Name: Ham
Age: Whas' a age?
Appearance:A guy with white hair back in a ponytail(could make a joke with that) Clothes have beer stains all over them, and a Magical Tankard that automatically fills itself
Boy or Girl?: Man
Attitude: Drunk for life
Friend of Cow, enemy of Cow, or don't care? : Enemy(Hired)
Really-strong person?:If you count being an extremely drunk guy with a tendency to turn people into beer, then yes
'ZOMG A REVENANT COW!!!!' person?: No, definetley not
Do you like waffles??: YESH
Do you like pancakes??: YESH
Do you like frenchtoast??: Yes*, toast to Le French *hic*
Do you know the Do you like waffles song??????: What??????
Do like chocolate cake??: Yes, especially with guinness in it. mmmmm(My guys an alchoholic)
Short history of character:An alchoholic with white hair. Came from a family of *hic* Froggy Rabbits(according to him)
Anything else: Turns people into beer alot
11-Jun-2009 02:46:05