
The Blundering Adventurer

Quick find code: 49-50-947-63609271

Sep Member 2019


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Down the Brimhaven cave I travelled. I had just gotten to the Greater Demons when I saw that a player had set up a Multi-Cannon. He was almost done though, so I waited it out. He had some pretty expensive gear... Apparently, he had boxed for it all.
He was finished, so I could finally go! I started the long task. After every clue scroll drop, I would teleport out immediately. Upon recieving my third clue scroll from them, I had teleported out, completed the first step, then was about to do the second step. I needed access to Braindeath Island for this... Which required completing Rum Deal. So, off questing I went. It wasn't hard; more lengthy than anything.
After completing that quest, I could continue on my Treasure Trail! I finished it and recieved... More bad loot. I continued on with my enormous Slayer Task, gaining massive amounts of experience while at it. After a long time, I had finally finished it. Back to Kuradal. This time, I got 137 Hellhounds.
Before I went to do that though, I asked in my clan if anyone could smith me a Promethium 2H Sword. Young Widows stepped forwards, and we met in Daemonheim. We killed everything in sight, until we came across a room which was home to two Promethium Rocks. He mined and smithed them, and I had my Promethium 2H Sword! I could once again go Dungeoneering!
I thanked her profusely and we finished off the dungeon. Back to Hellhounds! I remebered my Dusty Key this time (thankfully) and started killing the dogs. After thirty kills or so, I had gotten a clue scroll! I was just about to leave when I saw a player who had run out of food. I traded him my remaining supplies. He was so happy!
Again, I was rewarded with awful loot. In my remaining 100+ Hellhounds, I only recieved one more clue scroll. Upon opening that casket, I saw something I had never seen before. It was white, and looked like some sort of hat. My heart skipped a beat. Could it be a Third-Age Helmet? Do those even exist?

06-Mar-2012 01:13:17

Sep Member 2019


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I moused over it, and saw that it was a Bandos Mitre... Whatever that is. Unfortuntely, it was only worth about 30k. Off to Hellhounds I went again. I was getting really close to level 76 Slayer... In fact, I would gain it this task! On the tenth to last kill, I gained level 76 Slayer! I had completed my task, and the other player was still there, in need of food again, I traded my food over, although it was only about three monkfish.
Time for a new task! I headed back to Kuradal, and was given 130 Gargoyles. Never had them before... Apparently, I needed a Rockhammer to deliver the final blow. I decided right there on the spot to Purchase the ability to deliver killing blows quicker. I hadn't brought any money with me to buy this Rockhammer, so I teleported to Zanaris via the Fairy Ring, got some cash and teleported back to the Ancient Caverns. I was greeted by a strange sight. A player, not at his computer I assumed, was almost dead by an attacking Waterfiend. I sat down and waited. To my surprise, he actually died! The grave appeared. Normally, I bless these, but this time, I wanted some loot!
I went back to Zanaris, deposited some food and waited for the grave to disappear. After a long five minutes, it finally did. I managed to retrieve a Neitznot Helm, full Black Dragonhide, a ton of Water orbs and some other cool loot. About 150k in total!
I finally went on my Gargoyle task. I decided to try out Kuradal's dungeon for this one. I stepped in and ran past the Hellhounds and Greater Demons, but then stopped. There were Blue Dragons past here, and I didn't have an Anti Dragon Shield. I headed all the way back to the bank, retrieved one, and headed back. I can't believe I missed this dungeon! Greater Demons with no Wild Dogs? Hellhounds with no winding maze? It's heaven!
I finally made my way to the Gargoyles, and me and another player chatted for a long time. Eventually, he finished though, and I was on my own.

06-Mar-2012 01:13:35 - Last edited on 06-Mar-2012 01:14:18 by Grimwold2

Sep Member 2019


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I took another trip, replenishing my food, and almost getting destroyed by a Blue Dragon while I had forgotten to equip my Anti Dragon Shield. After a few more kills, I recieved two Ferocious Rings. I'm not really sure what they do, but I'm assuming they teleport you to Kuradal. After a while of camping at Gargoyles, it was time to log off... But not before I got level 82 Defence!
Soon after, I logged off.
So I think I'm going to be in my Friends Chat now. The number of PMs I recieve per day is getting to be quite a few, so I think it'll be easier if I just stay in my Friends Chat.
Thanks for reading!

