
The Blundering Adventurer

Quick find code: 49-50-947-63609271

Sep Member 2019


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I ran to Advisor Ghrim and collected my resources. Whoa! I had tons of items! I had almost 2000 Maple Logs, a few herbs and a ton of Birds Nests. I ran over to the Etceteria bank and opened all my nests. Quite a few lower priced items, although I did get a Papaya Seed!
The real price though, is the ground up Bird's Nest. I was actually shocked at how much they cost. I only had just over 20, and I had over 100k! I think I'll stockpile them for future monetary needs.
I wanted to know what the best resources to collect were, so I looked up a guide on these forums. It seemed that the best method was to put 10 workers on Maple trees, and 5 on Mining. We'll see how that goes later .
I grabbed a pickaxe real quick and mined a single coal to get my approval rating back up to 100% before I departed. I PMed TheSpiffiest again, and still no response... It was then that Itoku logged in and asked me if my Private was Off. Weird, considering it was On... Apparently, my online/offline status was stuck on offline for some reason. I asked in my clan for some help, but the only solution we could come up with was to relog. I did that, and the problem fixed itself... Weird, huh?
I had been planning on training Herblore for the Bonus Experience weekend, but upon looking at my low cashpile, I decided I would do Barbarian Fishing. I bought a ton of Fishing Bait (10,000) and I was set! I had never actualy been Barbarian Fishing before, so I set out to Otto Godblessed's hut and grabbed a Big Fishing Rod from under his bed. I knew that the technique was to drop them as you fished them, but that would interfere with you fishing... so you would then have to reclick the fishing spot.
I had also bought a ton of Decorated Fishing Urns! I had neevr used them either, so I was a bit disappointed to find out that I needed to have level 76 Crafting in order to actually use it...

06-Mar-2012 02:16:08

Sep Member 2019


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It was then that a brilliant idea hit me. I would Low Alch the fish that a recieved! That way, I could get rid of the fish without interfering with my fishing, and also get bonus Magic experience! It was brilliant!
I headed to the Grand Exchange right away, where I bought 9000 Nature Runes. I couldn't wait to do this! I logged off for the night. Bonus Experience weekend starts tomorrow!
Thanks for reading, as always!
Good night :)

06-Mar-2012 02:16:22

Sep Member 2019


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--September 9, 2011--
It was finally Bonus Experience weekend! I had my fire runes and nature runes, and I was all ready to start some extreme power fishing! I was still at the Grand Exchange, so I ran to the Spirit Tree and teleported myself to the Treegnome Stronghold, where I ran north-east to the rockslide. There, I headed north to the Baxtorian Lake.
Itoku was there, doing a bit of fishing himself! I cast out my line, and almost instantly, I caught a fish, upon which I was rewarded with 223 Fishing experience. I could tell this was going to be some insane Fishing experience. I cast Low Alchemy on it, but my character stopped fishing for some reason... Wasn't Low Alchemy supposed to not interfere with fishing and such? But then, I caught a fish. Now I realized what was happening. When I cast Low Alchemy, it simply gives the appearance that I'm not fishing, when really, I am. I got into a really good beat of Low Alching the fish.
The Fishing experience was unbelievable. Each fish was giving me over 100xp, and I was catching them at a phenomenal rate. Even better, I never stopped fishing, as I could get rid of the fish without stopping. I had been close achieving level 73 Fishing and now, I was gaining on that goal faster than ever. But surprisingly, I achieved level 65 Agility instead. That made me laugh! I had completely forgotten that I had been under 1,000xp to 65 Agility since I had stopped Livid Farming!
Almost a minute after that, I achieved level 73 Fishing! Now it was time for a Farming run. I had all my trees in place, and I couldn't wait to get that experience! I ran back the way I had come and entered the Grand Tree's bank. I ran back out and visited my Palm Tree that had grown just south of the Grand Tree. I checked its health, and to my amazement, I recieved 23,000xp! That alone almost got me to level 71 Farming! I replanted a Papaya tree and then ran to the nearby Maple tree. I checked its health and recieved 8,000xp!

06-Mar-2012 02:16:54

Sep Member 2019


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Now I knew that I was going to get level 72 Farming! I went off and visited my herb patches as well, recieving awesome experience from my Snapdragons. I visted all my trees and fruit trees, and at the Treegnome Village fruit tree patch, I finally reached level 72 Farming! Not only that, but I unlocked an achievement for picking a coconut from that particular patch
I replanted papayas and finished off my farming run. By that time, I was about halfway to level 73! But now, I headed back to the Baxtorian Lake, and continued with my Barbarian Fishing. It was actually quite click intensive; nowhere near Livid Farming standards, but fast nonetheless. I chatted with friends while I fished. Lion 0fJudah was training Agility (for Ritual of the Mahjarrat) and the most surprising of all: Itoku decided to make his Zerker account into a main account. That was a big decision for him, and he was regretting it afterwards. I remain confident though that he will be happy with his choice in the long run.
Level 74 Fishing was drawing near, and somehow, I still wasn't getting tired of the relentless clicking. Probably because I've always been a fan of intense clicking rather than slow monotonous skilling. I fished on, and soon, I had hit the level 74 Fishing mark! My Bonus Experience multiplier had dropped to about 2.2 now, and I was still racking up the experience. Unfortunately, the Sandwich Lady abducted me and I was forced to report a bot stuck in her diner and leave with a pie... I'd say that's a random event, alright.
I continued with my fishing. As always, I tried to make a game out of it. I always find making little games breaks the monotony. What I would do is wait for the fish to stack up in my inventory. Then, I would attempt to alchemise them at a faster rate then I would catch them. This was definitely a lot easier said than done. After every cast of Low Alchemy, I would catch a new fish to replace it!

