~beans, beans, the magical fruit~
~the more ya eat, the more ya toot~
~the more ya toot, the better ya feel~
~so why not eat beans for every meal?!~
and now, in 1337...
~b34n5, b34n5, 7h3 mag1c4l fru17~
~7h3 m0r3 y4 347, 7h3 m0r3 y4 7007~
~7h3 m0r3 y4 7007, 7h3 b3773r y0u f331~
~50 why n07 347 b34n5 f0r 3v3ry m341?!~
~this has been a random post, courtesy of coocoo279~
~i'm not funny at all, so why are you laughing?~
08-Sep-2009 16:09:00