19-Sep-2009 21:44:48
should edit : Jacob Dawson a kid who was so obsessed with scene xcore , for 5+ months he beg her to answer why she deleted him cus he was so desperate to e-date her he was a sad little kid , and that he has to right a 30+ chapter story on rooonescape forums, and crys 24/7 about pvp update and ppl making money , cus he blows at life and he doenst understand how to do it and has no friends to 76k with , because most ppl in world 121 think he is a "giant noob" aka tool .
1. You broke various forum rules and i would like you to not post on my thread again.
2. You're just a E-thug, go away, i didnt use the name "me872" on my story
3. 76king ruins the game, as you do see lots of armour and stuff rising, so please shut up noob.