
The Blundering Adventurer

Quick find code: 49-50-947-63609271

Sep Member 2019


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--November 9, 2011--
Hello everyone!
I logged on today with the sole intention of preparing for my 99 Mining party. With only 88,000xp to go, I could easily get the level today! And so I started mining.
It's funny, I used to see all these crazy high-level miners saying how they were 500k from 99 Mining... And now that I'm even closer to that, it's weird to think that I have now attained that position that I once thought so impossible to achieve.
Anthien, a player going for 200,000,000xp in Mining, finally reached 199,000,000xp! Everyone congratulated him, in shock that someone could mine for so long. You see, if you stay down in the Living Rock Caverns for too long, like months on end, you tend to get what us miners call "Mining Fever". Basically, you go hysterical. Quite an interesting phenomenon to watch, I might add. It must be something to do with the repetitive checking of the rocks, and the same monotonous colour: brown.
It soon became clear to me that I would be able to get 99 Mining easily by Saturday. I slowly chipped away at the remaining experience, until Tankerchief, a clanmate, ran up to me, telling me that GRlFFY wanted me to hurry up and get 99 Mining. If you remember, it was GRlFFY to loaned me my Dragon Pickaxe until I got 99 Mining!
I continued to mine, until I was only a thousand experience away. It was a strange feeling, knowing that this would be my final trip in the Living Rock Caverns. With only 700xp left, I stopped mining and walked around a bit. I said good-bye to Anthien, who I have spoken to for so long, and pre-congratulated him on 200m Mining experience. I said good-bye to all the other miners who had been so good to me, like Runefullbody and Arbiterspar (Whom I just found out was famous).
This really was a sad moment. And what Anthien said truly hit home.

06-Mar-2012 04:43:36

Sep Member 2019


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It was one phrase: "See you on the outside world, Grim." I'm not sure why, but that seemed to really confirm that this was the end of my four-year long journey to 99 Mining. I said one final farewell to the Living Rock Cavern Community, and climbed up the rope into the Dwarven Mines.
Instead of heading to the minecarts though, I ran east, then south, to the Mining Guild. There, I mined a few coals, until I had only 28xp left. I ran to the Falador Bank just outside and deposited the coal. Wow, I have 69,000 Gold Ores! I Home Teleported to Lumbridge then, and walked to the Lumbridge Swamp Mining Pit. The graphics there had certainly improved since the last time I was there, five years ago. Most importantly, the Mining Instructor wasn't there anymore!
I mined a single Copper Ore, leaving me with only 11 experience until level 99 Mining. Now, I just had to remember to not do any quests or go Dungeoneering!
I ran back to Lumbridge, and deposited my items. I put on my skilling outfit (Octopus, Spottier Cape and Dramen Staff) and teleported to the Grand Exchange. Tankerchief was there, and we started chatting. A while later, Daddy MG came by, and we chatted for a few minutes. They ran off, and I decided I would try and lend an item out for money. I withdrew the items I thought players would want most: Bandos Chestplate, Bandos Tassets and Amulet of Fury.
I switched over to world 2 and started yelling. Immediately, I noticed a scammer, adveritising that he was giving out free Amulets of Glory to players who showed a cool inventory. I have absolutely NO repect for scammers, so I showed him my three items, and then went on to the second tradescreen. Hopefully, the scammer was getting really excited! Being careful not to misclick, I declined the offer. The scammer ran off.
Eventually, I ended up lending my Amulet of Fury out for six hours for 30k. I think I might just stick with lending items for free

06-Mar-2012 04:43:48

Sep Member 2019


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For the first time in a long while, I decided to go to W117 Daemonheim and get some Fletching experience! I teleported there with my Ring of Kinship and started yelling. After a while, I managed to assist one player with a Sated Effigy, and ages after that, I assisted another with a Sated Effigy. Too bad Mining isn't assistable... Not that I would assist it today anyways! I was being very careful!
Now that I was out of the Living Rock Caverns, I was a little unsure what to do. Most likely, I'll end up training Slayer. If not, then perhaps Agility... Or maybe Smithing? Speaking of Smithing, do I sell or smelt my Gold Ores? So many questions...
I Home Teleported to Lumbridge and logged off.
It seems my journey to 99 Mining has come to a close. I remember struggling to level 60, and then dancing in triumph when I reached level 70. And here I am, finally about to achieve the impossible (or so I thought). I hope to see you all on Saturday
Thanks for reading!
Good night!

