
+/Attack of The Revenant Cow\+

Quick find code: 49-50-879-58528779



Posts: 1,018 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hey! I just checked..I cannot believe people have been keeping this alive! I thought it would have died by now...but I might post some chapters, or at least finish the story. ^_^
I've kept spelling mistakes so I can check my progress. So no worries. ;)
Please post ALL comments. Part 4 starts on Page 81. Part 4 is NOT IN SCRIPT!
Our story begins at the Black Knight's Fortress...
"Where's that cow?!?!?" asked the Lord of the Black Knights angrily.
"I-I-I-I d-don't know, S-s-s-ir." said a servant.
No one knew that the cow had escaped-into the area of what is now the wilderness!
Years later Zamorak destroyed the Wilderness-and killed the cow. The Cow's ghost was angry. It became a Revenant.

Chapter 1: Revenant Cow Visits Lumbridge
Man: Oh my god! It's a ghost cow!!!!! :O
Cow: I have come to destroy all Zamorakians!!!!!
Duke: Cow, I order you to go back to the cow pasture.
Cow: No.
Duke: Now.
Cow: Nooooo.
Duke: Now!
Cow: Noooooooo!!!
Duke: You go to the pasture this instan-
Random Player: Oh my god the cow killed the duke!!!!!
Cow: I have killed your leader! Now worship the Cow!!!!!!
People: NO!!!!!!!!!!!
Level 3 Player: Ch4113ng3 m3 y0u n00b!!!!!F4c3 th3 p0w3r 0f my br0nz3 5w0rd!!!!
Cow: I'll give you all the pie in the general store.
Level 3 Player: I'11 0n1y 53tt13 4 4ll th3 p135 1n th3 w0r1d!!!!!!!!!!
Cow: Fine. At least help me dominate the world.
Level 3 Player: My n4m3 15 KingNoob.
Cow: My name is Cow.
KingNoob: So... We're partners?
Cow: No. I'm your Lord and your my henchman.
KingNoob: That cow is insane...
Cow: WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?!?!?!?!?
KingNoob: Lord Cow is insanly clever.
Cow: That's what I thought you said.
KingNoob: Really??
Cow: No.
KingNoob: :@
Thanks For Reading! I'll post some more later

15-Mar-2009 15:04:34 - Last edited on 18-Jul-2011 23:23:11 by Allioss



Posts: 1,018 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 2: Duel Arena
Cow: We're going to the duel arena.No whining!
KingNoob:But we have to pay the gu-
KingNoob:Never mind.
Cow: You challenge other noobs.
KingNoob: Ok.
Cow: I'll challenge other level 113s.
KingNoob: No offense, but how in the world did a cow get to level 113?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Cow: I'm a revenant cow.
KingNoob: Oh yah...
Cow: Don't forget, do staked duels so we can buy stuff.
KingNoob: Like pie?!?!?!?!?
Cow: Like cannons and poisons.

KingNoob: O...K... :|
10 fights later...
KingNoob: I got 247gp. What did you get?
Cow: 50k. ;)
KingNoob: O_o
Cow: What?
KingNoob:Can you teach me how to zap?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Cow: Yes.
KingNoob: :) Will you?
Cow: No.
KingNoob: Please?
Cow: No.
KingNoob: Please?
Cow: No.
KingNoob: Pretty please?
Cow: No!
KingNoob: Pretty please with a cherry on top???
Cow: Fine.
KingNoob: Really?!? :O
KingNoob: :(

15-Mar-2009 18:12:21 - Last edited on 15-Mar-2009 19:28:05 by Allioss



Posts: 1,018 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 2: Duel Arena (Continued)

High level player: Who dares me to challenge the cow???
Other People: Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!
High level player: Should I bet all my money?!?!?
Other People: Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!
High level player: I challenge you, cow!!!!!!
Cow: I except your challenge.
High level player: I bet 7mil!!!!
Cow: I bet 50k.
High level player: What else?
Cow:Hmmmm...Thats all.
High level player: I'm SpitFyre.
Cow: I'm Cow.
SpitFyre: Ready?
Cow: Yep.
2 seconds later...
SpitFyre: Owwww! :@
SpitFyre: Here's the 7 mil...
Cow: Thanks.
*Cow and KingNoob start to walk away*
SpitFyre: Wait!
Cow: What?
SpitFyre: Can I come with you??
Cow: Sure.

Chapter 3: Grand Exchange
KingNoob: SpitFyre's stepping on my foot!
SpitFyre: Am not!
KingNoob: Are too!
SpitFyre: Am not!
KingNoob: Are too!
Cow: Be quiet!
SpitFyre and KingNoob: :@
Cow: Finally! We made it to the Grand Exchange!
KingNoob: :O Whoa! That's BIG!!
SpitFyre: You've never been here before?!?!?
KingNoob: No.
Cow: C'mon!
Grand Exchange Clerk: Hello! How may I help you?
Cow: I'd like to buy 150 pois-
Grand Exchange Clerk: Oh my God! A Revenant Cow!
Revenants can get out of the Wilderness now!!!
Bankers/GE Clerks: We can't get out! The keys are in the tree!!!
Random Player: That's your problem!
Cow: As I was saying, I would like to buy 150 poisons.
Grand Exchange Clerk: Y-y-yes, sir!
30 minutes later...
Grand Exchange Clerk: H-h-h-here you go, s-s-sir!
Cow: You took to long. And I haven't zapped anyone this chapter.
Cow: :) I love doing that.

