
Daralt, The City of Sellswords

Quick find code: 49-50-903-65792376



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Daralt. Located on an island just off the coast of the continent of Maphis, Daralt is the Sorusian Colony's most prominent city.

Unfortunately, that does not say much. Back in the Sorusian Empire, it is commonly viewed as an uncivilized backwater town where thugs are more reliable than guards. A place where nobles move to when they have fallen out of favor with the Emperor, but haven't actually done anything to warrant official punishment. Savage goblins roam the woods, waylaying the unwary. The city is rumored to have a horrible underground drug trade.

But on the colony itself, Daralt is seen as a city of opportunity. The island is still fresh with natural resources and land that have yet to be fully developed. The native cultures on the mainland continent of Maphis are unique, exotic, and open to trade. Far from the Empire's bloody politics, and much more laid back then its 'more civilized' cities, Daralt also has a much more comfortable feel to it... even if crime is a bit higher. With the other races of Maphis moving in, the colony is steadily developing its own culture.

With a small local military, and many of the soldiers recalled to fight various wars on the Sorusian Continent, the local citizens have come to rely on mercenaries and adventurers to solve their problems. Anyone who is skilled with a blade and has a good reputation can make a fortune. It is no small wonder that the city has come to be known as "The City of Sellswords."

You are a mercenary. You have come to Daralt seeking your fortune. But the real question is:

Will you find it?
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

16-May-2016 20:55:31 - Last edited on 16-May-2016 21:47:23 by NotFishing



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1. All Jagex rules apply, because why wouldn't they?
2. No autohitting, godmodding, metagaming, powerplaying, etc. If you are a new Roleplayer and don't know what any of those things mean, ask about it on the Story and Roleplay Chat Thread.
3. Keep all OOC chat on the Chat Thread, unless it is for something very important like not being able to post for an extended period of time.
4. Common decency pls. If you think it will get you in trouble, don't do it. If you don't no then ask.
5. Have fun. Yeah, I didn't include an exclamation mark. Very motivating, right?
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

16-May-2016 20:55:46 - Last edited on 16-May-2016 21:37:24 by NotFishing



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Bio Format

Name: ( What does your character call themself? )
Age: ( Be reasonable. You are a mercenary. People aren't going to hire a child. )
Gender: ( Male or Female. )
Race: ( I will provide a list of options to choose from. You may create your own if it is not on that list, just be sure to describe it. )

Physical Appearance: ( Facial features, body type, etc. )
Clothing/Armor: ( Required. )

Weapon(s): ( Even if you're a mage it is recommended that you have some sort of staff or wand to channel your magic through. )
Magic: ( I'll explain how magic works. Chill. Unless you're a fire mage, in which case don't. )

Short History: ( Provide a brief background on your character's past. Why did they come to Daralt? )
Other: ( Anything I missed that you so desperately wish to include. )
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

16-May-2016 20:55:46 - Last edited on 16-May-2016 21:45:29 by NotFishing



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Character List

Innes Heinrich: A priestess skilled in healing, buffing, and holy spells, she left her monastery to pursue a life of adventure. (Westenev, Page 4)

Algirdas: The youngest son of a noble family in some distant land, he left to find a career as a mercenary, picking up a variety of skills in his years of experience. (Azi Demonica, Page 4)

Lady Ivis Sinclaire: A three-tailed catgirl Kitsune from a noble family in some other distant land. After being stripped of her title and banished from her family, she turned to a life of travel and adventure, putting her skills as an alchemist and artificer to good use. (George Rozas, Page 4)

Kyve Estobar: A tribesman-turned-slave-turned-pirate-turned-mercenary, poor Mr. Estobar has had a rough life. Armed with dagger and cutlass, he came to Daralt seeking his fortune, just as many others had before him. (D F Angel, Page 4-5.)

Glenn Hunter: A crossbow wielding thief who spent most of his life moving from place to place, he eventually fled to Daralt because he was a wanted criminal in literally everywhere else. (Chester115, Page 5.)

Fernel 'Fang' Snowfoot: A spear-wielding gun-slinging wolfman of unknown origin. Disclaimer: not a werewolf. (Guthix SS4, Page 5.)

Talia (Estobar?): Some little kid who started following Kyve around. Moral of the story: don't have loose morals. (Inferi, Page 5)
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

16-May-2016 20:55:47 - Last edited on 21-May-2016 04:39:40 by NotFishing



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Job Board

(In front of The Mercenary's Pub , you find a board with a series of notes on it. They are all advertising various jobs, with the exception of the occasional 'lost kitten' poster or shameless announcement of a new weapon shop.)

Bounty: Harold Wilk*r
Harold Wilkar is a notorious bandit leader who preys on caravans and travelers along the western road. He is a mage who fled the city a year ago after killing two apprentices at the Mage Academy. He specializes in fire spells, has somehow been able to evade our patrols, and leaves no survivors in his attacks. Bring him dead or alive to Fort Daralt and you shall be richly rewarded.
Reward: Five gold coins. One gold coin bonus if you bring him back alive.

Goblin B*star*s
My name is Gabriel. Goblins attacked my farm and killed my family. I want them dead. I know the general area they are hiding in, but I can't take them on myself - I need a few extra men to help me. I can't offer much, but if you help me you can have whatever they stole from my farm. I don't care anymore. I'll be at the Mercenary's Pub.
Reward: Two gold coins. Plus whatever you find in their camp.

