
The Blundering Adventurer

Quick find code: 49-50-947-63609271

Sep Member 2019


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--November 3, 2011--
I logged on today for some more Mining! I started my usual rounds, but before long, Eternum PMed me, asking if I could make him an Argonite Maul in Daemonheim. Well I needed a small break from the Living Rock Caverns anyways; the only colours I've been seeing are brown and blue!
I took a minecart to the Grand Exchange, and withdrew my Ring of Kinship. While I was there, I had to check how many Gold Ores I had. The mystery was killing me! All I've got to say is 'wow'! I had mined 59,000 Gold Ores! That was valued at about 11m! I peeled my eyes away from that big number and teleported away to Daemonheim. Eternum was already there waiting for me! I deposited my items and opened his party invitation. In no time at all, we were whisked away into Daemonheim.
I started out as usual, taking some food here and there and opening a door. This first room was a Monolith room. I called Eternum in for assistance, and we activated the Monolith. We waited patiently in opposite corners, pouncing on anything that moved. Because Eternum was a much lower combat level than I am, the level of the Mysterious Shades were significantly lower. That meant that I was able to one-hit a lot of them!
It didn't take long for us to enter the next room. We barrelled through that one, and entere the next room. Luck was on our side! In this room, there were two Argonite rocks! I waited while Eternum teleported back to grab a Pickaxe. So I waited, dancing all the while. When he came back, I took the pickaxe and mine myself four Argonite Ores. We both Home Teleported then, realy for the next stage of the weapon's creation!
At the base, I forged the ores into bars, and then took a Hammer from Eternum. Voila! His Argonite Maulw as complete! Beautifully handcrafted my Grimwold2, it was virtually priceless! (Excuse the pun).
I said good-bye to Eternum and exited the dungeon, my friend close behind.

06-Mar-2012 04:40:01

Sep Member 2019


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At the Fremennik Banker now, I withdrew all my melee armour, ready for some more INTENSE Mining! I teleported to the Grand Exchange, and took a minecart to the Living Rock Caverns. I mined there for the rest of the time I was online, browsing the forums at the same time.
And to my surprise, I found the Rants forum, sitting at the bottom of the forums! I had to applaud Jagex on this move. With the removal of the Rants forum, heated threads were being scattered all throughout the forums, in complete disarray. Now that the forum is back, we can finally have a rant-free General and Recent Update Forum again!
I had just hit 12,200,000 Mining experience! Although there are still many days to go, I can't help but feel a bit of excitement. This is the last time I will ever see the "Remainder: " under the Mining skill. That made me a little sad... I remember when I first started mining, I was so excited to enter the Mining Guild. When I finally entered it, I was amazed at the amount of Coal rocks. I could get 99 Mining in there easily! That goal seemed unattainable though, and now that it is in plain sight, I can't help but feel a small feeling of nostalgia.
I remember first joining Mining Golds, all because of my love of Mining. That mining journey has lasted a long time; almost a year! And now that it will be coming to an end soon... I want to have one big party!
I had just hit 12,300,000 Mining experience! I only need 700,000xp to go... It seems like I will be ready for 99 Mining sometime next week!
Also, Mining Golds Citadel has just officially reached Tier 6! So tomorrow, I guess I'm going to get to cap at the Mining Plot!
Thanks for reading guys!
Good night!

06-Mar-2012 04:40:11

Sep Member 2019


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--November 4, 2011--
Hello hello!
I logged on today, inside the Living Rock Caverns. I had just tapped my pickaxe against the Concentrated Gold rocks when ForeverMandy reminded me that I could cap at the Citadel now! Pacho1116, now Pachocus, agreed to cap for the first time ever, if I would show him how.
So I took a minecart to the Grand Exchange, where I withdrew a Clan Vexillum (60,000 Gold Ores now! ) and teleported to the Clan Camp. I entered the portal and spawned inside the Mining Golds Citadel, Tier 6. There, the owner of Mining Golds stood. Zetris. He wore his Completionist's Cape along with other decirative armour, making him look very powerful. Pachocus came int then, and we ran off to the Mining plot.
Completely taking me off guard, there were tons of players there, mining away! We joined the crowd and started our journey to the 2000 resource cap. Luckily, there were always players to talk to!
At about 1000 resources to go, I suddenly rememebered that we needed to get 200 Minions! I ran over to the Summoning Plot. Last time I was there, I thought that the active obelisks were random, and that there was no way to tell which one was active. Well strangely enough, this time, I saw a distinctive gold aura around the active ones... How had I missed that last time?
I started summoning the minions with two other clanmates. Eventually, I reached the 200 cap and headed back to the Mining skill plot. Pachocus had left the Mining pit to cap on Crafting. So I continued my mining, until finally, after ages, I reached my resource cap! I ran around to the other skill plots, thanking the clanmates capping.
With that done, it was time to resume my initial work in the Living Rock Caverns. I exited the Clan Citadel, and ran to Falador.