15-Mar-2009 19:57:38



Posts: 1,018 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
And now back to Revenant Cow...
Chapter 4: Castle Wars
SpitFyre: Hey Cow have you ever been to Castle Wars?
Cow: No, what's it like?
SpitFyre: Utter destruction.
KingNoob: *giggle*
Cow: :@
SpitFyre: C'mon let's go!!
*Cow teles KingNoob&SpitFyre to Castle Wars, then teles himself*
KingNoob: I don't see Castle Wars... Oh there it is!
Cow: Should we tell him thats the Ogre place?
SpitFyre: He'll figure it out.
SpitFyre:Which team do you want to be on, Saradomin or Zamorak?
Cow: Saradomin.
*Cow&SpitFyre go through Saradomin teleport*
Another Random Player: 5w33tn355! W3 g0t 4 r3v c0w 0n 0ur t34m!!!

Player1234: Whoa! It's level 113!
Cow: My name isn't "it". My name is Cow.
AnotherRandomPlayer: How orginal...*rolls eyes*
SpitFyre: I wouldn't say that if I were you...
AnotherRandomPlayer: Why would I be afraid of IT?I'm level 130 and ITS level 113.
SpitFyre: Yeah, but he can z-
SpitFyre: Zap.
Cow: I'm gonna have a Zap-athon! :D
*game starts*
Cow: I'll go over and steal the flag,and while I'm coming back I'll zap people!
SpitFyre: But you can't attack with the flag!
Cow: I use my eyes to zap.
SpitFyre: Good point.
*Cow walks across field, zapping Zamorak's Team as he strolls along*
Zamorakian: ALL ATTACK THE COW!!!!!!
*Cow goes to the flag room and gets flag,then goes back to Saradomin Castle*
(All steps repeat until end of game)
SpitFyre: :O Oh my god!!!! Since our team did so well, we got 150 tickets!!!!
Cow: :D I like this game.

15-Mar-2009 22:48:40



Posts: 1,018 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Story so far: Cow visits Lum and gets challenged by a noob. Cow bribes the noob with pie. Cow and the noob go to the duel arena. Cow faces SpitFyre, wins and gets 7 mil. SpitFyre comes with Cow and KingNoob to the GE. Everyone at the GE freaks out because there's a revenant cow. Cow buys 150 poisons. Our main characters (you can't really call them "heroes" can you??) teleport to Castle Wars. KingNoob
thought the ogre village by Castle Wars was Castle Wars. He went to "Castle Wars" and most likely died. Cow and SpitFyre played Castle Wars. Their team won by a heck of a lot of points.
------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 5: Fears/PvP
SpitFyre: We should probably meet KingNoob in Lumbridge...
Cow: Yah...
*The teleporting sound*
KingNoob: I don't think that was Castle Wars...
SpiFyre: Did you die?
KingNoob: Yah...
KingNoob: I didn't know it's a DANGEROUS minigame!!!
KingNoob: Now I have a enternal fear of ogres!!!
SpitFyre: I'm afraid of Miles, Niles, and Giles.
They just creep me out!
KingNoob: What're YOU afraid of Cow?
Cow: I'm not afraid of anything.
SpitFyre: Why?
Cow: Because I can zap anything.
KingNoob: :O We should go to PvP!!!!
Cow: You'll die whithen two nanoseconds.
KingNoob: I'm staying in safezones.
Cow: Fair enough.
Me talking: At this point of the story I advise you scroll down a bit, as Cow,KingNoob, and SpitFyre are logging out and logging into a PvP world.Once I stop talking they'll be back.
SpitFyre: How do you like my armour?????
KingNoob: It's red clothes. It's NOOBISH.
SpitFyre: Its dragon armour you noob!
KingNoob: Am not!
SpitFyre: Are too!
KingNoob: Am not!
SpitFyre: Are too!
KingNoob: Am not!
SpitFyre: Are too!
Cow: It says so in your username.
KingNoob: :@ ------------------------------------------------------------

16-Mar-2009 12:24:01



Posts: 1,018 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter what ever it is:
PvP continued
Cow: Now that we have that problem over with we shou-
KingNoob: Im still not a noob. Im level 10 no-
KingNoob: Who's punching me???
________: I am.
KingNoob: Coooooooowwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cow: You've only lost half of your health.
___________: Yeeeessss! I got a............. set....of...bronze...armor......yay.....
Cow: So... what do you have in your inventory?
_____________: 3 godswords, 100 mil, full dragon... thats about it.
SpitFyre: You shouldn't have said that.
Cow: Wow. That was my best zap yet! :)
(__________ appears again in Lumby)
___________: I'll get you Cow!!! Just you wait!!!!
aplayer1234: *snicker* awww, its a wittle noob!
___________: I am not a noob! :@

27-Mar-2009 12:26:43

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