06-Mar-2012 01:47:33

Sep Member 2019


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--August 21, 2011--
I logged on into the Gargoyle pit in Kuradal's Dungeon. Luckily, I was in a safe spot; they were already locking onto me! I only had a few left to kill, so I started the killing. With about 17 left to kill, I recieved a Hard Clue Scroll! I immediately teleported out and went on my Treasure Trail. I didn't get anything good...
I teleported back to Kuradal with my Ferocious Ring and completed my Gargoyle task. That was my 100th task in a row! I started running past the Blue Dragons in an effort to get back to Kuradal, when I noticed I had forgotten to wear my Anti Dragon Shield. My heart started pounding. I was wearing full Bandos... What would I do if I lost it? The dragons started attacking me, and I feverishly scanned my inventory for my shield. I was almost out of the pit anyways when I finally found it. Lucky for me, I didn't get burnt to crisp!
I got a new task: 221 Aberrant Spectres. Ugh... I hate it when I'm forced to pray against monsters. Before I went though, PvM Paladin logged on. He and I had decided to do some Agility together, so I met with him at the Grand Exchange. I was going to try the Ape Atoll Agility Course for the first time! We teleported there with our Fairy Rings and I started the course. I seemed to fall off quite a bit, and it was a little strange being a monkey...
After a while, I wanted to go back to the Wilderness Course. I brought a Dragon Dagger, while PvM Paladin brought runes for Ice Barrage and his own Dragon Dagger. Woe to whichever PKer comes to kill us! After a while, it was lunch time, so I logged off.
When I came back, PvM Paladin had logged off, but I was pretty close to level 64 Agility anyways, so I decided to stay a little longer. Right afer I achieved level 64 Agility, a player logged on inside the course. I didn't think he was a PKer, but I felt the urge to leave anyways. I ran to the Mage Bank and deposited my items.

06-Mar-2012 01:47:45

Sep Member 2019


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I had been thinking about trying out boxing for a while, but Soul da Tank in my Friends Chat thought it would be best if I had 99 Strength. But 99 Attack would be good too... as would 99 Defence. I might as well just max my combat
I really stinked at style switching though, so I asked Edmyg if he would try a few matches with me. He has a higher Defence and Strength than I do, but I have a higher Attack than him, so I decided tht it would be close to even. We met at the Duel Arena and we started a boxing match. I was having a difficult time understanding how to style switch, so for the first time, I just watched. I won, that battle, so I decided to try and style switch. I wasn't the best at it, but to my surprise, it seemed like it actually did make a difference. We tried a bunch of matches, Edmyg winning a few himself. He started to teach me how to do it. I think the key element for me was to pretend that I was the opponent, and to switch like I would think I should if I were him. A little hard to explain, but it seemed to actually work.
We tried a few armoured duels (I had bought my Korasi back), but Edmyg killed me. He had a higher Combat level, and he was sporting full Veracs, so he had a great advantage. Soon, he had to log off though, so I ventured back to the Abberant Spectres.
It's so nice having access to the Fairy Rings. Now, instead of teleporting to the Ectofuntus and running for miles, all I have to do is use a Fairy Ring and I'm practically right outside the Slayer Tower!
I started killing my Aberrant Spectres. turtle drink wanted to go Dungeoneering after my trip, so I agreed to go. After a while, I recieved yet another Hard Clue Scroll! I teleported out right when I noticed turtle drink beside me saying "hi".
I completed my clue, and recieved a reward of about 200k. Now for Dungeoneering! I met with turtle drink and we entered Daemonheim. I was keying of course, but my style of Dungeoneering wasn't exactly the same as turtle drink's.

06-Mar-2012 01:47:57

Sep Member 2019


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I prefer to not kill any monster I don't have to, and to try and complete the dungeon as fast as physically possible, while turtle drink preferred to clear every room of monsters. So we ended up doing a mixture of both. I would key as fast as I could, and then I would go back to turtle drink and show him to the next Guardian Door, where we would both clear it.
After the first floor, I attained level 69 Dungeoneering! We completed one more floor, beat the boss (Lexicus Runewright) and I let the party. Dinner time for me
Upon logging back in, I wanted to make some more progress on my Slayer task. I started killing some more Aberrant Spectres. I was having a conversation with TheSpiffiest over PM when I noticed something strange in my chatbox. It said something about "113". I scrolled up a bit, and noticed that I had achieved level 86 Constitution and level 113 combat! I only need 97 more level to gain until I reach my big goal of a 2000 total level.
I was killing an Aberrant Spectre when I noticed an Uncut Diamond on the floor. I deicded not to pick it up, but I right clicked it anyways. It was a Starved Ancient Effigy! Man, I almost missed it! That would have been horrible! After a ton more kills, I recieved yet another Hard Clue Scroll. I teleported out, but decided to get my Effigy to the Gorged stage before I did my clue.
I teleported to Daemonheim and switched to world 117. I needed a 91 Construction assist... Right Away, I spotted a player ofering it. I got that assist, and the player actually levelled Construction up to level 93!
My effigy now needed level 93 Mining... Lucky for me, I have that
Next up was 95 Herblore. I found a player right away who helped me out with that. While I was there, I decided to get some Fletching assists of my own. I anounced i was offering 99 Fletching assists one time, and I got two requests. My first one gave me my 30,000xp right away!