06-Mar-2012 04:40:27

Sep Member 2019


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As I ran into the Dwarven Mines, I noticed another player, RS Richie, mining some iron. I asked him what his Mining level was. We chatted for a bit, talking about how it was so nice with the absence of bots. I said good-bye and continued on.
I entered the Living Rock Caverns, the place that seemed to be my natural home. Pachocus came by; his Slayer task was Living Rock Creatures! He kept me company during my mining sessions, in between banking periods. My experience slowly grew, still reaching skywards to the ultimate pinnacle of 13,034,431xp. As always, I was sifting through the Runescape forums, and I came across a few interesting threads. Actually they were extremely interesting! Apparently, RSBuddy, one of the biggest botting clients on the internet, had just announced that they could not beat Jagex's ClusterFlutterer! In their announcement, RSBuddy was quite sure that botting would not be a part of Runescape for a long, long time. Woo hoo! A bot free Runescape at last! I think now of all the players laughing at Jagex, mocking their confidence. And as these players are proven wrong, they sulk into the shadows, unable to admit they were wrong.
I still dream of the day when we can say "Remember those days with all the bots? That was crazy!". And as I look at the Grand Exchange's database, my eyes see a recovering economy, and my heart is filled with joy. Perhaps maybe, money-making will be just as easy and enjoyable as it once was!
Well guys, 99 Mining is looming on the horizon. It's there, but I just can't quite grasp it. A few days to go until it is within my grasp! With only 500,000xp to go, I think I might be able to get 99 Mining this coming week! When I get really close, I'll post some dates and times for my 99 Mining party! It'll be nothing special; just my friends and my clanmates.
Thanks for reading!
Good night!

06-Mar-2012 04:40:46

Sep Member 2019


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--November 5, 2011--
Well once again, real life managed to steal me away from the game I love so much... I only managed to play for about thirty minutes... But in those thirty minutes, I managed to get about 30,000xp in Mining! Only 469,000xp until level 99!
Right before I was about to log off though, TehDrakeFood asked in the Mining Golds clan chat if someone could lend him a Bandos Chestplate. Seeing how I was about to log off, I didn't see the harm in it. I took a minecart to the Grand Exchange and met him at the fountain. But when I tried to lend him the Bandos Chestplate, I found I couldn't! Apparently, I still had an item in my Returned Item box. I ran to the bank to check what it could possibly be... And it was a Purple Partyhat.
I wish! It was my Staff of Light, as it turned out. Remember a long time ago, when I ran through the Brimhaven Dungeon to lend it to a clanmate? Well I had never retrieved it from then! I withdrew that out and then lent my Bandos Chestplate to TehDrakeFood. He was about to do Troll Invasion, so he left happily.
I sat at the bank a little while, watching the community converse. It is so nice not seeing a single goldfarmer... Perhaps a new age of Runescape has begun!
I logged off then, as it was getting late. Tomorrow, I'll have much more time to play!
Oh, and I didn't win anything from the Mining Golds Lottery
Thank you for reading!
Good night!

06-Mar-2012 04:41:01

Sep Member 2019


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--November 6, 2011--
Hi everyone!
I logged on today at the Grand Exchange. I retrieved my Bandos Chestplate from the Banker and started towards the minecart entrance. There, I noticed an orange dot on my minimap. It was TehDrakeFood, the player I had loaned my Bandos Chestplate to yesterday! I said "Hello" and entered the minecarts. I travelled back to the place I've called home for the past few weeks, and started mining.
I was getting awfully close to 99 Mining... I thought about what I would do after I achieved 99 Mining. My thoughts instantly turned to Fishing, despite my apparent hatred for the skill. Probably because I wanted to do something that involved the Living Rock Caverns. No, I wouldn't go fishing... I think I might return to Slayer. I've got a weird urge to get my combat skills high!
I continued to mine, and I watched the video of Woox16 in the Dominion Tower. Wow, was he good! He only had to use two cabbages the entire time!
I mined on, savouring the last time I would ever be edging towards a Mining level. I took a few breaks here and there, once for an hour and a half rock climbing session!
I mined and mined. Normally, 500k or so would seem to fly by, but not this time. The experience creeped in slowly, like a stream trying to go through a narrow inlet.
Near the end of my day, Lion 0fJudah invited me to his 99 Defence party! I Home Teleported out and ran to the Lumbridge Cellar. There, I withdrew some runes and teleported to the Watchtower. I then switched worlds and ran to the POH Portal. I entered, and met with Lion 0fJudah, DivineFury and a few others.
We all followed Lion 0fJudah into a room, where he achieved level 99 Defence!

