
Giant Noob

Quick find code: 49-50-887-58516707



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Meri: Haha you're jealous! Want some tin ore?
???: I haven't finished yet! Everyone below lvl120 is a noob and they shouldnt have any wealth at all! Why do you think these elite P-Guards worship me? Because they are sick of you noobs begging them!
Miss Emotes: You know, I am over lvl120 let me go please? =]
???: Oh, you're here for a different reason, lets take you over to this private room! Master Scammer, take over plase!
Miss Emotes: Yeah whatever :S
Master Scammer (or M.C. for short): Now my friends, you are here because your friend is acting like that big noob that ruined rs before; You see, we used to scam and do anything on rs and then he would come and "save the day" to annoy us, until one day we killed him and made sure he wouldn't respawn again...
Master Hacker: No we didn't, he just vanished one day...
M.S.: SHUT UP! I was trying to make us sound super powerful! Now anyway, his other friend used to suck up to jagex staff and suddenly all these rules against us came out! Stupid trade update!
Master Pker: And now I can't PK properly and i had to gain a defence lvl WAAH!
Scenic angel: Well, rs changes, if you can't adapt to the changes thats your fault
Meritamen: Who are these "heroes" anyway? Give us names?
L00b: Has anyone tryed right clicking on that ??? guy?
The group: NO!
M.S.: Their names were: Mega Noob and Mega Newb, they messed rs so much, but all thats about to change once we own peoples items! Now you will watch as they get crushed by 1 Billion gp! And yes they can't respawn! Since their spirit can't move outside a container!
Newbie Extra: HAHA! You guys are crazy! And i thought Mega Noob disappeared...
M.S.: Yes he did, so we are using Giant Noob! *presses a button and a mechanism starts turning and Giant Noob and Mega Newb come out from the ceiling, strapped down with rope and are about to enter a runite pot full of gp!*
Giant Noob: Hi guys! I'm going to be so rich once I enter the pot of gp!
Cheddarnoob: Its a trap!...
27/27 120 skills achieved!
26/27 MoA Pets!

Completionist - 3.7b Total XP

Twitter: @Jacoob_RS

23-Apr-2009 23:37:37 - Last edited on 26-Apr-2009 12:40:55 by Jacoob



Posts: 5,151 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Giant Noob: What?
Cheddarnoob: They are going to seal you in a pot with more gp crushing on you!
Giant Noob: I can't wait! Oh goody!
M.P.: Shut up Cheddar! *ddses cheddar* Darn i hit 2-1 you're lucky i only have 60 att!
Cheddarnoob: Right thats it! Cheesamagius!
M.S.: Oh look he dropped cheese! How cute! *eats cheese* omg help im p-p-poisoeened!
M.P.: I have 125 Str so i can control the cheese! *eats cheese and gets poisoned* Oh noooo wa-it I onlyyy have 10-h-pee *dies but doesnt disappear*
M.H.: I'm not falling for that one noob!
P-Guard 1: Ok guys take them out!
M.H.: Um not me! You mean the noobs!
P-Guard 2: No, you little ****! Did you really think P-Mods would work on your side - NO. I can't believe how dumb you lot think you are, now we have enough evidence to take you and your friends and ??? to court!
M.C.: We'll just see about that...OMG I can't log out! WTF lag? *gets disconnected along with the other bad guys except for ??? who is in the other room*
In the other room:
???: So Miss Emotes, do you know why you are here?
Miss Emotes: Umm because you want to flood the GE? :S
???: Think harder hehe
Miss Emotes: Oh wait you mean... EWWW never! OMG your that creep that keeps asking me out! =[ You're sick! bye!=]
???: Please don't tele *tbes miss emotes*
Miss Emotes: You just won't quit will ya Ben? =(
???: Call me lvl135; I like that name better! Now lets get to know each other a little better...
Miss Emotes: Gosh you really love this game a lot! =(
lvl 135: I'm sure you do too!
In the main room:
P-Guard General: Ok you guys are safe, sorry for the inconvience but we had to get enough evidence as we can!
Meritamen: I found it funny that mangi got killed hehe! Owned by his own guards!
Newbie Extra: No problem officer!
P-Guard General: Now Mega Newb! You are going back into the people's congress for Jagex!
Mega Newb: I knew you guys wouldn't let me down :) Bye everyone!
Giant Noob: Me? Mega Noob? Who is Mega Noob? and why do people call me him?
27/27 120 skills achieved!
26/27 MoA Pets!

Completionist - 3.7b Total XP

Twitter: @Jacoob_RS

24-Apr-2009 16:23:38 - Last edited on 07-Feb-2010 00:31:28 by Jacoob



Posts: 5,151 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
thanks meri and chesse, i will update
EDIT: She is lvl 122 but it is hard to read since L looks like 1
27/27 120 skills achieved!
26/27 MoA Pets!

Completionist - 3.7b Total XP

Twitter: @Jacoob_RS

25-Apr-2009 22:11:36 - Last edited on 25-Apr-2009 22:18:26 by Jacoob



Posts: 5,151 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
=}--- Chapter 26: Jacob's Request! ---{=
Giant Noob is busy in the GE:
Giant Noob: BANK SALE WORTH 10M!
Random Player: Let me see what you have there *trades Giant Noob* What the hell is this?
Giant Noob: 10 loaves of bread, 4 cheese, bronze swords, and 150 noted cabbage - I worked hard to pick those!
Ramdom Player: You kidding me?
Giant Noob: No
Random Player: YOU NOOB! *walks off*
Giant Noob: I guess he can't afford it
Two old friends of Giant Noob visit him:
Mathpwns: There you are! I want......MY MATH! GEMME ALL YOUR MATH! *shakes Giant Noob*
Giant Noob: Get off me noob I owned you! *starts fighting with Mathpwns and gp falls out of his pocket*
Mathpwns: My MAAAAAATH! *cries*
Jacob: Ok you two break it up! Giant Noob, follow, I need to talk to you!
Giant Noob: If its about the bank sale being too high, I swear I didn't know! Honest!
Jacob: No haha! You need to find this person and ask them for free stuff constantly!*shows drawing of person*
Giant Noob: Why?
Jacob: Because i need you to, he will give you tasks to do!
Giant Noob: Like what?
Jacob: You know, comforting him, listening to him, you know...
Giant Noob: FREE STUFF HERE I COME! *runs as fast as lightning to the WISE OLD MAN'S house*
Wise Old Man: Oh hey there little young'in
Giant Noob: Er, hi, what can i do to get 10M?
Wise Old Man's eyes light up and picks up something from out of his desk.
Wise Old Man: Well all you gotta do is *voice gets deeper* ROB LUMBRIDGE BANK! *voice gets lighter* Heres what you should get out of it *passes a piece of paper to Giant Noob*
Giant Noob: Are you crazy?
Wise Old Man: Well its either that or....
Giant Noob: Ok I'm going to the bank!
Giant Noob walks to lumby singing "Straight to the bank" by 50 Cent.
Giant Noob: I'm heading straight for the bank! Na.*************** Na.***************!
Noob 1: Shut up noob you can't rap and you arent fiddy!
27/27 120 skills achieved!
26/27 MoA Pets!

Completionist - 3.7b Total XP

Twitter: @Jacoob_RS

25-Apr-2009 22:19:27 - Last edited on 14-Jul-2011 20:17:27 by Jacoob

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