99 Mining Party!
Time: November 12, 22:00 GMT
Place: Lumbridge Swamp Mining Pit
World: 43 (F2P. We will hop to W88, P2P once we march to the Mining Guild!)

06-Mar-2012 04:44:02

Sep Member 2019


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--November 10, 2011--
Hi everyone!
I logged on today in Lumbridge, with my classic Skiller outfit. Immediately, a player ran to me, and asked me what a Potato Cactus was. He showed me it in trade, and it was some sort of weird, green, spiky thing. I had no idea at all what it was. I told him he should probably just sell it; it was worth about 2000gp. Instead, he simply thanked me for my help and ran off. Right away, another player ran up to me, and asked me where I had gotten my Octopus. I surprisingly common question, if you can believe that. I informed him that it was from Hunt for Red Raktuber, and he ran off thanking me.
I walked into the Lumbridge cellar, and withdrew some armour. Rats! My Amulet of Fury was in my Collection Box... I climbed to the top of the castle and retrieved it from the Banker up there. For some reason, ever since I first started playing Runescape, I always thought of that banker as being very grumpy...
I had a task of Dagganoths, as I recalled from ages ago. I could finally put that Balmung to use! I tried to think of anything else I might need for Slayer... I couldn't think of any more, so I teleported to the Barbarian Outpost. I walked north a bit, to the Basalt Rocks, where I saw a strange sight. A low-level player was trying to get across the gaps, but he kept failing. I sat with him, giving him food and encouraging him to keep trying. Finally, he got across, and boy, was he happy! He thanked me, and ran off. He was going to start "Horror from the Deep" apparently.
I walked into the Lighthouse and headed down the ladder, into the dark caves.

06-Mar-2012 04:44:39

Sep Member 2019


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I descended yet another ladder, and was in the dagganoth pit. Wow, all of the bots were gone!
I started swinging my Balmung, and chatted with ElectroToxic, another Slayer down there. We eventually added each other to our Friends Lists! Wow, this Balmung was powerful against Dagganoths! I actually maxed with a 396! That's the highest damage I've ever dealt! ElectroToxic and I continued to kill dagganoths. Man, I wanted a clue scroll so bad. Those are my favourite feature Runescape has to offer, and I couldn't wait to get one!
But eventually, I remembered that the Mining Golds Citadel had ticked! Yes, it was once again that time to cap at my citadel. But instead of the usual Mining, I would have to train at a different plot... Maybe I would give the Crafting plot a go!
I Home Teleported out and then teleported to the Clan Camp with a Clan Vexillum. In the citadel, I started out with gathering Minions from the Summoning plot. Two other clanmates were there, and we managed to fight off the boredom by chatting. It seemed that everyone was braced in anticipation for the release of Skyrim.
Finally, I finished gathering my minions! I started over to the Crafting plot then. This was an AFK-able plot, afterall. At least that's what I thought. As it turned out, you actually needed to click it every few seconds to continue to weave the cloth... That wasn't too much fun. So after a couple hundred resources collected from there, I headed over to the Smithing plot. But just as soon as I had gotten there, ForeverMandy told me that we needed Timber more than anything. So I headed north, and started chopping down those roots.
After some time, more and more players began to arrive, and by the time I logged off, lots of clanmates were there!
Thanks for reading!
Good night!

99 Mining Party!
Time: November 12, 22:00 GMT
Place: Lumbridge Swamp Mining Pit
World: 43 (F2P. We will hop to W88, P2P once we march to the Mining Guild!)