06-Mar-2012 02:17:06

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This little game presented a problem though: If I casted Low Alchemy too many times in a row non-stop, I would stop fishing. So to counter this, I would have to alch a fish, then reclick the fishing spot. This resulted in the fishing being extremely click intensive. After a while, I reached level 75 Fishing! My goal was to reach level 80 Fishing, so it seemed I was already off to a good start.
I continued on. Sometimes, I would get into a really good pattern. Right after I alchemised a fish, I would immediately catch another. This didn't happen all the time, but when it did, the experience was sensational.
And it went on like that. Me, fishing and alching, Lion 0fJudah training Agility, Itoku at the Duel Arena, Dr Epic Pwn training Magic. My Bonus Experience Multiplier had dropped quite significantly now; It was at about 1.7x.
After an hour of Fishing, I reached level 76. I could catch Sharks now! I don't think I ever will though... I'm not really a fan of Fishing. Now, it was time for me to log off. I said godbye to everyone and logged off for the night.
On that session alone, I had gained 400,000 Fishing experience. That was incredible! I'm hoping I'll be able to reach level 80 by the end of the weekend.
Thanks for reading!
See you later!

06-Mar-2012 02:17:13

Sep Member 2019


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--September 10, 2011--
I logged on and was greeted by that gorgeous Bonus Experience counter. I was still at the Baxtorian Lake, so I started my fishing. My Bonus Experience multiplier had decreased by quite a bit now, and the amazing experience gains had ceased to a standstill. I was getting quite close to level 88 Magic though, so I couldn't stop there!
I continued to alch my fish, but to my surprise, before I had achieved level 88 Magic, I had reached level 66 Agility!
I was starting to get bored of fishing. I decided to go on a quick Farming run just to break up the monotony. I had a few Maple trees planted, so I went out and recieved my experience for them, adding onto the experience gained by the herbs. I was getting quite low on money now... I had decided that I would leave my kingdom to do its work for 100 days, then I would come back and retrieve 20m in resources!
I went back to fishing, and after quite a while, I finally hit level 88 Magic! Now I can use Group Teleport to Catherby!
I decided I wasn't going to get level 80 Fishing this time. The experience was getting quite slow, and I could feel my brain turning to mush. That's what happens when you go fishing. Your brain turns to mush.
But finally, I achieved level 77 Fishing! It's not 80, but it's quite a lot higher than it started at!
Plox-Maul (Itoku's alternate account) needed me to make him a Fractite Maul then, so I ran to the nearest bank, withdrew my Ring of Kinship and met Plox-Maul on a free-to-play world.
We ran through the dungeon, Plox-Maul picking up drops and me collecting coins. It wasn't long before we had enough coins to buy four Fractite Ores! I bought the ores and smithed him his Fractite Maul. I had already completed Floor 1 though, so I left the dungeon.

06-Mar-2012 02:17:36

Sep Member 2019


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Now it was time to max out my resources at the Mining Golds Citadel! We needed some stone, so I teleported with my Clan Vexillum to the Clan Camp, where I entered the Citadel. This was the first time I actually saw the statues that surrounded the portal. There was Nex and the other four God bosses, along with another NPC I didn't recognize.
I headed over to the Stone mine and started mining along with fohx, GRIFFY and some other clanmates. Our storehouse had been upgraded, so I now had to collect 1400 resources. It seems like a lot, and it does take a while, but when you're with other players, it goes by significantly faster.
After a long, long time, I eventually reached the resource cap of 1400. Just in time for an herb run! I did a real quick trip, when something odd happened.
The Runecrafting mood was back! I felt like visiting my old friend ZMI again. This time though, I wanted to have my very own Abyssal Lurker. I was level 57 Summoning, and I needed level 62. The plan was to go from levels 57-61 by making Bloated Leech Pouches, then make Smoke Devils from 61 to 62. But for Bloated Leech pouches, I needed a lot of Raw Beef... 390 to be exact.
I tried buying them in the Grand Exchange, but they didn't buy! So I put an offer in for 1000% more than they are worth. They still didn't buy. My last resort was to go to Canifis and buy some from the meat shop.
I used the Fairy Rings and appeared in Canifis, where I bought my 100 Raw Beefs. Only 290 to go. I asked another player there if he would help me, and to my surprise, he agreed! He wanted 60k for helping though... Reasonable.
He traded me an inventory of meat, and I gave him 60k. I ran to the bank and deposited it, then ran back. He wanted another 60k! Was this guy serious? I wasn't going to give him 60k per load! I told him to just forget it, and as a response, he moved his price down to 50k. I couldn't tell if this player was joking or not.

