
Giant Noob

Quick find code: 49-50-887-58516707



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-}=== Chapter 7: The Grand Exchange ==={-
Giant Noob: WOW i think we discovered some big place where we can trade!
L00b: Dude, that the Grand Exchange, its been here for over a year...
Giant Noob: Its MY discovery and i will name it: The Trade Place!
L00b: Thats a boring name!
Giant Noob: Shut UP!
Random Player: Look noobs stop moaning! If you wanna trade, since your under 500 total go to that noob booth there!
Giant Noob and L00b walk over to the 1 person-serving booth near the spirit tree, it is a really bad, dirty and disgusting booth.
Giant Noob: Erm excuse me!
Rick: Yes guv? how may i take your order?
Giant Noob: I'd like to buy 100 shrimp from here!
Rick: Sorry, noobs arent allowed to buy 'ere guv, you need 500 total lvls
Giant Noob: RIGHT THAT DOES IT! *walks to the real GE* Im 5000 total and i'd like to buy 100 shrimp for 1gp!
Grand Exchange Clerk: ARE YOU JOKING? hahaha! noob! its your first time isnt it, well the rules are *gets out a rune c'bow* get back to the NB (noob booth) before i pierce you
L00b: hahaha nice joke now can we seriously buy 100 shrimp
Grand Exchange Clerk: Its against the rules for noobs to use the GE time you come 100 feet within this great place you get pierced with dragon(e) bolts!
Giant Noob: wow what a sado
L00b: Yea, what did we ever do to them...
A female blonde skiller runs to Giant Noob and L00b:
Scenic Angel: Hey guys =)
Giant Noob: erm hi?
L00b: Are you gonna make fun of us too?
Scenic Angel: No, you two are funny, too bad about the anti-noob rules released earlier =/ anyway heres 100 shrimp! and add me!
Giant Noob: OMG thanks scenic!
Scenio Angel: No problem!
Giant Noob and L00b walk to varrock fountain centre and see a load of noobs running towards them for some reason...
Noob 1: WOW i saw your braverly and courage against that evil GE clerk!
Noob 2: You were AWESOME!
Noob 3: Wanna join our group in re-taking control of Varrock?
Giant Noob: Isn't that illegal?
27/27 120 skills achieved!
26/27 MoA Pets!

Completionist - 3.7b Total XP

Twitter: @Jacoob_RS

16-Mar-2009 23:37:46



Posts: 5,151 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
-}=== Chapter 8: Noobish Revolt ==={-
Noob 1: Doing everything is illegal if your a noob nowadays...
Giant Noob: like what?
Noob 3: Using the GE
Noob 2: Begging for things
Noob 1: Acting like a noob in someway too
L00b: When my older brother was a noob he said there was this big war between jagex/players vs the noobs...
Giant Noob: Who won?
L00b: The players did and after that they converted lots of prisoners of war into players themselves :P I always beg my brother for stuff now, he hasn't been the same
Noob 1: We can do it again though! They started making anti-noob rules again!
Giant Noob: Ok i'll join!
Noob 2: Heres how we do the plan....
After much talking they get ready...
Giant Noob: So who sells the food?
Noob 1: This lvl111 that always seems to give noted shrimps around, shes like the new sandwich lady or something probaly
Noob 3: We were gonna interogate her and stuff but you are friends with her so its much easier to get the shrimp!
Giant Noob: Ok, um 1min
Giant Noob: Scenic can me and my buddies have some shrimp please please please!
Scenic Angel: hmmm fine, why do you need so many shrimp all of a sudden?
Giant Noob: Umm, me and L00b are very very hungry!
Scenic angel: Ok where are you?
Giant Noob: Kings courtyard
Scenic Angel: kk i'll be over
When Scenic Angel comes over she tryes not to laugh over the big training field of noobs with bronze c'bows and blue mage armour and bronze swords training hard
Scenic Angel: Here are your shrimps!
Giant Noob: Lets pretend theres no cost, snce we're all broke hehe
Scenic Angel: Pfft
The plan comes into action when the noobs finally get a "lecture" from the King Ronald II (the previous ronald died in the revolt before lol)
King Ronald II: Now like my dad said! We NEED to keep our noobs on a tight leash! Now there will be curfews...
Noob 1: He's calling us dogs! GET HIM!
All the noobs run with their bronze weeaponry to secure the castle...
27/27 120 skills achieved!
26/27 MoA Pets!