06-Mar-2012 04:44:48

Sep Member 2019


Posts: 5,387 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
--November 11, 2011--
Hi everyone!
I logged on today, at the Clan Camp. It was time to get cappin'! I entered my citadel and marvelled at the Grand Statues. We only have the Zamorak statue to go! I teleported over to the Woodcutting plot, and started chopping the roots. I had read somewhere that Jagex had sped up the Woodcutting animation for the Citadel tree, but I hadn't actually noticed it before, until now. Now, the root would actually disappear on your final swing. This made things much quicker.
The resource cap had once again been increased, this time to 2350. It was going to take a while. It was actually kind of fun though! My computer is right next to a window, and so I got to watch all the action outside. And what action there was! A huge storm had engulfed the sky, creating massive winds, and more exciting, hail! It doesn't hail too often here, and this was the biggest hailstorm I've ever seen. In fact, I was afraid the window was going to get chipped!
I watched as enormous piles of leaves were swept across the road, and branches from trees were torn from the trunk. I'd never seen that much debris on the road before... Quite a spectacle! And although the lights were flickering, and the wind was raging, my power never went out.
About an hour and a half later, I had finally capped for another week! I exited the Citadel, and decided to finish off that Dagganoth task. I grabbed my equipment, remembering the Enchanted Gem this time, and headed down the Lighthouse and into the Dagganoth pit. After half an hour of slaying there, I finally realized why I looked so odd. I had forgotten my Slayer's Helm! Oh well. I kept fighting the Dagganoths, hoping for a Clue Scroll. But, of course, I didn't get one. After my second trip, I was finally done my task. I Home Teleported and grabbed an Amulet of Glory to teleport to Edgeville with.
I should probably get a Mounted Amulet of Glory in my POH sometime...

06-Mar-2012 04:44:57

Sep Member 2019


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Anyways, I used the nearby Fairy Ring and teleported to Zanaris, and then to the Ancient Caverns, something I haven't done for quite some time now. I approached Kuradal then, and got my new task: 256 Bloodveld*. That didn't sound like much fun... But, I didn't really know what else to do, so off I went. I was quite suprised to see that there were no players at the Bloodvelds! I had the whole place to myself!
This time, I remembered both my Slayer's Helm and my Enchanted Gem! Of course, I had forgotten something else. Bloodvelds use a magic based attack, and instead of using my usual Black Dragonhide, I was wearing full Bandos... The exact opposite of what I should have. I killed the Bloodvelds anyways, racking up the Green Charms. Tankerchief came in then, and we chatted while we killed. Then I got level 91 Attack! That was a bit of a suprise; I forgot that I was training Attack! I switched back to Defence mode. After Tankerchief had left, and I was all out of food, I ran out to bank.
I actually took an hour's break. Coming back, I remembered to take off my full Bandos and put on my Black Dragonhide. I ran back into the Tower, and started slaying again. I started chatting with a few other players who were there now, and I realized that they were wearing Karil's Armour. I had completely forgotten that I even owned that! I guess I should have been wearing that instead of Black Dragonhide.
Soon though, April Fool let me know that Anthien was going to be hosting his 200m Mining experience party! I joined his Friends Chat and teleported to Lumbridge. His party was going to be in his POH in Yanille, so I teleported to the Watchtower and ran there. I waited a while for the others to come, and finally, the party started! What I didn't know was that this was a drop party!
I started spam-clicking where I was standing in his house, while he ran about, dropping items. Maybe I would get something good!

