--November 9, 2011--
Hello everyone!
I logged on today with the sole intention of preparing for my 99 Mining party. With only 88,000xp to go, I could easily get the level today! And so I started mining.
It's funny, I used to see all these crazy high-level miners saying how they were 500k from 99 Mining... And now that I'm even closer to that, it's weird to think that I have now attained that position that I once thought so impossible to achieve.
Anthien, a player going for 200,000,000xp in Mining, finally reached 199,000,000xp! Everyone congratulated him, in shock that someone could mine for so long. You see, if you stay down in the Living Rock Caverns for too long, like months on end, you tend to get what us miners call "Mining Fever". Basically, you go hysterical. Quite an interesting phenomenon to watch, I might add. It must be something to do with the repetitive checking of the rocks, and the same monotonous colour: brown.
It soon became clear to me that I would be able to get 99 Mining easily by Saturday. I slowly chipped away at the remaining experience, until Tankerchief, a clanmate, ran up to me, telling me that GRlFFY wanted me to hurry up and get 99 Mining. If you remember, it was GRlFFY to loaned me my Dragon Pickaxe until I got 99 Mining!
I continued to mine, until I was only a thousand experience away. It was a strange feeling, knowing that this would be my final trip in the Living Rock Caverns. With only 700xp left, I stopped mining and walked around a bit. I said good-bye to Anthien, who I have spoken to for so long, and pre-congratulated him on 200m Mining experience. I said good-bye to all the other miners who had been so good to me, like Runefullbody and Arbiterspar (Whom I just found out was famous).
This really was a sad moment. And what Anthien said truly hit home.
06-Mar-2012 04:43:36