06-Mar-2012 04:42:09

Sep Member 2019


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We all yelled and danced, celebrating his massive achievement! Something about DivineFury was different though... I couldn't quite put my finger on it though. Now it was time to watch Lion 0fJudah claim his Defence Skillcape! We al started Home Teleporting at once, making us look like some sort of strange club.
At Lumbridge, we waited for Lion 0fJudah to withdraw his 99k. DivineFury finally told me what was so different about her! She had changed her avatar to a male! Apparently, it was because of too many players making fun of her. We all followed Lion 0fJudah north then, to the Defence Master. It occurred to me then that that was the first time I had ever set foot in that building. I watched in awe as Lion 0fJudah purchased his very own Defence Skillcape! I congratulated him again, and watched as he performed the skillcape emote. I congratulated him again for one last time as I left to go back to the Living Rock Caverns.
I continued to mine there, slowly chipping away at that "Remainder" I've come to hate.
I think I'm now at a position that I can announce a time, date and place for my 99 Mining Party! I'm only 200,000xp away!
Time: November 12, 22:00 GMT
Place: Lumbridge Swamp Mining Pit
World: 43 (F2P. We will hop to W88, P2P once we march to the Mining Guild!)
Please let me know if you can make it! I'm totally willing to make some changes! I'm extremely excited for my second 99!
Thanks for reading!
Good night!

06-Mar-2012 04:42:20

Sep Member 2019


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--November 7, 2011--
I was busy yet again today, but that didn't stop me from Mining! With my 99 Mining party on the horizon, I needed to start getting rid of that 200,000xp! So I mined away, all the while checking out reviews and comments about "One Piercing Note", the newest quest. I was pleasantly surprised to see that players were really enjoying themselves! I really hate seeing rant threads, and players complaining, so it was quite refreshing seeing players complimenting Jagex for once.
In fact, it seems that Jagex has taken a turn for the better... The bots have been eliminated, the Rants forum has returned, high-level content has been introduced, and well-developed quests are being released. And after reading a thread from someone who attended Runefest, it looks like Jagex has major plans for revamping the combat system! I look forward to next year!
I was actually planning on doing One Piercing Note today, but after all my real-life business, I simply didn't have time. I'll do it soon though; It seems that the quest is being recieved well!
So after mining today, I have 117,000xp to go until I can achieve level 99 Mining! Oddly enough, I'm not nearly as excited for this 99 than I was for 99 Fletching. Maybe that's just because Fletching was my first 99... But still, I can't wait to get that Mining Skillcape! I think that I'll be ready for 99 Mining by Wednesday!
Thank you for reading! 117,000xp away!
Good night!

99 Mining Party!
Time: November 12, 22:00 GMT
Place: Lumbridge Swamp Mining Pit
World: 43 (F2P. We will hop to W88, P2P once we march to the Mining Guild!)

06-Mar-2012 04:42:38

Sep Member 2019


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--November 8, 2011--
Hi all!
I started today off with some Mining as usual. Like I said though, I wanted to do One Piercing Note as soon as possible. So after Mining for a while, I took a minecart to the Grand Exchange and started looking for some Saradomin items I would need to get a bonus 50,000 Prayer experience from the quest. I spent quite a while trying to find items that would work, consulting with Magical Zing the entire time. Finally, I had aquired enough items! I headed off to Al Kharid with one Home Teleport!
I headed over to the Shantay Pass. Wow, did the graphics look nice! I bought a Shantay Pass ticket and passed through the gate. I looked over my map... Where was the Abbey? Well that was embarrassing... I had ran right by the entrnce to it! I came back the way I had come, and found the stile. Hopping over that, I ran through a pit of Desert Strykewyrms and Slayers, and chatted with a clanmate that saw there! I departed for the quest!
As usual, I won't mention anything about the quest itself; especially because this one is a murder mystery one! I helped out a few other players who were stuck while I was there. This only added to the fun! The audio portion of it was very cool too! I especially enjoyed the interactive portons of it.
The story was quite interesting too! I got a little caught up with a few parts, mostly due to the Investigator's Notebook being quite misleading at times. Finally, after going through this quest for a good two hours, I finally finished it! Boy, I can tell you that you feel a lot more proud of your accomplishment when you don't use a guide! That won't become a regular thing though; just this once.

06-Mar-2012 04:42:53

Sep Member 2019


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I started having some problem when it came to getting my 50,000 Prayer experience though. I was repeatedly getting the message "You're so close to being worthy!". I had all my items, so what was wrong? As it turned out, I needed a Ring of Visibilty and a Ghostspeak Amulet... So I returned to Lumbridge, withdrew my items and came back.
It still didn't work! I kept trying and trying, but it didn't seem to make any difference... Until finally, I managed to take the item! 50,000xp was mine! Even better, I reached level 71 Prayer, which unlocks Deflect from Melee in the Ancient Curses!
I headed back to the Grand Exchange, where I sold my Saradomin items I had purchased. Back to the Living Rock Caverns with me! I took a minecart down there, and continued to mine... Until I deposited all my items by accident. So I returned to the Grand Exchange, grabbed my items again, and headed back to the Living Rock Caverns. I'm really close to 99 Mining now! Only 88,000xp to go!
Thanks for reading!
Good night!

99 Mining Party!
Time: November 12, 22:00 GMT
Place: Lumbridge Swamp Mining Pit
World: 43 (F2P. We will hop to W88, P2P once we march to the Mining Guild!)

06-Mar-2012 04:43:04

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