06-Mar-2012 04:45:28

Sep Member 2019


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After a minute or so, I actually got something! A vial... I started running around, trying to get something worthwhile. Finally, I got something! A Magic Stone... I'd never heard of this before, and I had no idea what it was. After a bit of research, I discovered that they are used for Construction. But even better, they're worth 975k! I hung around to see if I could get anything else, but I wasn't that lucky. We congratulated Anthien, and all started dancing. Anthien was actually videotaping the whole thing, so if you ever see his video on Youtube, I'm the guy with the Octopus!
I didn't feel like killing Bloodvelds anymore though... I wanted to catch some Chinchompas! As you can see, I was going through a bit of Mining withdrawal. I had been mining for so long that I didn't know what to do anymore! I bought a set of Larupia for the very first time. I had never used camoflouage before... For some reason, I didn't think it would really make much of a difference. I bought it this time though, just to try it out. I teleported to the Mobilising Armies next, and ran north to the Red Chinchompas. There, I saw a bizarre sight.
There was no one there! Not a single bot or player! For once in my life, I could catch Chinchompas without competition! I started laying my traps, and much to my surprise, camoflouage actually helped a great deal! I was catching them much faster than before! After a while, Capt Krunchy, a clanmate, came by to get me to open his Gorged Ancient Effigy with a Fletching assist. I did so gladly, and recieved 30,000xp! While I trained Hunter, I got two Strange rocks! I had been Mining for so long that I had forgotten those even existed.
After gaining level 71 Hunter, I decided I would finish off my Bloodveld task. I packed up and Home Teleported to Lumbridge, where I teleported back to Edgeville.

06-Mar-2012 04:45:39

Sep Member 2019


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Back in the Slayer Tower, I was fully equipped! I had my Enchanted Gem, my Slayer's Helm, and my Karil's. With only 70 more kills to go, I would finish it this trip! At 30 kills to go, I recieved and Ancient Effigy! I checked it right away. Hm, I needed level 91 Cooking to open it.
I finished my task and teleported out. I headed to World 117 Daemonheim soon after. In no time at all, I had gotten an assist for 91 Cooking. Next up was 93 Farming. I asked a clanmate to come, and after waiting ages, I assumed he had either lost power or had logged off. Thankfully, another player was offering 93 Farming assists! I unlocked my effigy to the next level.
This one needed level 95 Mining! I could do that! I clicked "Open". AHHHHH!!! What had I done!? I didn't want to gain experience! I needed to save that 11xp for tomorrow! Mercifully (Thank God), it was at the interface where it said "You use your knowledge...". I walked away, hoping that it would cancel it. And thank God, it did. My heart was pounding so hard... I banked it along with all my clothing and logged off.
Thanks for reading!
Good night!

99 Mining Party!
Time: November 12, 22:00 GMT
Place: Lumbridge Swamp Mining Pit
World: 43 (F2P. We will hop to W88, P2P once we march to the Mining Guild!)

06-Mar-2012 04:45:50

Sep Member 2019


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--November 12, 2011--
99 Mining today!
Hi everyone!
So now that the forums are back online, I can make my entry! First off, a big thank you to everyone who congratulated me on this thread!
When I logged on, I was so excited! Finally, the day was here! And after almost accidently getting 99 Mining from an effigy, I wasn't sure how much longer I could go without mishaps. I still had a few hours to wait though, so I set out to Kuradal to recieve my next task. This one was a doozy; 220 Black Demons. Pachocus had told me that using Infernal Urns were a good way of getting Prayer experience on the go, so I headed over to the Grand Exchange and purchased 100 of them. I attached air runes to eight of them, the amount I would need for my task. After all, I needed to kill 25 Black Demons to fill an urn.
I had a bit of a decision to make here: Either kill the Black Demons in the Taverly Dungeon, or kill the demons in the Chaos Tunnels for double loot. I was tempted towards the double loot, but as you know, I happen to have a terrible case of Wilderness-phobia. So, I teleported off to Falador and ran to the Taverly dungeon.
After running around the enormous spiral of a dungeon, I finally realized that I had forgotten my Dusty Key... Luckily, as a player had showed me so long ago, not all was lost! I ran south, into the Black Knight's Fortress, where I claimed a Dusty Key from a prisoner. Off to the Black Demons I went!
What a sight! There were so many Black Demons, and not a single bot! I started attacking them, still marvelling at the emptiness. And then I realized that I should have brought Prayer Potions. The demons were cutting through my Bandos like it was nothing, and my food supply was diminishing rapidly. I managed to just barely fill one Infernal Urn before I Home Teleported out to the safety of Lumbridge.

06-Mar-2012 04:46:37

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