Completionist - 3.7b Total XP

Twitter: @Jacoob_RS

17-Mar-2009 00:03:02



Posts: 5,151 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
-}=== Chapter 9: Varroob! ==={-
The noobs now control Varrock castle and hold the King hostage and are planning to launch a full scale invasion of the rest of Varrock:
Noob 1: Ok Ronald, you walk to the fountain and get every noob to gather here!
Noob 2: And announce a speech saying that you'll hand over control of Varrock to the noobs!
King Ronald II: Wow i never knew you noobs had the guts to revolt well im not doing anything you say i'd rather die! *runs*
Noob 3: Sniper-Archers shoot him!
The Sniper-Arching noobs shoot and kill King Ronald II with a few bronze arrows...
Giant Noob: OMG you killed him!
Noob 1: He deserved to die! He shouldnt treat us like dirt!
Giant Noob: But aren't we gonna get in a lot of trouble for this?
Noob 2: We're in this together!
Noob 3: Lets invade varrock now! Armies forward!!!
The Noob armies rapidly occupy parts of Varrock and eventually own all of it except the GE. Many varrock palace guards who escaped managed to block off the 2 paths that lead into varrock!
Random Player 1: What the hell is happening i want to go to Varrock!
Palace Guard: Trust me you don't wanna go there
Random Player 2: Why?
Random Player 3: OMG they're invading varrock! those noobs!
Everyone panics but unfortunately you have to go through a shortcut to get out of the ge, after a few people get through a fat person tryes to go through and gets stuck!
Me278: uh oh!
Random Player 1: Your blocking the way!
Me278: oh shut up you ******!
Scenic Angel: Guys this isnt helping! Everyone buy runes from the GE and teleport!
Me278: little help? guys?
Everyone teleports and me278 is still stuck there.
Palace Guard: ok kid i'll get you out! *pokes me278 with his spear and he comes out the other side*
Me278: Next time hurry you lvl22 noob!
At the west bank...
Noob 1: We'll name our new city VARROOB!
Giant Noob: This is boring im leaving, comming L00b?
L00b: kk
Noob 2: You'll be sorry!
27/27 120 skills achieved!
26/27 MoA Pets!

Completionist - 3.7b Total XP

Twitter: @Jacoob_RS

17-Mar-2009 00:39:38



Posts: 5,151 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
-}=== Chapter 10: Noob Jail Part 1 ==={-
At Jagex HQ (which is in a secret place not shown on the map yet):
|\0/| Andrew: Hi guys, ive heard some bad things at Varrock, what has happened?
|\0/| J-Mod 1: Those filthy noobs revolted and took over Varrock and killed King Ronald II, its happening all over again! Deploy the special Dragon C'bowers pleaseeeeeeeee?
|\0/| J-Mod 2: With all due respect Sir, it is just a small noob revolt, they will get bored and eventually log out
|\0/| J-Mod 1: They will take over Runescape! And convert every normal player into a noob begging us with their disgusting language - "phr33 5t0ff p10x?"
|\0/| J-mod 2: It's leet, which meaning computer speak, for "Free stuff please", there have been considerably less noobs around lumbridge and Varrock since the giant war a few years ago, you dont even need to ban them
|\0/| Andrew: Well you both put up a good arguement...i'll have send all noobs to the "noob's paradise isle" like a few years back
|\0/| J-mod 3: That area has had so many flaws, you remember that a noob named Mega Noob escaped there so many times!
|\0/| Andrew: Hmm, ok what to do what to do...
|\0/| J-Mod 1: I know an excellent idea!
Now being a "noob" is against the rules P-mods are being armed to teleport all noobs to this new "jail". In edgeville Giant Noob and L00b are doing the usual:
Giant Noob: PHR33 5T0FF P10X!!!
L00b: We need free stuff now or we'll get the army of Varrock on you!
Giant Noob: Wow that was easy...
|\P/| P-Mod: I saw that! You were breaking the rules! bye bye noobs! *teleothers L00b and Giant Noob*
Giant Noob: Hmmm where are we?
Pur3z0rz: A long way from home! *dds specs Giant Noob* Dead noob!
L00b: Don't hit my friend like that *hits a 3*
Pur3z0rz: OMG you hit me! TEAM! kill him!
The whole team owns L00b in 2 secs
27/27 120 skills achieved!
26/27 MoA Pets!

Completionist - 3.7b Total XP

Twitter: @Jacoob_RS

17-Mar-2009 01:14:00 - Last edited on 17-Mar-2009 01:21:14 by Jacoob

Arcana Rose

Arcana Rose

Posts: 1,084 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Noob 1: This lvl111 that always seems to give noted shrimps around, shes like the new sandwich lady or something probaly"
Another part I liked, and good job with the latest chapters so far. :P
P.S. Jagex should model the new sandwich lady after me. ^_^

17-Mar-2009 01:19:30

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