-}=== Chapter 19: Imprisoned ==={-
Newbie, Giant, L00b, and Cheddar are all in a jail of what it seems to be for all sorts of people, they all share a cell:
L00b: So um Mr. Mangi tell us why we are here?
Mangifera: Because you noobs ruined my exp training, thats why! *goes upstairs*
???: So i heard those noobs are in jail, is that true?
Mangifera: Yea, now can i have my cut now?
???: Sure *gives mangi 50M*
Mangifera: Hey! you said 100M!
???: No, i'll give you the other half when we control the *mumble* *mumble*
Mangifera: Um dude, there was no need to say "mumble mumble"
???: Oh sorry i have to always say things in secret but i guess i can't contain this any longer, me and my men will control the G.E!
Meanwhile, in the showers:
Giant Noob: *singing* all the noobs say HEY!
All Noobs: HEY!
Giant Noob: Everyone say...*drops the soap by accident* Um guys, i dropped the soap
Everyone: Oh ****! RUN!
Giant Noob: *picks up soap* hmm where did everyone go?
Back in jail:
Newbie Extra: We gotta think of an escape plan!
Cheddarnoob: I got an idea, gemme some cheese!
Newbie Extra: Hmm ok i have some spare here *throws to cheddar*
Cheddarnoob: Ok im ready! Cheeseamagius!
All the guards get confused and poisoned
L00b: *grabs one of the Guards and gets his keys to open the gate* Ok lets go!
Giant Noob: Lets get fellow noobs out too!
Eventually all the noobs and players got let out and they overwhelm the Guards and head for the basement where they see a giant padlocked jail cell with the initals "*.*" written on it
Giant Noob: I wonder who that is
Random Player: OMG it can't be!OPEN THE DOOR!
All the noobs heave and heave the door open and it doesnt budge!
L00b: Hmm *lifs up mat and finds a key* You know you guys are really dumb sometimes *opens the door*
Random Player: Lift him up and escape through the portals!
???: NOT SO FAST! *uses tb-barrage*
Some people managed to escape:
Cheddarnoob: Im through
Giant Noob: Im through
Newbie Extra: Im through
-}=== Chapter 20: Interrogation of L00b ==={-
As you can see, L00b was one of those that got tbed therefore he could not escape through the portal, the major convict that the people saved escaped however:
???: £$£%£!!! He escaped! Now my plan is ruined!
L00b: Haha! Thats because i let him out! owned!
???: GUARDS! Get him into the Q+A Chamber!
L00b: Whats that?
|\G/|P-Guard: It stands for Questions + Answers
L00b: OMG! A gameshow i cant wait!
???: What an idiot...
They reach the chamber where it is dark and cold. There are a lot of torture weapons here.
???: Ok *picks up a dragon mace* So how did you get that convict out?
L00b: Pass. Can i pick another question?
???: *whacks the mace on L00b's hand to crush it* Like i said, how did you get the keys to unlock that door!
L00b: Hey thats against the rules!
|\G/|P-Guard: Well you noobs don't have rights now remember what you guys did in Varrock, dumb terrorists
L00b: Ok they i quit the gameshow - Give me the runners up prize and kill me, since i'll respawn in lumby
???: If you die then you get kicked out of the game forever, remember, you dont have rights!
|\G/|P-Guard: Actually ??? they do respawn, but i've just heard that theres an army of players marching to the G.E with that convict leading it and we've heard of lots of items being taken out of the G.E!
???: They are going to ruin everything! Get the army of Ex-Players ready!
|\G/|P-Guard: Yes sir!
???: Now lets continue, L0-- WHAT?
??? finds that L00b has managed to escape out of the jail:
L00b: They forgot i could fly! *flies to the GE*
At the GE there are a lot of people crowding around (much more than usual) trying to take out their offers!
Giant Noob: Dude why are you doing this?
Convict: Its a long story, i will tell you later but you remind me of a great friend who sadly disappeared, add me!
Giant Noob: Ok Mega Newb! Now tell me story pl0x?
Mega-Newb: Soon my friend but first we need to get rid of all our offers out of this bot!
Ideas Application
Name/Subject of idea: Castle Wars Chapter
How will this idea help/work?: Its fun i guess; noobs vs high lvls maybe?
Other info: Will be sometime after chapter 25
Ideas Application
Name/Subject of idea: Football (soccer) match between 2 teams, the group in the story is watcing it in the stands
How will this idea help/work?: Another Random get-together for the noobs
Other info: its taking the **** out of a modern football game for example
"it is THE biggest match of the season, bigger than your pet dieing, bigger than a terrorist attack..."