06-Mar-2012 01:48:08

Sep Member 2019


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Having completed my effigy, I stored it away for later. Now it was time for my clue! I didn't get anything good from it though...
I went back to Aberrant Spectres, and got a fourth Hard Clue Scroll! I went on this one right away as well, and ended up needing a player for a Duel Arena coordinte. I called in RuneGuardian, and I finished my clue. Inside the casket was some object I hadn't seen before. It was a Guthix Stole. This must be worth a lot! I checked the price, and it was worth an ASTOUNDING 30k.
I showed RuneGuardian my loot. He said he would gladly have it, so I traded it all to him.
That was all for today! Thanks for reading!
See you later!

06-Mar-2012 01:48:33

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--August 22, 2011--
I logged on and immediately headed off to finish that Aberrant Spectre task. I had nearly finished it when I got another Hard Clue Scroll! I embarked on the Treasure Trail right away, but was rewarded with only some Rune items.
Ever since I had gotten my Fury Ornament Kit, I had sort of been slacking on my Farming runs. Well today I decided to go and do one! It wasn't exactly the best though... My Morytania one seemed to have died, and it appeared as though I had forgotten to replant an herb in the Falador patch
I headed back to the Aberrant Spectres and finally completed my task. I returned to Kuradal for my next assignment: 188 Fire Giants. I despise Fire Giant tasks with a passion, but I decided to go and do it anyways. I travelled down to the Smoke Dungeon and started slaying the Fire Giants there. It was terribly boring; the main reason why I hate Fire Giant tasks.
I spent ages killing Fire Giants. Near the end, TheSpiffiest came down to show me his new Constructor's Outfit. I had to admit, it was really nice looking. TheSpiffiest hadn't brought a Face Mask however, so he was constantly taking damage. He even went so far as to attack a Dust Devil! When he was at 50lp, he teleported out. God thing too! I was getting worried that he wwas going to lose his new Constructor's Outfit.
Finally, I had finished my task. I ended up getting 105 Gold Charms, along with two Uncut Dragonstones! I was now curious as to how long I needed to wait until I could recieve my Veteran's Cape. I Home Teleported to Lumbridge and spoke with Hans. Only 21 days left!
I teleported to Kuradal with my Ferocious Ring and got a new task... 198 Blue Dragons. Now I really did not want to have to kill 198 Blue Dragons. They don't even drop Draconic Visages!

06-Mar-2012 01:48:52

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So, I cancelled that task and got a new one... 230 Fire Giants. Really Kuradal? I cancelled that one as well, and got a new, better task. 54 Suqahs.
I teleported to my house in Relleka and ran north to Lokar Searunner, who took me to Lunar Isle, where I ctarted killing the Suqahs. It was really strange seeing their level written in yellow-green
In no time at all, I had finished my task! I went back to Kuradal and got yet another task... 201 Fire Giants. Enough of the Fire Giants already! I cancelled it and got 88 TzHaars. I was offered a challenge to beat the Fight Caves, but I don't think I'm good enough for that just yet.
RuneGuardian had asked me to go bot hunting with him, so I met up with him in Edgeville and we ran into the Deep Wilderness, up to the Green Dragon bots in level 35 Wilderness. I saw a bot and started attacking it, although it ran away and managed to escape. We waited a while, but the bots never showed up again. We switched worlds.
On this new world, I actually killed a bot! Although it had just pulled the teleporter lever, and as soon as the bot died, I was teleported away. I spent ages tryign to get back to level 35 Wilderness, but the teleporter simply kept returning me to every single level other than 35. Eventually, we did get there, but by that time, the loot was gone.
Soon after, some real PKers showed up, so I logged off and RuneGuardian did the same. On a new world, we had only just started looking around when an Ice Barrager showed up! The mage had just cast his spell when I logged off, just in the nick of time. Unfortunately, RuneGuardian wasn't so lucky. He had died.
After being talked into avenging his death, I reluctantly logged in again, in an attempt to kill this mage. He was nowhere in sight, so I started killing some bots. I actually managed to get another kill, and this time, I wasn't teleported away! The only real loot I managed to get was three Varrock Teletabs.

06-Mar-2012 01:49:01

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There was another player there killing bots as well, and he was level 126. In all honesty, I was getting a little nervous of him. He told me how he had killed a rusher to get his whip. Now this player started following me for no apparent reason. He had a certain look in his eyes... After a while of him looking at me funny, I decided to run for the teleporter. He followed me for a ways, then turned around and ran back.
Back in Edgeville, I deposited my items.
That was all for today! Thanks for reading!
See you later!

06-Mar-2012 01:49:09

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