Missing an Amulet
This is a one man job. I need someone who is good at sneaking to recover a lost item of mine from some thieves. My name is Petrus. Meet me in the Dancing Dragon.
Reward: One gold coin. Potential for additional loot.

Protect A Caravan
I've got a caravan leaving town in a few days - not too far, only half a day's ride to the north. I need a few extra mercenaries to guard it. Shouldn't be too much trouble, it's just a precaution. I'm staying in the Sleeping Goblin Inn. Ask for Davis.
Reward: Five silver each.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

16-May-2016 20:55:47 - Last edited on 18-May-2016 23:43:08 by NotFishing



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Bounty: Vampire
There is a vampire loose in the city, and it has already claimed five confirmed victims, all in the Slums. It appears to do most of its feeding on the weekends. To kill a vampire, you need to either remove its head or pierce its heart with wood. Light based spells can weaken it, and Holy Water can burn but not kill it. Bring its head to Fort Daralt and you will be richly rewarded.
Reward: Three gold coins .

Healers Wanted
The Sleeping Goblin Inn is seeking a healer for its weekly Friday Night Fight Tournament! If you are skilled in healing magic or potions, talk to the bartender to apply for the job and get more information. All we ask is for you to spend an hour or two of your time healing injured fighters and getting them back on their feet. If you are caught trying to boost or drug the fighters in any way, there will be severe consequences.
Reward: One silver per tournament. Two free drinks after the tournament is over.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

16-May-2016 20:55:47 - Last edited on 22-May-2016 04:47:42 by NotFishing



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Magic is a rare gift that allows one to channel their life force into casting spells. It allows one to heal wounds, shoot fire from their hands, raise the dead, and so on. But the 'raise the dead' example is illegal, and will likely get you burned at a stake.

Extended use of magic has consequences. Repeated spell casting will often tire mages out. First it is simple exhaustion - heavy breathing, sweat, that kind of stuff. Then it moves on to much more severe symptoms: coughing blood and migraines. Eventually the mage will pass out, or even die. So don't overuse magic kids. It can kill you.

The toll magic takes on you depends on the strength of the spell, the complexity of the spell, and your familiarity with the type of magic you are using. A mage who constantly casts fire spells will find that not only does the power of his fire spells improve, but they also cost less energy. But it can take months if not years of constant practice to become skilled in a particular field of magic, so you must be vigilant and dedicated.

Every now and then there are stories of mages who can drain other people's life forces and use them for spells. These mages are extremely rare, and when discovered they are deemed evil and are killed, whether they actually do drain other people or not.

Now, moving onto the subject of Dark Magic. Dark magic is any magic that messes with a person's mind or body, whether said person is alive or dead. The only exception to this are healing spells and buffs - those are fine. If someone is caught using Dark Magic, they are burned at a stake, since it is believed that traces of their 'evilness' remain within the body after death.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

16-May-2016 20:55:47 - Last edited on 16-May-2016 23:57:49 by NotFishing



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Race List

Humans: You know what these are. Humans are considered to be a 'jack of all trades' race, as they suffer no natural penalties in any one area but aren't particularly better in any one area either.

Wood Elves: Tree-hugging forest-dwelling pointy-eared hippies averaging around six feet in height. Other than the pointed ears, wood elves look a lot like humans, only they tend to be more agile but a bit weaker. Wood Elves can live up to two hundred years of age. They make excellent archers, hunters, and scouts.

Dark Elves: Prefer the term 'Drow', because they consider themselves superior to elves. But the reality is that they look exactly like Wood Elves, only their skin is a blue-ish purple colour. They have the strength and agility of a human, but are naturally better at magic, and live up to about three hundred years of age. Because their culture is a lot more accepting of some of the darker forms of magic, Dark Elves are often regarded with suspicion.

Sand Elves: This hardy desert-dwelling warrior race look a lot like wood elves, only they are a few inches taller as well as stronger and just as agile, and with darker skin. But as a trade-off they are one of the weaker races when it comes to magic. They live up to around one hundred and fifty years of age, although that is likely because of the harsh conditions they face growing up. They make excellent scouts and footsoldiers.

Dwarves: Dwarves closely resemble humans, but are much shorter (around four feet) and are much more muscular. They are a hardy cave-dwelling species that places a high value on honor and loyalty. Male dwarves are very fond of their beards - a dwarf who loses theirs is no longer considered an adult - and are able to grow them very quickly. They make excellent miners, craftsmen, and warriors, and live about as long as any human. It is very rare for a dwarf to develop magical talent.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

16-May-2016 20:55:48 - Last edited on 18-May-2016 02:20:41 by NotFishing



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Orcs: Orcs are tall, ugly creatures. Their face can be comparable to that of a pig or a bear - they have a pig-like nose, short tusks that are a couple of inches long, brown leathery skin, and pointed ears. They are tall, six and a half to seven feet, and are extremely muscular but unable to learn magic. Orcs are naturally short tempered and not known for their intelligence outside of battle tactics. They make excellent heavy armored warriors, and an orcish bow is so large that even the strongest humans have trouble drawing the string back. Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

16-May-2016 20:55:48 - Last edited on 17-May-2016 00:34:55 by NotFishing

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