--July 12, 2011--
I forgot to mention, yesterday, while killing Aberrant Spectres, I got level 85 Attack!
So today, I started off with getting a brand new task. 138 Kalphites! I had made the mistake before of bringing too much food to the lair, and then running out of room to pick up drops!
So this time, I only brought five pieces of food. The killing went by really fast. Kalphites are only level 28, so I can kill them incredibly fast. By the time I had finished killing them all, I was 467xp from level 83 Constitution. I headed back to Duradel for my next task. The next one was 175 Bloodvelds. I sort of hate killing those... They have awful drops! But I always range them, so I guess this will be a good opportunity to get that elusive level 70 Ranged.
I gathered my gear and headed over to the Slayer Tower. The killing started... sort of. My computer was lagging really badly, and after a while, I couldn't bear it anymore. PaartyHats PMed me, and we made a date to go Dueling! Boxing, rather.
I teleported out, switched worlds and went to the Duel Arena, where I waited for him. Eventually, he came, and we started a boxing match. We did three boxing matches, and I won all three. He really wanted to play Conquest, but I had been playing so much of it lately... I couldn't do it.
Instead, I stayed at the Duel Arena and battled other people! One player was level 97. The first battle, he hit me quite high with an Armadyl Godsword Special Attack. Lucky for me, I had brought food! I started eating, which of course, made him incredibly angry. I killed him. He wanted a rematch, and this time, he disabled food and drinks. So instead, I prayed through his special attacks. I killed him again.
The third time, he disabled both Prayer and food. He had also put no movement and no forfeit; something that is forbidden. To fix it, he misclicked on the prayer option, then fixed the problem... But he forgot to disable prayer again.
05-Mar-2012 23:05:25