06-Mar-2012 02:27:44

Sep Member 2019


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We eventually settled on 10k per load. I ran back and forth, and eventually gathered my 100 Raw Beef from the player. I still needed more though! I called in TzRex-Jad, and we did the same thing, except he was nice enough to settle for 50k instad of the 100k the other player went for
I only needed a bit more now. I asked DivineFury if she could help me out, and so she came by and gave me the meats for free! Finally, I had enough Raw Beef. I thanked her and teleported to Falador. There, I ran to the Estate Agent and moved my house to Taverly. The technique here was to teleport to my house, so that I would be really close to the Summoning Obelisk. Then, I would teleport to the Mobilising Armies bank and repeat the process. I had forgotten how expensive Spirit Shards are! I spent tons of money buying packs of those. I did go to the Ogre in the Summoning shop in Gu-Tanoth though, and recieved 43,000 shards back.
When I reached level 59, Plox-Maul called me down to the Duel Arena for him to get his 100th kill. I met him there and the match started! The problem was, he was level 29. we chatted while he tried to kill me. After a long, long time, he finally killed me and recieve his new Duellist Cap!
It was getting late though, so I logged off.
Much later, I logged on again and went for a quick herb run. Then I decided I would finish getting level 62 Summoning. I did my runs, and eventually finished off making the Bloated Leech Pouches. Only one level to go!
I headed to the Grand Exchange, bought the correct amount of Goat Horn Dust then went on to get level 62 Summoning! Finally, I could use Abyssal Lurkers! I went back to the Grand Exchange to buy some pouches, then asked around for a Lunar Isle teleport. To my surprise, someone was willing to do it! I gave him the runes along with a Varrock teletab to get back, and he teleported us away. He was quite happy with his teletab; I guess most people don't think about that. I switched to Lunars and logged off.

06-Mar-2012 02:28:03

Sep Member 2019


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--September 11, 2011--
Today was all Runecrafting! I hadn't been to the ZMI Altar for a long time, so it was time to pay the old friend a visit. I logged onto World 70, the official ZMI Altar world. Unfortunately, it was much more laggy than I remembered... Even worse, I couldn't click on the banker, due to so many familiars crowding around it. In the end, I changed over to World 86, a 1500+ world. There, there was just the right amount of Runecrafters!
I had about 255,000xp to go until level 86... A long ways to go; certainly too much for one day.
And the runecrafting was on. My strategy was simple: I would teleport to Ourania, then run south into the dungeon, where I would fill my pouches and Abyssal Lurker with Pure Essence. I would then run to the ZMI Altar and repeat the cycle.
I can tell you, runecrafting was a lot slower experience than I remembered. I was getting about 1,000xp per run, which meant I would have to complete 255 runs. That could take a while.
And so I repeatedly made my totally epic journey to the ZMI Altar, over and over again. At first, it was actually quite boring. But as time went on, I started having fun with it. Unfortunately, I couldn't make a game out of it like I usually do... Not enough players to race to the altar!
I runecrafted for ages, listening to music as I went. I don't normally listen to Runescape music when I play; I usually have my iPod blaring away!
Basically my entire plying session today revolved around Runecrafting. And surprisingly, I did actually gain quite a bit of experience! I started off at 255,000xp remaining, and by the end of the day, I had about 162,000xp to go. Not too bad!
It was getting late though, and I was debating whether to go on a final herb run.

06-Mar-2012 02:28:14

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But then I remembered that Plox-Maul was duelling in a free-to-play world! I decided to pay him a surprise visit and maybe get some victories myself!
I casted the Teleport to Catherby spell for the first time and withdrew my Full Rune armour. I teleported to the Duel Arena and switched to World 1. Plox-Maul was right beside me! We talked for a bit, until I went out in search for a match. There weren't many players around my level (107 in free-to-play). I eventually did find a player levelled 104. We fought each other, and although it was incredibly close (I had 70hp left!).
I had quite a few matches like this. Most of my opponents started using Protect from Melee, but I managed to beat them anyways! The real scary things were the level 80 Rangers. These guys were powerful! I was fighting a level 88 Ranger. I thought I was going to win for sure. But when the battle started, I was missing somehow, while he hit constant 80's. Those small hits really added up quickly... Before I knew it, this level 88 player was dominating me! But out of nowhere, I hit a 188 and killed him! That was really close...
I found a new match, this one against a player level 113. There are no excuses here: He annihilated me. He was still at half-health when I died... I missed my Korasi
I did a few more matches, winning them. It was time to log off though, so that I did.
Thanks for reading!
Good night!

06-Mar-2012 02:28:23

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