit to mine! The bandos, the Mining Cape, the Slayer Helm, it was all there! I only had 5 kills to go though, so when I finished, she asked me to come back and tell her what my new task was. She was almost done anyways.
I exited the cavern and received my new task: 189 Bloodvelds. I re-entered Kuradal's Dungeon... Or tried to at least. I had forgotten that the dungeon was task-exclusive only! I tried to PM Tipsy Blonde, but she had her private off. I had a dilemma. Do I wait and hope she doesn't teleport out, or do I leave and make her thinkI was rude? I decided to go with the first option. I waited about five minutes, and sure enough, she emerged from the dark caves! I kindly told her that my new task was Bloodvelds, and went on my merry way.
I teleported directly to Canifis via the Fairy Rings and headed over to the Canifis bank. There, I got out the old Karil's. I had to admit, Karil's is completely worth it! I ran over to the Slayer Tower and climbed up the chain rope. Running over to the Bloodvelds, I found a slightly empty spot and set up camp. Time to kill 189 Bloodvelds!
It was slow. Very slow. It didn't help that I looted every drop, or that I was watching Youtube at the same time, but it didn't bother me too much. I was having fun! My stack of Green Charms was growing in my inventory, but other than that, I wasn't getting any good drops.

06-Mar-2012 05:51:13

Sep Member 2019


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I don't think Bloodvelds really drop anything good anyways... But as soon as I thought that, I got a Rare Drop Table drop (besides gems)! I saw a noted Toadflax item... I didn't remember Bloodvelds dropping Toadflax, so I picked it up. It was 36 noted Toadflax! I didn't think it would be worth too much, but I was quite surprised to find out that it was worth about 100k! Looks like my task was worthwhile already!
It went pretty slowly... I banked once, with 50 kills to go. When I came back, I was surprised to see that the Bloodvelds area was totally full! Luckily, I managed to find myself an empty corner again, and I resumed my task. A while later, I had finally finished the task! As I ran out, I offered my food to a nearby player. He declined it, so I continued on. I ran to the Fairy Ring just west of Canifis and teleported to the Ancient Caverns again. There, I got a new task: 112 Desert Strykewyrms! Woohoo!
I Home Teleported and ran over to Al Kharid. As I passed through the Toll Gates, I remembered a time a long time ago... When I first made my account, I tried going through there. With 50gp to my name, the 10 coin toll was 20% of my total wealth. But I had given it anyways, all in the name of adventure! Now, I ran to the Desert Strykewyrm pit. I started attacking the beasts, only realizing after ten kills that I was still wearing my Karil's. That might explain the unsual amount of damage I was receiving...
So I ran back to the Al Kharid bank and switched into my Bandos. I returned to the Desert Strykewyrm's pit and resumed killing. I had only killed a few more though when it was time to log off.
Thanks for reading!
Good night!

06-Mar-2012 05:51:20

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--December 13, 2011--
I logged in today after reading the new update's newpost. I wasn't too excited for the new minigame, but I was really excited about the Wilderness updated graphics! When I logged in though, I was at Desert Strykewyrms. So I started killing them, edging myself towards the end of the task. I hadn't received an Elite Clue in a long time... In fact, I think it was months and months ago! Maybe I would get one today! I killed the quite fast, eager to get that Constitution and Defence level. About 40 kills later, I achieved level 89 Defence! Only one level to go until I start working on Strength, and untiI I can wear Promethium!
Ten kills later, I got a Hard Clue Scroll! The first step led me to the Ardougne Zoo, which in turn led me to the Lumberyard. From there, I headed to Lleyta, then to the Kharazi Jungle, then to the final location, the Ogre City. As usual, my reward was nothing incredible: 88 Nature Runes, a Rune Platebody, a Rune Dagger and a Rune Platebody (h5). I wouldn't have ever guessed it, but a Rune Platebody is actually worth more than a Rune Platebody (h5)!
I returned to the Desert Strykewyrms, where I finished off my task. I was now 9000xp away from 89 Constitution! It was nearly time to log off though... I still wanted to check out the new Wilderness graphics though, so I teleported to Edgeville and withdrew a full inventory of Monkfish. I figured that I would go to the Agility course and give out some food.
I pulled the lever and teleported away. Wow! The graphics were amazing! The lava was bubbling and boiling, and the chasms looked very realistic. Jagex really does have a good touch with graphical updates. Although this may seem shallow to some people, I find that graphics are a core part of gaming for me. If the graphics aren't up to par, I simply can't get into the game. Now that Runescape is beginning to get better graphics, I'm really starting to enjoy it more!

06-Mar-2012 05:51:29

Sep Member 2019


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I ran north and slashed the web. I then ran west, to the Wilderness Agility course. I marveled at the Mage Arena's new updates. The rocks looked the same as the ones in Trollheim, but a bit darker. A good thing too; I love the rocks in Trollheim! I came to the cousre and entered it. I found a level 74 player there, running around the course. I offered him as many Monkfish as I could, and in return, he gave me a ton of Fireworks. I'm not sure where he got those from... I think he had just come back from The Pit, so perhaps you can obtain them from there. He was very happy that I had given him food, so I thanked him and hopped over to a different world. No one there... I hopped a few times, and never did find anyone else.
So I ran back to the Mage Arena, to be met up with a ton of Hybrid fights! This was really cool! I sat and watched them for a while. I watched one player lose full Mystic, and another player lose a Staff of Light!
I banked in the Mage Arena after watching the fights and soon logged off. That's all for today! Thanks for reading!
Good night!

06-Mar-2012 05:52:16

Sep Member 2019


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--December 14, 2011--
I logged in today at the Mage Arena. Time to start on that Living Rock Creature Slayer task! I was about to exit the bank and run to the Edgeville lever when I realized I could simply teleport out straight from the bank...
So I teleported out to Falador, where I geared up for my Slayer task. This was going to be one long task... Living Rock Creature tasks always were. I grabbed my Rune Pickaxe (forgetting that I could have used my Bronze Pickaxe in my Toolbelt) and set out to the Living Rock Caverns. Before I got there though, lilmk, now Gerks Minion, needed me to pick up 1m from Gerk. If you haven't already guessed, Gerk offered lilmk 1m to change his name to Gerks Minion!
I messaged Gerk, and soon met with him at the Grand Exchange fountain. He traded me the 1m, and I waited for GFT, Gerks Minion's alternate account, to arrive. He soon did, and I gave him the 1m. Now I could start my task! I ran over to the minecart and rode all the way to Keldagrim, and then to the Ice Mountain. To the LRC!
When I entered it, I immediately started attacking a Living Rock Striker. I was so close to level 89 Constitution... Only 9000xp to go! While I killed the Living Rock Creatures, I decided to download a Hypercam. For some reason, I've had a sudden interest in making a video. Only problem is, I've got no idea how to do it. So I toyed around with it, making short little clips. NightmareRH's guide was a huge help to me!
Soon, I had a nice video of me killing Living Rock Creatures. After looking for the clips in my computer, I imported them to Windows Movie Maker and started toying around with that. This was all so new! I had never done any of this before, and it was all pretty exciting! The only thing I was missing was a microphone to record my voice. I still need more practice, but I hope that I will soon be able to make a really cool video!

06-Mar-2012 05:52:26

Quick find code: 49-50-947-63609271 Back to Top